
Chapter 2

Crown Princess Anatolia and Prince Yvain met at a party held by Yvain. They began discussing their rules on their respective regions.

Anatolia: "I believe in meritocracy, Prince Yvain. I do not allow my citizens to own slaves, except for myself, as I believe it is immoral. Instead, I own all the slaves in my region and ensure they are treated fairly. I also do not allow aristocrats or nobles to own slaves."

Yvain: "Interesting. Well, in my region, I believe in authoritarian rule. Corruption may be rampant, but it keeps things in order. I also prioritize businesses and aristocrats in my rule."

Anatolia: "I see. Well, I believe in equality for all citizens, regardless of their status. I also prioritize education and social welfare in my region. It's important for our citizens to have access to a good quality of life."

Yvain: "I can see the benefits of your approach, Crown Princess. However, I prefer a more direct and efficient ruling style. It's served me well so far."

Anatolia: "I respect your views, Prince Yvain, but I believe that our citizens deserve better. It's our responsibility to ensure they are well-cared for and have the opportunity to thrive."

Yvain: "I understand. Well, it seems we have different styles of leadership, but both have their own merits. Perhaps we can learn from each other."

Yvain: i heard Lespia summit themself to the empire. As you know we are practicing confederacy system, can we split the territory or something? I want their south coast. To be honest, i want a Tulu Town. They are port city. Please my beautiful big sis

Anatolia: (smiling) You always have a way with words, little brother. But unfortunately, Lespia's territory will remain under the direct control of the Empire. Our agreement with them is as a vassal state, not a partner in territorial division.

Yvain: (sighing) I see. But what about the Tulu Town? It's a valuable port city and it would be a great benefit to my region.

Anatolia: Tulu Town will remain under Empire control as well. However, we can discuss trade agreements and ways to benefit both our regions economically. But we must follow the Empire's laws and regulations.

Yvain: (nodding) I understand, big sis. But I hope you can convince the Emperor to consider my request in the future.

Anatolia: (smiling) I'll see what I can do, Yvain. But remember, we must always prioritize the stability and prosperity of the Empire as a whole.

Yvain: (smiling) Big sissss, when will you marry? I'm thirsty about your Enrican wine huhuhuh

Anatolia: (rolls her eyes and chuckles) Yvain, you never change. I have no intention of marrying yet. I am focused on my duties as Crown Princess and leading the empire towards progress and prosperity. And as for my Enrican wine, I have a feeling you will find a way to taste it no matter what. But if you want some, I can arrange for a bottle to be sent to your region.

Yvain: (laughs) You know me too well, big sis. And as for your duties, I admire your commitment to meritocracy. But don't you think owning all the slaves is a bit...unorthodox?

Anatolia: (sighs) It's a necessary evil, Yvain. Slavery is a cruel institution, and I despise it as much as anyone. But unfortunately, it's deeply ingrained in our society, and we can't just abolish it overnight. So for now, I own all the slaves in the empire to ensure that they are treated with dignity and fairness. And I'm gradually working towards abolishing the practice altogether.

Yvain: (nods thoughtfully) I see your point, big sis. I may not agree with all your methods, but I respect your vision for the empire. And if you ever need my help in anything, don't hesitate to ask.

Anatolia: (smiling) I appreciate that, Yvain. And I hope you know that I'll always have your back as well. After all, we may have our differences, but we are siblings first and foremost.

Anatolia monologue: (evil laughing) there no way I'm abolish it. They are my free army and free labor. That why owning the largest region and conquest was my priority. Can't wait becoming an Empress, i will unite the empire under unitarian.

Yvain monologue: if she married, i can persuade her husband to split the territory. Also I'm also want the slave. Even though i can't become an Emperor maybe i can become an powerful aristocrat. She probably like to eliminated the confederacy. Having her might be profitable.


Ring City, the smallest region of the empire, was a stunning display of wealth and power. As you approach the city, you would first see the towering walls that separated the different classes of citizens. The inner ring of the city was where the wealthiest and most influential people lived, including the castle of Princess Arte. The middle ring was where the middle-income earners lived and conducted their business, while the outer ring was home to the poorest and most vulnerable citizens of Ring City.

Despite its small size, Ring City was a bustling center of trade and commerce, with merchants and businessmen flocking to the city to take advantage of its vibrant markets and bustling economy. However, the wealth inequality between the different classes was evident, with the inner ring being filled with opulent mansions and lavish displays of wealth, while the outer ring was a place of squalor and destitution.

Under the rule of Princess Arte, slavery had been abolished in Ring City, but the wealth inequality still remained. The city was known for holding democratic elections to select an advisor to serve Princess Arte, which was a rarity in the empire. Despite its challenges, Ring City was a place of opportunity for those who were determined to succeed, with the middle ring offering a chance for those with ambition to make their mark on the world.

