
Chapter Three

"Jacob, Matilda had a fall but she is okay now. The thing is, I cannot go back to Manila just yet. When are you flying back?"

"Today. Do you need me to do anything for you?"

"I need you to check with Lilo. The antique cleaners are arriving tomorrow. I'm afraid it is his first time. Lilo might be overwhelmed."

Jake's body hardened instantly. He couldn't help it. Just the thought of Lilo gave him this kind of reaction.

His grandmother didn't know that he was at the ancestral house frequently. He slept his jetlag there and generally made himself a nuisance to Lilo. The poor guy didn't say anything but he knew Lilo was uncomfortable with him around. Uncomfortable and hungry...

Jake just didn't know what he would do with the destructive attraction.

His relationship with Sonya went cold but he decided to retain her fiancee because it suited him. The Long Chi Minh Estate's owners heard about his engagement and were happy about it.

"Mr. Chi called me to congratulate you. I told him that you and Sonya are getting married." Ferdie had cheerfully informed him when he called the next morning.

"You have no right to do that!"

"As head of your financial advisers, I have the duty to protect your interests. And your engagement to Sonya is as good as marriage, Jake. C'mon, bro, you can marry now and have an annulment later. Don't worry, I'll help you." Ferdie told him cajolingly. "I have prepared a pre-nuptial agreement."

Jake smacked his forehead. "I want to break our engagement. I don't care for Sonya's tantrums!"

"Forget the tantrums. Sonya promised me they're gone. She's just having PMS, er, monthly period." Ferdie spoke fast. "Think of business, Jake. This Long Chi Minh deal is the deal of a lifetime!"

"Okay, okay, you persuaded me," Jake agreed reluctantly.

"When is the date of the wedding?"

"No date yet," Jake replied firmly. "And Ferdie, this is the last time you'll do this to me. No more meddling into my personal affairs. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!" Ferdie replied quickly. Jake frowned when he detected snootiness in the tone of his friend and company lawyer.

His mind went back to Lilo as always. He thought of the large expressive eyes. He could read the desire and craving in the twin windows of the soul. He found it repulsive yet the full lips looked addictive. Lilo had a maddening mannerism of lip-biting. Jake had to stop himself from kissing and nipping the juicy lips.

"How old are you?" Jake remembered the first conversation they had.

"I'm twenty-seven."

"Where are your parents?"

"I--don't know. Maybe, they're dead. I grew up in an orphanage."

"No adoptive parents?" He thought of the handful relatives he had. Although he was an orphan himself, he knew his parents. He was thirteen when they died from a sea accident.

"I'm alone."

"Is that why you took the job?"

"I need the job. I'm saving money for my last year in college." Lilo stated with quiet pride.

"What are you taking?" Jake admired determination in any individual.

"Education. I'm going to teach pre-schoolers." Lilo's eyes grew dreamy.

"You like children."

"I love children."

Oh, what a pity, you're not a woman!

They did not have a conversation such as that first time. Lilo was avoiding him as much as possible when he was around. Jake was content to know that they were inside the ancestral property at the same time. For how long, he didn't know...

* * *

One Friday morning, Attorney Borromeo drove up to the house on the hill. Lilo opened the gate to let him in. She was expecting Jacob Mendez and she almost fainted with relief when the lawyer appeared.

"No, you don't have to open the big gate for my car. I shan't be long." He laid out two checks and a piece of paper on the garden table. "Grandma Esme issued you a bonus check, along with your monthly check."

Lilo gasped silently. The bonus check was a surprise. "Thank you, sir!"

"Please, sign here." He indicated where to sign.

Lilo read the short document before signing and then accepted the two checks.

"Oh, by the way, here's the instructions for the antique cleaners. They will be here tomorrow morning. Give it to their leader." Attorney Borromeo took a scribbled notepad from inside his breast pocket. "I'll be going."

Lilac had suppressed her excitement until the lawyer departed. She looked at the bonus check again when she was alone. The amount was equivalent to a month's wage. Mrs. Mendez was generous!

A happy and grateful smile slowly writhed her face. She could finish her college and review classes quite comfortably. She would take the board examination with no money problems to think about.

She sent a message to her bestfriend when she was alone once again. 'I have a surprise bonus! Hope you're here to celebrate with me!'

