
War and Wars

Just a story of Amuris life. How she gain friends, what she did to give her love ones a better place to live, how she like a man so badly, and is she willing to give up the man she loves to be happy with the person Amuris believes will give them lifetime happiness.

usthesimp · Fantasie
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Centuries ago, people seek powers by stealing other lands, villages, kingdoms and territories. Thinking the more they steal, the more power they would have. They also uses innocent and poor people to forcely work for them night and day. Justice was forgotten. Greed, Lust, and Wrath overpowered. Erasing the humanity in thier minds and blinded by power.

Clans of every different species were fighting over something that does not cause peace and happiness, always shooting arrows, clashing swords, using 'Mang' to attack, killing millions of lives and all just for power. The obsession of obtaining power caused the once united clans to ruin each others habitats.

Instead of telling stories to children about fairytales and out-of-this-world imaginations, grandmothers stating how inhumane human are in this lifetime. Children was excited to feel the freedom they will have when they reach the exact age, but right now, they couldn't feel any excitements anymore. Not even a single word leave their lips about dreams and goals. It was placed with regrets. Breathing children envy dead children.

Rich children was taught to discriminate other people by their parents. 'don't ever talk to poor people', 'we're more powerful than them, they should respect and serve us.'. Hearing that would make you vomit all your meal.

But no one knows this nonsense will come to an end, they did reach out for help and it was answered. The Great War started.

All kinds of the planet's inhabitants participates on this big event. In deep ocean, in forests, vast skies, in dark forest, underworld, even royalties takes the war a chance to achieve undescribable power. They'd be respected, feared and served by the losers and weaks. How wonderful to imagine.

The Great War stopped.

Just like they woke up from a very long nightmare, like they escape the Devil's hypnotism that they instantly realized what have they done. The Great War were memorable, the unbelievable and satisfying scene where the sky was cleared along with their minds. It became the Miracle in Great War.

Clans miraculously become reunited again. Royalties started helping poor, forced work men got released on their chains and children could finally imagine their futures. Orcs helping people to build houses, Witches taught teenagers about their talents called 'Mang' on how to use it to help and not for hurting others, Fairies co-exist with humans without getting sold in blackmarkets or auctions the same with mermaids, Elves were no longer discriminated by others and wars ends.

The world were alive and peaceful again.

That's what they want to believe, but guess they were wrong. Lowering their guard and putting trust to anybody too fast again. They forgot they live in a world full of imperfections and sinful desires.

Envy flooded their heart again. Assassins clan was envied by others as gods and goddesses gifted them with incredible strength and motivation. Of course, strength isn't what you can obtain so easily. They just think that with strength, assassins could be unstoppable and dangerous. Assassins were fast, smart and would kill anybody for money. Why would gods gave them gifts?

Assassins clan was gone. Nobody left as just in one night, clans with full of envy attacked infants, elders, and pregnants women. None of the clan survived. Totally wiped out.

Or so they thought.
