
The beginning

once upon a time there was a world this world was not 'normal'. War was constant between two groups called 'the Silent' and ' Fighter'. The silent believed that a child with blue eyes and black hair would free them all from their pain of the war and that said child would bring peace to the enemy willingly or by force. While the Fighter Believed that said child would finish the war and help them finish off the rest of 'The silent'. "You can't be serious why are we sending him there?" "Because of the prophecy it has to happen." "Which prophecy there is two ya know." "George shut up." They shout in usion. I open the doors. "Max, Dawn why are you guys yelling?" I asked "N-Nothing our lord." "Good morning how was your slumber?" asked George. "What century are we in again?" I asked. "Sorry D.A.G.S. N." "GRRRR." I growled as I walked off. And then I went to bed. "Rise and shine kids, We are in a war time to train." "George turn the tv off." I grumbled just then i felt like i was floating than wam i was on the cold floor "I'm up!" I looked around to see a teen look at me pissed. And kids all around me looking down i pity. "Listen runt i don't get paid enough to deal with snot nosed kids like you so you will listen the first time or we will have some problems. Understand." I gathered all my strength into a fist and punched him in the gut. 1-0 he is out for the count. "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Dags N and i am here to save you all!" Everyone just laughed at me. I did hand signs Snake, Ram, Monkey, pig, Horse, Tiger, En fin. "Fireball!" I took a big puff of air and shot fire threw my mouth now the kids were scared and believed I was here to save them.

"What prophecy are you though?" One of the kids asked

"I am the third prophecy…"

So now everyone thinks that base I was in was abandoned so it is now my base we call our self the 'Isseki ni chou' Which means one stone two birds time to make our group known to the world!

We need some allies, ahh i know. I grabbed a knife and cut my hand. "In the darkness you lie, but here i am summonioning thy. I need allies as for i am the Prophecy. Bring forth your leaders and lets make a deal." The blood formed a drop and hit the floor. The room was covered head to toe in white smoke. *Cough, Cough* "Barin to much smoke!" "Sorry I'll fix that Aaron." As the room cleared two figures could be seen. "You summoned thy mortal." He said in a ridiculous pose. I face palmed. "Who the bloody hell you calling mortal! I am DAGS N. The son of Mylo the god of destruction and imagination. I am the Prophecy!" "I am terribly sorry for my friends mistake sir Dags. My name is Aaron also known as the demon king and this is-" ''I can introduce myself thank you. My name is Barin the fourth. Also known as the Shadow king." "I would like to become your allies. We are in a war zone and just in case of something going wrong i will have a friend beside me." "big brother what was the loud sound?" Asked a little girl. Aaron and Barin looked at me. "Who's this she's adorable! I have a little brother named Zack." "I don't have a name we have numbers." she said. I explained how I saved the children to them. "Her names Sarah." "Huh" "Your name, Your name will be sarah." I woke up all the other kids and got them into a line.