

The sacred stone gigaroth of the beginning was fragmented by the god of heresy El Sof, in his fight against the original gods, the fragmentation of gigaroth was the precursor of the advent of the end it was the pillar of the world without it the world is now in an unstable state, when humanity was about to sink, all the people of the world decided to bring together all the most powerful warriors in the world and invite them to a tournament the winner will be the one who will have to defeat El Sof and put down the project of the original gods, in addition to give him the strength to fight he will then have all the power in the world to make him the ultimate being "god". Fact : I am the strongest, I am God, I will go beyond unification, praise the name that has been bestowed upon me beyond the worlds, my original name cannot be pronounced, he who aspires to be above, who am I? Act 1 : The tournament of unification will now begin, the kings of humans, all the lands of Pangea must prepare the greatest warriors that the earth has ever carried, the ambitious, the nobles, the commoners among all these people one will become the being by which everything will end and everything will be reborn, the time has come to determine the being who will be the pillar of unification, conspiracy, love, betrayal, combat will be at the appointments in the quest for salvation

omegadraw1 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Logic behind the new toy

I went out incognito to escape the prison that my status embodies and here I am back as a slave, it's to die for.

In front of the estate of the noble Faust family, yes I am Eleanor Faust, in front of the gate two guards had recognized me without making too much ceremony they opened the gate and I entered.

After crossing the courtyard I finally reached the door of the house where the butler who had been assigned to me was waiting for me.

-Miss Eleanor, where were you this time?

-I was just getting my mind off the city incognito, no need to make a fuss.

-Think of your status if it were to get out, you would run the risk of being punished.

-It's too late with what's happened but it doesn't matter anymore, just get my clothes ready and I'll start by taking a bath.

-As you wish, Miss.

I'm tired but there's no time to rest, I had to think about what to do next.

After taking my bath, some servants came to help me to get dressed, I dismissed them as soon as their work was finished I had now to fulfill my obligations of the day.

But first of all no one must find out that I am a slave for the moment not even my father, so I had to be very careful.

-If he were to find out that I was a slave, he could do everything he could to lift the spell, but I have a feeling that it won't be that easy and we might lose some time, time that we don't have right now.

I turned on the lily, making circles with my two hands that helped me to relax.

-I had a feeling that if word of this got out, the Faustian house would definitely be tainted, and if that happened we would be out of business in no time because of me.

After dressing appropriately, I left my room and went to the library, among the things he had asked me for were some books that he was interested in.

There was no certainty that we had all the books he wanted, but the important thing was the essential.

Like most noble families, we also have a large library full of books on history and magic and advanced theories, I guess until now first didn't have access to that kind of work.

-It's strange, first I have a feeling...

-What are you doing lost in thought?

That voice was the last born of the Faust family, Chessly Faust my little one.

-Big sister Eleanor!?

I had just entered the library but I had forgotten that this was her playground, sitting on one of the desks of the library she was staring at me with her fake smile.

-Cheesly always with her nose in your books I see, it's worthy of the heiress of the noble Faust family!

That was sarcasm on my part.

-And I can see that your little escapade has not calmed you down, big sister Eleanor!

The pest, I should not prolong this interview, it is not for nothing that she is the main heiress, she might suspect something.

I turned away from her to search towards the shelves, I felt that her glance followed me.

After picking up a few books, I headed for the exit and her office was halfway there.

-Energy studies, here is a very basic book for you big sister! Have you regressed so much that you want to study the basics?

She had managed to read the titles of the books at a glance!

-One must always consolidate these foundations as they say!

Fu fu fu

-But it is not tomorrow the day that you are going to be interested in the study of the level of disorder of the particles, the theory of the concordance, the bipolarity and the phenomena of entanglement, the conservation of data tell me rather for whom do you take these books?

You who have never been interested in studying more than necessary!?

-What does it concern you?

-Nothing as well as your little escapades that father ignores I feel that you are troubled if you have concerns do not hesitate to come and talk to me.

-Okay, I'll take my leave.

Watching slightly behind me she kept her facade smile.

It could get dangerous if this girl gets involved, I just got home and I'm already feeling tired.

But it's just the beginning if I want to see what First is hiding and I have to fulfill the mission he gave me.

Entering my room I tried to read the books I had taken for first Chessly's remark was relevant I do not understand why he wanted the books on the basics it is as if the magic for him was innate and now to evolve he had to break these constructions and build on a new basis.

At least that's the impression it gives, I can't place his level.

But that only applies to the basic books, the rest was far too complex, I only understood the essentials but beyond that it's a scholar's work, I understand better why Chessly burned me.

-If these books disappear for too long I might have problems?

I hope Master First doesn't keep them, that would be annoying.

After leafing through the books I took out a sheet of paper that was in the drawer and started to write, for the moment what was needed was information and I knew the right person to write it down and sign it, I put it in an envelope and had a servant come and send it to a specific place.

-Now all I have to do is wait and see, if he dies in the dungeon I might be free of the slavery contract?

Hmm nothing is happening, this slavery contract is strange I have to study but I can't in the family library not with Cheelsy around.