
Chapter 2: Where Kakashi kicks ass and gets "saved" by an insane goat-man

With her amber eyes flashing irritatedly, an 11-year-old Kakashi makes a very intimidating picture as she impatiently waits for her mama to come pick her up. As much as she liked making people wait in her previous life, she doesn't appreciate getting the same treatment. Especially when she's sharing more time and air than she should with simpering, blabbering brats she's been forced to spend most of her time with for the past two years.

Don't get her wrong. It's not like she hates her so-called schoolmates. No, Kakashi truly can't exert that much effort for something so insignificant.

She just doesn't like them.

Kakashi freely admits that it's not much of an improvement but, seriously, whose bright idea is it for her make friends with immature brats with nothing on their minds but makeup, boys or sports? Her mama, that's who! Kakashi recognizes the fact that it's illogical to blame her new mother, since it's not like Sarah knows that her daughter's secretly a dimension-travelling male shinobi in his late twenties with a bit of perversion - hah! - and a mountain of psychological issues. (She doesn't wish to get thrown into what they call a mental hospital, no. Nuh-uh. Even the thought makes her shudder. It's a building that she half-suspects exists just to be the bane of her existence. It's a building embodying two of the things she would touch with a ten-foot pole. Her questionable mental health and a hospital. Ugh.) But, even after knowing and understanding all this, she can't help but sulk. (Yes, sulk. She does that now when she realizes how piss-poor her manly pride is. Why not take the whole cake, right?)

She's not even allowed to move up a grade and graduate earlier like she did before! Her mother makes it clear every time Kakashi asks because she always reasons out that she wants her daughter to interact with people "her own age". Snort. She's not doing that. Not a chance in hell. Kakashi's content with learning and absorbing topics and subjects available in the library and on the surprisingly advanced computers anyway.

Kakashi can hardly tolerate the academy students from her previous life and they're leagues more mature than the children here. Add the fact that she's a genius among prodigies and how emotionally-stunted she is, is it any wonder why she feels like this opportunity is akin to torture?

But, Kakashi digresses. It's not all bad. It sure beats getting trained as a killer from a young age, and the lessons are certainly interesting. Goode High School has a wide range of subjects she can pass the time with, although it's quite boring to take the same lessons again and again. It's interesting to know about the so-called laws in science - amusing to know, since she regularly broke it before as a shinobi -, the numerous civilizations and culture this world has gone through, and the advances in technology this dimension has achieved.

Kakashi still can't wrap her mind around the ideas of democracy, rights and peace. Unlike before, information and knowledge is freely shared, not hoarded. Innocent until proven guilty. A semblance of unity with hundreds of countries and lands where most children aren't used as tools and live a relatively long life without killing someone. Of course, it's not all fluffs and rainbows, but compared to before - compared to the world she was first born into, this is practically heaven. This was what many shinobi are fighting for. This was the dream that started with Madara and Hashirama when they founded Konohagakure, the Hidden Village in the Leaves. This was the reality she wishes she and her comrades had before.

There are downsides, yes. The justice system sucks ass - even more so than her previous life, damn it. She once studied the topic when she was bored and she immediately realized how the process is too long and there are a bunch of holes in the so-called laws that could be easily exploited by half-competent jackasses. There's also the usual depravity of humans to consider, but, all in all, Kakashi can't help but cry manly tears (just once, though!) when she realized how far this civilization has gone.

Kami, she feels like Gai when she remembers that particular experience.

And speaking of Gai, a boisterous call from a particularly loud teacher interrupted her brooding.

Turning around impatiently, she barely stops herself from flinching in shock when she recognizes the wispy goatee and buff physique. It's Coach Hedge, her gym teacher. He's the coach of the school's baseball team apparently, since he always carries this piece of metal called a "baseball bat" – a tool used in one of the sports practiced in this dimension - even in his free time. The man oddly reminds her of Gai with his loudness and penchant for challenging anything that moves.

Although described as a slave driver by one of her classmates, the man is a good teacher. Kakashi finds the teaching style passable since she enjoys any form of training in this dimension. However, the similarities between him and her long time comrade unnerve her a bit. Kakashi observes him inconspicuously at first - on the lookout for the chance that maybe Gai got reincarnated here too -, however the only thing that she got from it was how disgustingly messy the coach eats and how odd he walks. For someone with a supposed leg injury, Coach Hedge runs abnormally fast.

Visibly limping towards her, Coach Hedge growls out gruffly. "Oi, Collins. Your mother called and said she'll be late. She said you can wander to the library or garden while waiting, if you want to."

