
0027 Chapter Twenty Seven : System Upgrade

"Man's ignorance of what benefits him and what harms him, and his lack of knowledge of what he should put his focus on one thing and when to ignore another thing is what results in almost all the physical and moral disabilities of people, which are:

"Their lack of knowledge of what benefits them or harms them in organizing their lives, in dividing the days, in their association with people and in choosing whom to associate with, in work and leisure time, in command and obedience, In the sensation raised by nature and the sensations raised by art, in eating, sleeping, and thinking

Ignorance of everyday trivialities and not having eyes to see well is what makes the Earth, for many people, a "field of unhappiness."

We do not say that the culprit here, as in everything else, is human unreasonableness. On the contrary, there is more than enough of reason, but we are directing it in the wrong direction.

War is the path to the unknown

Chapter Twenty Seven: System Upgrade

"System upgrade? Is this really possible?"

[ Yes, sir, you can upgrade the system with any currency you own. There are also levels for the system

Level 0 is where you are now. Level zero can buy cheap, imitated and not original weapons in many times... ]

" One moment.. What about Frankenstein 1000? is it imitated Don't be kidding me," Caiden asked.

[ Sir, do you know what this market is? Let me explain to you ..

The market of the system contains real people who sell and buy products .. they watch the products that are offered and all these things ]

" oh what? Where, then, is the advantage in this.." Kayden said bravadoly

The system market.. When there are those who buy and sell inside the system market, then what is the advantage of the advantage? Caiden thought it was something we could do and that he was the only one who could do the job

[ In fact, sir.. you do not know how the world revolves.. First, if you want to offer anything like equipment and products, you have to publish it, but before that you have to pay a lot of currencies in order to just sell anything cheap

Therefore, people left these things because of their loss every time they did so.. and the matter was limited to things that are sold in the millions only. ]

" So how can I see those cheap weapons and equipment then? Cayden said very strangely after not understanding everything the system said

[ And this is the advantage that you have .. You can buy and sell any item and delivery rights are not deducted from you if you have traded less than a million coins in the system market ..These things are displayed by the system.. Let's say you're the only one who can see that ]

" Hmm.. I'm starting to understand it a bit.. So how do I upgrade the system in this case? "

(Upgrading the system to the first level...

Since this is the first time the system has been upgraded, 50% will be automatically deducted from your inventory

The points you have to pay are '1500'' )

[Name: Octavius ​​De Antonius]

[Age: 15]

[level 4]

[Title: The Fifth Conqueror]


[Coins: 1500]

[HP 15/15]

[strength: 15]

[Agility: 24]

[energy: 13]

[Vitality: 13]

[Quests: Daily quests completed]

[Weekly Objectives: Closed for now]

[the shop]

[Skills: ? ? unknown]

[Second Title: King of Summoning] .... Read more

This is all I have ? Should I upgrade the system?

He who does not risk everything gains nothing

(upgrading the system to the first level)

(Congratulations to the player who upgraded the system for the first time)

(500 experience points as a free gift)

[level one system]

Since I've updated it now.. it's time to visit the market

' Open market system to see developments

(Open system market...

Congratulations to the number one system player..

The system is one, which is known as the body training system

This first-level market has all the techniques and wraps that help strengthen the muscles of the body and the body in general...)

It seems that this first-level system only strengthens the body..

Hmm damn.. I wanted to

learn magic

Hmph.. anyway let's do it the hard way

I already have 500 experience points.. Can I buy any technology from the store?

' The system told me the technique it recommended to me,' I said out loud

[Well, wait a minute]

(Purifying the strengthening of the body...

Name: Muscle is everything

Skill: This technique builds your muscles from the first and the new.. from the beginning.. the body begins to form from the steel bones to the flexible veins that do not cut.. it is a perfect body against shocks)

(Required: 300 experience points)

' Hmmm, I think it's good.. but O system, why did you recommend this skill to me?' I said in a voice of curiosity

[This skill allows you to control and use the sword that I named Ginger]

" Hmm..did you say ginger"

[Name of the sword: Ginger

Power : ??

talent : ??

Haddad: Unknown

Type: A weapon paired with a spirit within

Skill: Undiscovered]

It seems that there are not enough details... Maybe this skill called 'Muscle is everything' can open those closed boxes.

"System.. What is the meaning of a weapon associated with a spirit within it? I cannot understand that point.."

[The matter is very simple.. a weapon that can take shape in some forms, including the human form, and also it can speak, and it has the ability to think, and simple things like that]

" If these are simple things, then I am considered the stupidest man in the world." I said, not understanding a bit of what was going on, and then continued

" So how can I make these things work like sword skill in formation etc?" I said out of my extreme curiosity but I got an unsatisfactory answer

.[Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... At your level, don't think.. No, you don't even dream of doing it, and the basic requirements are very high.. So I delete this idea from your imagination.]

Well, if what he says is true.. then for the next period I will focus on this skill.. at least until I can use this strange sword

( body strengthening purification...

Name: Muscle is everything

Skill: This technique builds your muscles from scratch.. من The beginning..the body begins to form from steel bones to flexible veins that do not cut..it is a perfect body against shocks)

(Required: 300 experience points)

( Buy )

Obtained now..Should I read that whole book? It seems to be more than a hundred pages. It seems that it will take a little longer to read it. Let alone learn it

Well let's start with that

The first page says

" I am the earth! O you who go to the grain of wheat in its cradle, plow my body! You who are going to the mountain of fire, pass by my body

Physical exercise is the first exercise that you must learn before anything else. "

[ what are you doing idiot ]

"Read the book? Isn't that what you should do now..?"

This is how you will understand the book after a year with your flat mind ]

" So what should I do? I do not understand what you mean "

[Go to the skill information in the storage location]

"Okay, now you're here."

[ At the bottom, you will find a box called VIP, enter it]


welcome vip customer..

If you want to learn the skill immediately and quickly, it does not exceed a minute

(requires 200 coins)

" oh my god"