
Will of the Ancient

Atop a wide expanse of neverending clouds, a boy who looked no older than fourteen laid, unmoving. The boy was naked, his skin a pale white. He had a rosy complexion with cherry red lips. His eyes were closed shut as he stayed completely still.

His eyes opened wide, he sat up before he let out a sigh. He crossed his legs before floating a few feet off the cloud. Resting his chin onto his hands, his amber colored eyes stared into space as if contemplating about something.

The boy remained in this position without moving. After an unknown amount of time, he shuddered. His eyes grew brighter as he broke out in a grin, "yes, yes, that'll work!"

He swung his arms up in the air before he descended back down onto the clouds. His face filled with excitement as he rolled around with joy, "this should keep me entertained for a while!"

The boy sat back up as he closed his eyes. He brought his arms in front of him and close to each other. His hands started shining bright yellow as a orb of light appeared in between them. Inside the orb of light, existed the planets, the stars and the galaxies. In the palm of this boy, lied the universe.

The orb flickered before homing in on a certain planet. The planet was about 70% water and 30% land with clouds covering all parts of the planet. It was a shining gem amidst the darkness of space.

"This one will do." The orb flickered again before homing in on another planet. This one only had two massive continents, each taking up about 10% of the planet. They were on the opposite side of the world from each other, separated by the ocean. "And this."

"As for where it'll take place…" The orb flickered, this time the planet looked exactly like the previous. Two huge continents on the opposite sides of the world. It felt like a carbon copy of the one prior.

"And we're done!"

The light on the boy's hand faded as the orb disappeared. He started chuckling as he swiped his right hand. Eight screens appeared in front of him, each focusing on a different person. He stared at the screens as he swayed back and forth in anticipation.

"Good luck."


The night was cold, unusual for a summer evening. A soldier stood atop a city wall, shivering for warmth. He turned right, "It's freezing tonight ain't it huh?"

The soldier beside him nodded, "I don't know why it's so bloody cold, especially this time during the year." He stopped talking for a second, "Hey Joe, do you think this is maybe a bad omen or something of the sorts?"

Joe chuckled, "Jim, You're too paranoid. I doubt it's anything serious, it's probably the doing of a magician practicing some water magic-" A sharp whooshing sound interrupted him.

"J-Joe? W-What is that? WHAT IS THAT?" Jim pointed somewhere.

"What is it?" Joe followed Jim's finger and looked where he was pointing. His eyes bulged out, "W-What!" His heart started pumping fast as he clutched his with his hands.

A sphere of light plummeted down from the sky far away. The sight itself wasn't all too shocking to the soldiers as magic can accomplish similar sights but when they stared at the sphere, they felt a looming presence. They felt the power of something ancient and holy. In front of this archaic power, they felt like mere ants who's lives could be snuffed out in an instant.

Another sharp whooshing sound could be heard, then another, then another until there were eight different spheres of light plummeting down like a meteor, each heading towards different locations.

Joe turned around looking left, right and behind. After seeing all eight spheres, his body started to shiver even more as his breathing accelerated before he spat out some blood. He fell back onto his behind closing his eyes as he couldn't withstand looking at them any longer.

After waiting about ten seconds, he reopened his eyes. The spheres were no longer there, he slowly got up. "We have to inform the commander about this."

Jim shook his head as he got up, "Yes, I agree. This, I, I'll go inform the squad leader."

Joe nodded, 'Could Jim have been right about that bad omen? That light, what I felt there, it was even more powerful than the time I personally witnessed Archmage Lucas's high tier magic close up.' He shuddered at the thought of the light. 'Oh almighty father above, please protect us.'

this is gonna be different from most novels and what im used to as there will be EIGHT 'main characters. So bear with me as I experiment with stuff ai

RamenWarlordcreators' thoughts