She didn't wait for a reply. Pia was always busy with the baby.

Lilac went around the servants' quarter, which was situated at the back of the house. She hummed under her breath. Her room was bare and white-washed, except the double-decked single bed made of steel and the wooden table. There was no mirror. Just a small and rounded wall clock, to which she was grateful because she always knew the time when she opened her eyes in the morning.

The room and the bathroom were scrupulously clean. Her clothes were hanging inside the closet and her toothbrush inside the medicine cabinet. Although she had been staying here for about two months, Lilac was keeping the place impersonal.

Time flew. The place was isolated. Only nature surrounded the property. It was located on the top of a hill. Yet Lilac stayed here alone day and night, with only the occasional day-off.

Lilac missed the old woman. Mrs. Mendez made the trek uphill almost every day on the first week to get her acquainted. Always a chatterer, she talked to the antiques as though they were her children.

"I've been dreaming about where to put each particular antique for ages. Now, I feel they are happy to where they are now." Mrs. Mendez smiled and showed her perfect porcelain teeth.

The house stood alone on a hill. Mrs. Mendez made a major facelift of the house, with the help of his grandson. She retained the original design and continued the flow to all directions, resulting to a sprawling mansion. She filled the rooms with her collection of antiques tastefully. Somehow, the décor did not suffer. The antiques look as though they belong to every room.

"My husband had been an ambassador to different countries. That's why I was able to hoard a lot of antiques. Many of them were gifts from friends."

"You have many friends, ma'am." Lilac observed quietly.

"Grandma. Everybody calls me 'Grandma Esme'," the old woman insisted. "I always treat people good. That's why I was an effective wife of an ambassador."

"Yes, er, Grandma Esme," Lilac smiled timidly. She always followed Grandma Esme around. Somehow, the silent companionship she offered was soothing to the robust matriarch. She was content to listen to stories of a colorful past.

"I still want to see Jacob's children." Grandma Esme maybe old but she moves around energetically. "So that I will have stories about them when I see my husband in heaven."

Jacob was thirteen years old when his parents died in a sea accident. He was an only son. His doting grandparents spoiled the boy. Living with them in different countries and studying at different schools. When he was eighteen, he took his trust fund and built a company. He went into house flipping, as a hobby. When he discovered real estate, he became a millionaire. At thirty, he became CEO of his own group of companies.

His grandfather passed away five years ago. Ever since she became a widow, Grandma Esme travelled from her city condo unit to the ancestral house on the hill.

"This was where we first met. We were friends at first then we fell in love. We were married at the chapel below." The chapel's unmistakable pointed roof had a cross on top. It was shining blue under the sun, clustered by the greenery of surrounding trees.

Lilac felt the old woman's nostalgia. Privately, she didn't think that Sonya would let children ruin her perfect figure. She was not vengeful because Sonya had left a deep scratch on her arm the only time they met. The wound had healed without a scar but the sharpness of the woman's tongue still remained with her.

Lilac was not in the habit of forming any opinion about her employers. In her three years in this business, she sat a house for a few days only. Her customers were mostly neighbors and friends of friends. Her natural reticence had helped her a lot in this job. Posing as a young man was a daring act from her. But needs come first, propriety second. She had done nothing bad.

And yet, she felt guilty when the grandson was around. She couldn't believe that she would be 'smitten' with him but he dominated her every dream.

Lilac saw Jacob Mendez regularly. Every weekend, he would appear at the ancestral house. He confided to her one time that he drove straight from the airport.

Every time she saw him, she was star-struck. The air suddenly lacked oxygen. Her lungs couldn't function very well.

Lilac would recall his fiancee and put her in front of her mind. His girlfriend was a perfect foil for his dark complexion. Sonya Escudero had bleached long hair and creamy skin. She looked irritated because the strong wind kept ruffling her straight locks while the boyfriend had a carefree attitude. He enjoyed the sun against his face. He looked cool in his gauzy, white polo and beige pants. His clean-cut hair was windblown. He folded the long sleeves up his forearms.

She always felt uneasy when Jacob Mendez arrived alone and tired every weekend. He did not bring the fiancee anymore.

Lilac was forced to serve food for him. They were alone in the ancestral house. She would carry the food tray with downcast eyes and yet, his arresting face and dark, piercing eyes remained in her memory. His aristocratic nose and firm mouth lingered in her retina. She closed her eyes and she could see him still. His image seemed imprinted on her skin.