Nodding politely in response, Kakashi stifles the urge to sigh and decides to just borrow a book in the library about her current culture of interest. She's dabbling in the Greeks this time. A creature Kakashi saw the other day has one eye and a considerable resemblance to what the civilization dubbed as the "Cyclops". She's curious about the genjutsu that seems to appear randomly whenever monsters like these "Cyclops" appear and Kakashi ponders if she can use it for her own uses next time.

Kakashi takes a moment to pity her poor uncles before contemplating the sheer number of trolling possibilities if she succeeded in her research.

Poor bastards.

She would have felt for them more if they weren't such entertaining targets for humiliation and mind-fuckery. Kakashi needs to get her fix somewhere and well, they're right there. It's just lady luck work, she tells you. Besides, Kakashi's not even hurting them that much.

Their egos could use the down-time anyway.


Kakashi idly wonders if this is karma biting her in the ass from all the stunts she pulled before in her previous life.

After staying a bit in the library, she decided on exploring the school's garden for a change of pace. Kakashi thinks it would be a good opportunity to polish her "reading while walking" skills as well as a way to get comfortable with the place's layout. The garden is said to be quite beautiful and one of the pride of Goode High School, but Kakashi hadn't been able to visit before due to being enamored with the number of literary pieces in the library.

To quote one well-known saying in this world, she's hitting two birds with one stone.

...Or three birds, since there's a horse-rooster abomination in front of her now.

With the head and forequarters of a horse, and the wings and hindquarters of a rooster, the monster is terrifying. At least the bijuu from her previous life resembled real animals, albeit bigger with horrifying destructive powers. This abomination, on the other hand, seems to be a science experiment gone horribly wrong. It looks worse than Orochimaru's creatures for kami's sake, and that's saying a lot since she his minions were absolutely horrendous.

The horster – a clever name in her opinion since in her head, horse plus rooster equals to well, horster - seems unaware of Kakashi's presence at the moment, but she doesn't let herself relax. Kakashi's experienced enough to realize that there's a very slim chance that she could escape without getting its attention or noticed because the damn horster's blocking her path.

Careful not to make any sudden movements, Kakashi puts down the book in her hands, pulls out one of the daggers she's always kept on her person, and approaches the horster quietly. Her shinobi training from before kicks in and her feet make no sound they glide silently on the grass. Even with the element of surprise in her favor, Kakashi knows that she's only got, at most, two hits to slay the monster and she needs to make them count.

Readying her hand to strike its hind-legs viciously, Kakashi's hand jerks and only brushes the monster's chicken butt when it suddenly moves towards something that makes a violent war cry near the school building. She looks on in horror and incredulity when she sees her precocious gym teacher, Coach Hedge - who oddly, if Kakashi's eyes are not deceiving her, has goat legs -, charge the horster seemingly without a plan or whatsoever. Growling at the sheer stupidity - it's like Naruto, all over again damn it! -, she pushes herself to catch up to the surprisingly nimble monster and throws one of her daggers to divert its attention. However, this move seems futile when the incredibly foolish goat-man actually meets the rushing threat halfway, swings his trusty baseball bat valiantly and gets knocked out to unconsciousness.


The level of damage her teacher gets isn't missed by Kakashi and, with the principles passed onto her by Obito and her tou-san, Sakumo, her amber eyes flash dark red angrily. Her rage burns almost unbearably inside her before it cools into an icy bloodlust. With her mind unnervingly clear, she discards and modifies numerous strategies to make the abomination hurt and gush blood, while running purposefully towards it. As she dodges a strong kick from the horster and leaps forward in order to stab its eyes and slit its neck, she absentmindedly notes how the horster seems to freeze at the sheer power Kakashi's pouring out.

Hm. Something to consider later.

She hums pleasantly as the monster gets out one final screech of horror when Kakashi's attack strikes true before vaporizing into a yellow dust of acrid sulfur.

Taking a moment to compose herself and ignore the powerful urge inside her that craves more blood, Kakashi picks up the book she dropped earlier and searches for a specific page.

Kakashi laughs hysterically when she sees the name of the monster she fought. She just knew she read it earlier.


The Greek name roughly translates to "Cock-Horse" in English.

Damn, if that's not enough evidence that some kami has it out for her then she's totally gay for Gai.

(Which, by the way, she is not, no matter what her fellow jounin says. Kakashi has a healthy appreciation for the fairer sex thank you very much. Even if Gai's really nice, he's really not her er...type.

...Too youthful for her to be honest.)


After an hour of waiting, Coach Hedge finally wakes up. Kakashi closes the book she had been perusing to pass the time and takes a deep breath to control herself.

