
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Knife in the Dark

After hearing that, everyone else took a great start to look between these two. The four of them could not believe such a cold and professional looking person that was here before them gave out such a happy and out of character reply to a man just entering a room.

The last person to be introduced, and exclaimed Wrack as his "Master," was a bulky and toned man with short white hair and one red and one gold eye. His facial features seemed to take much from Wrack himself almost like he could be Wrack's lost son. He wore a dark blue and kinda baggy leather armor that looked like it was made out of some sort of scaled creature. He had no visible weapons but a good look at his gloves caught the eye with what looked like a mishmash of wires.

Hearing him already be called out, Wrack looked over the man before giving him a slight nod and and replying "Ignis Wolf, how have you been since i have seen you last?"

Ignis took a few steps forward before giving a slight bow to him before answering "Great sir, as you probably heard i already reached S-Rank and have caught up to you. Just in time as i finally can be on a mission with you again." he beamed with pride.

Hearing this mans name, the rest of the group had a surprised look, Alibaster quickly said in a bit of a high pitched voice "The "Shifter", the newby who joined and had solo missions to new worlds all over as the perfect scout?"

"That would be me." He responded with a smirk.

"Damn, now i know this team is legit." added James with a huge grin on his face.

Owen commented after the initial shock, pointing at the girl still sitting down with his thumb "So we know the rest of us, big shots in the Order and all. But who is she exactly?"

With a slow turn of the head she answers back in a cold manner, light grayish eyes peeking out through her hair "I am Grim, but for future reference refer to us as Gremlin."

"And who is us exactly?" Owen rehashed the question

"We are Gremlin, and Gremlin is us. Does that answer your question?" she asked in snarky tone.

"Are we really having this come along with us?" Alibaster interjected while looking at Wrack, feeling a little weirded out by Gremlins remark.

"Although i was told she is a bit odd, i was assured of her ability by the director himself, so there should be no problem." Wrack stated. Then turning to Alibaster he asked "So i take it you have everything prepared for this trip, Larry?"

"sure do boss." he assured. With a snap of his fingers boxes of supplies, weapons and ammo appeared out of thin air behind him. Then with on more snap, everything disappeared like it was never there.

"Good, lets get going then, let us see what we are dealing with." Wrack told everyone before leaving out the door, being followed by the rest of his troop.

Walking through the compound with everyone in tow drew a good amount of attention. Those who knew of the members in the group was amazed and somewhat terrified of whatever would need the presence of the top fighters to take care of. Those new to the place or never followed the higher ups was being flagged down by those who did know just so they could share their knowledge with those who did not have any.

Upon reaching their designated breach point. Half the group admired the giant portal in the room surrounded by thick and heavy metal alloy walls and took note of the three to four dozen guards stationed around the room.

This was the most up-to-date world portal the union created, no faults could be found in its workings or look. The massive metal circle was sleek and perfectly level, no antenna or coils could be seen on its rims. The only thing touching it was eight wires that was connected to the back of the machine following its shape while it floated in place a few feet above the floor.

Noticing the group walk in, a team of scientist hastily messed with some controls behind a wall of glass causing the portal to shimmer a bit before lighting up with a blue glow. The glow started from the center of the ring and spread out to encompass the edges till it connected with the metal causing another flash of light. Following this second flash a new world could be seen through the portal, it looked like it was nighttime but looking closely in the sky you could see a distant sun trying to pierce the heavy cloud cover. With the entry point being a trail that led into a dense forest.

Before heading up the ramp into the portal, Wrack turned to look at his makeshift team of elites before mentioning something "Remember, this is a actual mission and one that is to be taken seriously, so everyone put on your masks, and from here on out codenames only"

With a quick nod of everyone, and a slight touch of the collar on their necks, a moving black mass covered everyone's head until it was covered all around forming each persons trademark helmet to hide their identity from other worlders.

Walking up the ramp into the portal Wrack entered first with a large grin on his face hoping this place would give him the fight he wanted. Second was Face with his giant slab of metal in his right hand and silver sword in his left ready to protect the team from any surprises. Third entering in was Reaper with his katana firmly at his waist and hand clasping the hilt ready to draw at a moment notice. Fourth being Shifter walking through the doorway while every step closer he took he grew larger and started forming scales where any skin was still visible.

The last two, walking side by side into the portal last, Larry and Gremlin watched with a bit of surprise at the change of Ignis as he prepared for any sudden attack after stepping into this new dangerous world. Still expressionless, Gremlin slowly walked to the new world while Larry was holding his sniper rifle at the ready, murmuring to anybody in earshot, "Can you believe we get to go on a mission with the actual "Yama", this is going to be awesome." as he sprinted into the portal, without noticing a slightly stunned and surprised looking Gremlin taking a step into the new world beyond.

Prelude is out of the way, story really starts from next chapter onward.

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