The man fascinated her. She had never met someone like him. His personality was larger than life. His gaze was enigmatic. Jacob Mendez had charisma with a capital C. His smile changed his features endearingly.

He seldom smiled at her but when he did, she could feel her bones melting and turning to water. She was shaky and sweaty even though she just stood unmoving after a hasty retreat. And when she recovered from the shock, her lips would smile tremulously. Her eyes would soften dreamily.

At twenty-seven, Lilac felt infatuation for the first time. She couldn't get his handsome face from her mind. She often caught herself daydreaming about her handsome employer. She had this uncontrollable desire to explore his face with her lips.

How does it feel to kiss the lips of Jacob Mendez?

Lilac tried to erase the infatuation she felt for Jacob Mendez. He was to marry Sonya Escudero.

'I saw a pic of Sonya and Jake. Jake Mendez is a hunk! So yummy!' Pia texted suddenly.

'Pia!' Lilac reprimanded shockingly. She hoped Pia's husband couldn't read her text messages.

'Haha! You're a prude, Lilo!' Pia mocked back. 'Must go. Baby Luane is awake!'

A prude didn't imagine what it was like being kissed by Jacob Mendez. A prude didn't wonder what it felt like in his arms...

But she felt apprehensive whenever she thought of Jacob Mendez. She didn't know for how long she would harbor this unrequited attraction for the man. She felt hopeless.

The antique cleaners arrived early the next morning. Lilac gave the notes to Berta.

"These shall be looked after, sir. Thank you." Berta replied respectfully after reading the notes.

They finished their cleaning jobs at five in the afternoon. There were ten of them. All female. They specialized on antiques. After the cleaners left, Lilac was alone again in the extensive house. She thought about her life. She was always alone but she had been able to reach the unreachable for someone like her.

Orphaned at an early age of two, without knowing both her parents, she grew up in foster homes. She had learned to please all members of the foster families since she was young. Working and studying at the same time, she had focused all her attention towards education. Lilac finished elementary and highschool.

When she turned eighteen, she had been supporting herself. She left the orphanage. She took college one semester at a time. Life was hard but she gritted her teeth and just ploughed on.

Lilac met Pia during college. They clicked at once. Pia was also a product of poverty but she had her parents who supported her.

Lilac and Pia were black and white, as some classmates would call them. She was a head smaller and had brown skin due to prolonged hours under the sun. She sold t-shirts and shorts at the sidewalks of Manila during off-school time.

Pia was tall and fair. Beauty pageant organizers always invited her. Despite the differences of their looks, they continued being friends even when Lilac had to work and to save money.

With her final year in college, she needed to save money for the review course after graduation. She aimed to pass the board exams in one take only.

Pia met her husband, Matt Nagasaki, at work. He was the boss. After staying engaged for two years, they married. She wanted to share her good fortune and tried to support Lilac's studies. The latter gently refused.

"Oh, Lilac, you and your pride!" Pia exclaimed in frustration. "Okay, please, accept this. My old phone, to remember our friendship by."

"You're not going away?"

"Silly, of course not. Matt bought a new phone for me. I want you to have my old one so that we can text each other. We shall have our honeymoon in Japan. We can send pictures to each other." Pia concluded enthusiastically.

"Okay. Thank you very much!" Lilac had no option but to agree. True to her words, Pia sent her pictures of her honeymoon, her new home, and even her pregnancy ultrasound result!

Lilac was godmother to Pia's daughter, Mari Luane.

To have a friend like Pia was a blessing. She would show her appreciation by doing good in this job. After all, this was the first time she had to pretend to earn money...

* * *

Jake Mendez was in the middle of meeting his stockholders when his secretary popped her head through the half-opened door. She was miming the telephone with her hand to her ear and with her eyes wide. She was telling him something with no voice.


His forefinger stretched. It meant one thing. 'Let her wait.'

His secretary shook her head. 'Angry,' she mouthed again.

His brow curved slightly then shrugged almost imperceptibly. He replied to a query by one of the men without a hitch but inside, he was seething. His brain, while busy in the meeting, decided to end things between them. He had enough of Sonya's tantrums.

The secretary disappeared back to the office.

