
New family(5)

"This part ache"

One of the patient said touching his leg that has a black sphere with two horn biting deep on his fur

"There's another one master!"

The humakey who is looking at the Injured leg shouted

Madell appeared behind her student and said

"Let me see"

"Ah, here"

The humakey said holding the sphere so it wouldn't fall and tear the patients fur and skin

"Where did you go?"

Madell asked making the patient and her student looked at her

"Isn't it obvious, I'm asking you" Madell pointed at the patient and the humakey immediately replied

"I was hunting in the west gate when this happened" It answered

"really?" Madell asked staring at the humakey's injured leg and the sphere twitching

"Its still alive" Madell murmured before immediately pinching the black sphere and it immediately pull off leaving its ominous stingers behind attached to the humakey's skin

Her student that was holding the sphere grabbed it when it fall off the patient

The black sphere could no longer be called a sphere as crack appeared and its shape started to shift and the small crack is where a black liquid is slowly leaking out

"ow!" The patient began to make a face once the thing was removed seeing it Madell said

"The pain wouldn't kill you"

"Yes" The patient responded with his eyes closed it relieve the pain for some reason

"Remove the stinger and clean the wound before applying the mixture" Madell said and her student watching his teacher do all the work said in a stuttering voice

"I ca-can do it master"

Hearing him Madell said with a smug

"Of course you can, your my student"


Hearing no reply Madell goes to her other students, and helped them if they couldn't handle some works mostly works that needs physically strength

In the small hole of Madell's office, a eye could be seen matching Madell's movement

"Sire, ma'am Madell is amazing" Mandell said to sire

The certain humakey is on Madell's desk arranging the old brownish papers, sire is wearing a wooden glasses that doesn't contain any lenses

"Praise me to kid, see my work" sire said showing a number of paper which have contents filled even to its corners. paper is a hard resources to get after all,

"Ma'am Madell could do that too but faster!" Mandell boasted

The young lad is wearing nothing but bandage hiding the parts that's needed to be hidden he's also covering himself in blanket to protect himself against the cold

"Faster?, aside that don't you have a class?, I remember a young lass coming her and teaching you?"

"Teach is away" Mandell responded

"So were alone?" Sire asked

"Yes?" Mandell replied looking at sire before turning his head back to the small crack on the door

"Then call me sire"

"No" The young lad immediately responded

A day before and dark came Ma'am Madell entered mandell's room

"Don't say my brother's name or just avoid having a conversation with him okay Mandell " Ma'am Madell said before pointing her finger to her brother and shouting furiously

"And you brother don't let Mandell get caught in any of your schemes!"

"What schemes?" Sire said before Ma'am Madell shouted to him

"If Mandell get caught you should say goodbye to your fur!"

"yes" Sire responded

I thought me and sire wouldn't meet ever again the moment we first saw each other cause he looks like someone who care for a visit and didn't leave here, but I spoke too soon

Mandell looked behind to sire working and pondered

'hopes he forgot about that day'

After a minute of nothing to do Mandell left the door alone and head to his room just before he could enter sire said


"No" Mandell said which sire responded

"You look pretty bored to me"

"I'm not" Mandell said before grabbing the golden scroll from the table and said showing the scroll off


"What am I suppose to see?"

Mandell looked at the scroll before shutting the door to his room

"Got embarrassed what a child"

Inside the room Mandell begin to read the scroll from the start to the end and as soon as he finish is the time when the healer house become empty of its patient and that time of the day came

"Hey kid it's that time already!" Sire shouted

Hearing him Mandell put the open the scroll on the table and left letting the golden scroll fall toward the ground

He opened the door of Ma'am Madell's office and took a step to the place he could only look at earlier

"Mandell what a big smile, did something good happened?" One of the humakey on the second floor said before a humakey tugged on his shoulder and spoke

"Did you see me kid, I look cool healing people right?"

Mandell nodded before a voice came behind him

"Mandell you can have this" A humakey holding a shell necklace

"Thanks" Mandell said as soon as the necklace reach his hand

While the humakey's and Mandell talk with each other Madell head toward her office where she saw sire having mountain of work

"Having fun torturing your brother?" Sire asked

"A little" Madell responded

"That aside you sure letting the kid out is okay" Sire asked

"She can't stay cage to that room can she?" Madell said

"And about the school?" Madell asked which sire replied

"I have a mountain of work here, I'll give it to you tomorrow"

"I could finish that work in a minute" Madell boasted

"Yeah, yeah your fast good for you" Sire replied before turning his head back to the paper

"Kid can I see your nail?" A humakey asked

Seeing nothing wrong with it Mandell showed his finger making the humakey seeing his hand become shock

"Oh my"

"Hahaha, it's small"

"Can you even eat with something that small?"


"it's cute"


humakey's laugh some covered their lips trembling trying to control their voice and the remaining voice out their opinion

the humakey who asked the young lad wipe off his tear from all the laughter and said

"My bad, just wanna give this to you"

The humakey said handing Mandell what seems to be a claw that have a hole that could fit on his finger

"Why didn't i think of that?" A humakey murmured

"How smart"

"Wouldn't the kid like him more with that"

"I'm jealous"

Hearing the humakey near murmured with each other he held his nose up

Mandell have no idea to what purpose it have but he keep it hidden in the blanket he was using to hide from the cold and said

"Thank you"

As to how Madell's student and Mandell began to be this friendly with each other, the person in question also doesn't have any clue

'I never talk to anyone of them have i?, how come they're ready to give me stuff like this'

Mandell pondered looking at the claw and the shell necklace hiding behind the soft blanket that was covering himself

He recieved permission to go to this place some time after when Ma'am Madell had told him to not call her brother with its given name

After looking at the gift he recieved Mandell looked at the humakey's circling at him

feeling that being thrown to this place for some reason....wouldn't be as bad as he thought it would be