Looking stoically at the man or - goat-man - who really shouldn't have intervened in the fight, Kakashi jumps down from the tree she is sitting on. She crouches in front of him, saying curtly. "Explain, please. What is a satyr like you doing here?"

Her gym teacher's face sours. Grimacing at the pain from the bruises on his head, he takes a moment to reply as he sits up in a more comfortable position. "Collins, I saved you from the monster didn't I? You could be more grateful, you brat."

With barely concealed amusement, Kakashi smiles and humors the satyr's delusions."Maa, if you say so Coach Hedge." Making a show of putting down the book on her hand slowly, Kakashi whips out one of her knives in a flash and points it in her teacher's neck.

"I'm not looking forward to joking around, soldier. The only reason why I didn't kill you is because I wanted to know why you tried to fight the Hippalectryon earlier. You're still a monster, are you not? Why did you charge him then?" she croons dangerously.

The satyr pales white for a moment before scowling. He replies in a faintly offended manner. "I'm a satyr. We're generally peace-loving creatures who search for half-gods like you and get them to Camp Half-blood."

Kakashi snorts.

Coach Hedge looks more offended, if that's even possible but, nonetheless, he continued. "It's my task to protect bratty, self-entitled brats like you and escort them safely to camp. You're generally hunted by monsters and Camp Half-Blood is where you'll be safe and trained." He offers her a business card, which Kakashi sees after a brief glance, contains an address of the so-called camp the satyr was advertising about.


Kakashi stares at him consideringly - weighing his words and how truthful he is. After making him sweat nervously for several minutes, she hides the knife and deftly accepts the card – her eyes crinkling into half-moons in a semblance of a smile. "Is that so? Maa. Sorry about threatening you, then." She stands up lazily and slips into her more affable persona – acting, for all intents and purposes, like the previous minutes didn't just happen. She offers him her hand and is vaguely surprised when he accepted it despite of everything.

"Cruel, entitled brat." The satyr mutters under his breath incredulously.

"Not cruel, just cautious." Kakashi corrects. Stretching her body up, she beams innocently. "Besides, I'm letting you off easy. I generally kill first. If they're good, then I say sorry afterwards." She pats her teacher's face mockingly. "Aren't you lucky?"

Coach Hedge freezes, unnerved. He stays in that position as the bobbing ponytail of Kakashi disappears from sight.

Abruptly, his legs gave out in relief. "Damn brat. I wonder who her parents are." Shaking his head ruefully, the satyr pities himself for having the luck of recruiting her. He wonders if he can file for a transfer next time...


Omake #4: Where Kakashi is actually really popular despite her hip and cool attitude.

Amirah Collins is a weird girl.

Jack Peters knows that from the start when he sees her startling amber eyes, delicate features and petite stature.

As a new student in Goode High School, Amirah is the main topic of the school grapevine for several weeks. Pretty, confident and self-assured, a high standing in Goode High School's social hierarchy was almost guaranteed.

...Almost, that is.

When she proceeds to beat talented - and influential - students one by one in every category possible -academics, sports, and even in extracurricular activities - and rebuffs every hand stretched in faux friendship, Amirah becomes the subject of envy and malicious gossip. Jack once tries to warn her about it, but the girl is either amazingly oblivious or unflinchingly aloof when she let the insults roll off her back. She thanks him politely though and seems almost amused at his concern.

Jack thinks she was quite insufferable, after that.

The bullying continues for several months and Jack is afraid that the girl he is stalk- ahem observing thoroughly would be subjected to a more cruel treatment, since she doesn't really fight back or speak up against it.

It turns out he needn't have worried. Those who physically manhandled her are dealt with quite thoroughly afterwards. The injuries are horrifying according to rumors and Amirah flies under the radar. The students - either in fear or boredom - stop talking about her so much and, after a year, she is seemingly just one of the faces in school.

Jack's interest doesn't wane though and he occasionally observes her when he has time.


When he sees a somewhat exhausted Amirah get in her mother's car, Jack squashes down the urge to say goodbye. He noticed her coming from the garden earlier and even though he wanted to approach her, he didn't have the guts to do so.


(What Jack doesn't know is that aside from him, numerous guys and girls that are strategically placed at the school gates are also observing Amirah in their own way.)

(...Poor Kakashi. Even after hopping into another dimension, she still needs to put up with fangirls and, now, fanboys with stalkerish tendencies.)


(On another note, Sarah wonders if her daughter notices the number of admirers she has. Looking at her stoic face though...probably not.

Her daughter may be a genius, but Amirah's oddly stupid when it comes to these things sometimes.)

Beta'd by xX I. AM. BEASTXx

alunagraycreators' thoughts