The meeting lasted for another two hours. They were discussing a new idea which needed an extensive explanation so that everyone was on board. After everyone agreed on the matter on hand, they stood up and shook hands with one another.

"The meeting is adjourned. We'll have our next meeting in two weeks. Meanwhile, my secretary will send each one of you the minutes of this meeting. I recommend you to read it so if you have any questions, we will answer them before the next meeting. See you, ladies and gentlemen."

Jake waited for the last person to go out of the conference room before he went to the office. He sat on his leather chair and put up his feet on one corner of his wide office desk. No one could detect his restlessness. He wanted to go to the ancestral house but he still needed to sign some papers.

Jake couldn't believe that he still felt attracted to Lilo. Without seeing the house-sitter, he could feel the intense stare. He imagined the moist plump lips inching all over his body. He knew he was in denial. There was no way he was gay but he was having wet dreams about Lilo...

His mind wandered to Sonya. He knew he was being unfair to the woman, dangling her in the name of business. She had behaved herself ever since Ferdie talked sense to her. She was the sweet and charming woman once again. She didn't mention her lack of ring. She was the essence of patience.

But now, Sonya was back to her demanding self.

"Put Sonya on the line for me, Irma," he instructed his secretary.

"Yes, sir!" Irma was apprehensive. She was working for him for about three years. She knew him when he was mad. He just grew silent and his face was blank. But his eyes were like embers…

"Hello? Who's speaking?" Sonya's shrill voice reverberated through the speaker.

"It's Jake."

"Oh! Why won't you take my call earlier? My friends, Aimee and Lotty, are going out now. Call me again later." He could hear female laughter from the background.

"Listen--" Jake gritted his teeth.

But Sonya was not listening. "I've found this cute little white dress for my wedding. It costs too much for my budget but if you'll lend your card to me I'm sure I'll get the pretty dress for a discount."

No one had logic like this. He didn't know if it was intentional or Sonya thought just like this. Starting with her budget then making it sound as if he was dying to lend his credit card—and ending with a discount just because he was the one buying the dress!

Jake closed his eyes and massaged his forehead.

"Sonya, listen. The engagement is off. There shall be no wedding." He felt relieved after saying what had been on his mind.

"What! What are you saying, Jacob? We are getting married next month! You need to marry me soon!" He could hear hushed snickers in the background.

"You're too highly-strung, Sonya. I guess, I'm not the man for you."

"No! You need me!" Sonya screamed at the telephone. "I am your only chance for your deal!"

"What do you know about the deal?" Jake cut in frowningly.

"Ferdie told me about the 'Lo-chee-mean' deal. You couldn't continue unless you get married soon!" Sonya pronounced the name wrongly but Jake understood her very clearly. "You buy me a ring right this minute!"

"Ferdie told you the wrong thing. There will be no more deal! Goodbye, Sonya!"

She laughed outrageously. Still confident that he would go crawling back to her. From the background, he heard the many female voices. They were egging Sonya to continue arguing with him.

"You're not the only woman on earth, Sonya Escudero! I'll marry the first woman I meet tonight!" Jake could have bitten his tongue but the words were out.

"Hah! You think you're a big catch! You can think again. There are more bigger fish out there! I'll find one who can buy me my cute white dress!" Sonya shouted shrilly. "Miser! Cheap skate!"

"Enjoy fishing! Bye, Sonya." He got tired of the call at once.

When he turned his chair, his secretary was hovering by his office table. She was clutching a thick bundle of papers. "Thank you, Irma. I'll call you again after I signed them all."

"Yes, sir!" She was clamping her lips to stop herself from asking curiously. She had overheard the last part of the argument.

"Please, cancel everything that is connected to Sonya. And also, send Sonya flowers and trinket as a thank you. Put 'goodbye and good luck!' on the card." Jake had miraculously recovered from his headache.

"Anything, sir?" Irma gulped nervously.

"That's all for now." Jake became aware that he was frowning ferociously. He smiled at his secretary.

"All noted, sir." Irma went out the door with a bow.

Jake signed the papers with a clear head. He was able to scan each one before signing over his printed name. He had arrived here this morning from Long Chi Minh Estate. He was just in time for the stockholders' meeting. After this last task, he was driving to the ancestral house tonight.

Team Sonya versus Team Lilo, who's winning?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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