Under Princess Arte's rule, a new policy has been implemented in Ring City. No one from outside the inner ring is allowed to enter, except for nobles and businessmen who have been granted special permission. This has created a sense of exclusivity and privilege within the inner ring, which is only accessible through heavily guarded gates.The policy has also resulted in resentment and frustration among the working-class residents of the middle and outer rings, who feel excluded and overlooked by their ruler. The inner ring is now an enclave of luxury, with its grand architecture, lush gardens, and lavish parties held by Princess Arte. However, the outer ring remains an area of poverty, with crumbling buildings, dark alleys, and high crime rates.

Princess Arte invite the Crowns Princess Anatolia to her castle to have an party

Princess Arte: "Thank you for coming, Crown Princess. I was hoping to talk to you about something important. As you know, Ring City is the smallest region in the Empire and we struggle with economic inequality. I want to bring in some wealthy aristocrats and businessmen from Lespia to help boost our economy and provide jobs for our people."

Crown Princess Anatolia: "I see. But are you not concerned about the possibility of corruption and exploitation of our people by these outsiders?"

Princess Arte: "I have thought about that, but I believe that with the right regulations and oversight, we can prevent any negative consequences. And besides, we cannot continue to isolate ourselves from the rest of the Empire. We need to open up and engage with our neighbors in order to thrive."

Crown Princess Anatolia: "I understand your point, but I must also consider the safety and well-being of our people. Let us work together to come up with a plan that benefits everyone and ensures that no harm comes to our citizens."

Princess Arte: "Agreed. I look forward to working with you on this, Crown Princess."

Arte: Sis, if you don't mind can i own little territory from the Lespia since they are Vassal State

Anatolia: That's not a bad idea, Arte. As long as it doesn't create any conflicts with the other regions and the empire, I see no problem in expanding our influence. What territory are you interested in specifically?

Arte: Morna city. I want you transfer it administration to Ring City colony. You know sis, we Ring city never involved in army agression. I promise i will turn Morna into agriculture region.

Anatolia: Hmm, Morna is a strategic port city for trading. Are you sure you can handle it, Arte? The Mornan people might not welcome the sudden change in administration.

Arte: Yes, I understand that, sis. But with your support, I can make it work. We can create a new trade agreement with Lespia and other neighboring regions. And as I said, I'll focus on agriculture to create more job opportunities for the people of Morna.

Anatolia: I see. Well, I trust your judgement, Arte. But make sure to handle it properly and peacefully. We don't want any conflict to arise between our empire and Lespia.

Arte: Of course, sis. I'll make sure everything goes smoothly. And as a token of appreciation, I'll invite you to the grand opening of the new Morna port. It's going to be a big event.

Anatolia: (smiling) I'll be looking forward to it, Arte. And if you need any support, just let me know. We're sisters after all, right?

Arte: (smiling) Yes, of course, sis. Thank you so much.

Anatolia: Arte , what the situation with the people live in the slum at the Outer ring?

Arte: Well, it's a complicated issue, sis. The poverty in the Outer Ring is a huge challenge, and many people turn to crime and other vices just to survive. That's why I opened up the brothel there. It's a way to provide employment and housing for those who have nowhere else to go. But I know it's not a permanent solution. I'm still looking for ways to address the root causes of poverty and inequality in Ring City, and I hope to find more sustainable solutions in the future.

Anatolia: Arte , if you don't mind can you let the jobless people at the Outer Ring becoming my soldiers? They will serve directly under my command

Arte hesitates for a moment before responding to her sister's request. "I understand that you may need more soldiers, but taking jobless people from the Outer Ring and putting them directly under your command may not be the best solution," she says.

"Many of these people are already struggling and may not have any combat experience. It's not fair to them to be forced into service without proper training and compensation. Instead, we can work together to create job training programs and employment opportunities that can help these people earn a living wage and provide for themselves and their families," she suggests.

Anatolia nods, acknowledging the valid points made by her sister. "You're right, Arte. It's important that we don't exploit the most vulnerable members of our society. Let's work together to create a better future for everyone in the empire," she says with a smile.

Ring City, the smallest region of the empire, was a stunning display of wealth and power. As you approach the city, you would first see the towering walls that separated the different classes of citizens. The inner ring of the city was where the wealthiest and most influential people lived, including the castle of Princess Arte. The middle ring was where the middle-income earners lived and conducted their business, while the outer ring was home to the poorest and most vulnerable citizens of Ring City.

Despite its small size, Ring City was a bustling center of trade and commerce, with merchants and businessmen flocking to the city to take advantage of its vibrant markets and bustling economy. However, the wealth inequality between the different classes was evident, with the inner ring being filled with opulent mansions and lavish displays of wealth, while the outer ring was a place of squalor and destitution.

Under the rule of Princess Arte, slavery had been abolished in Ring City, but the wealth inequality still remained. The city was known for holding democratic elections to select an advisor to serve Princess Arte, which was a rarity in the empire. Despite its challenges, Ring City was a place of opportunity for those who were determined to succeed, with the middle ring offering a chance for those with ambition to make their mark on the world.

Under Princess Arte's rule, a new policy has been implemented in Ring City. No one from outside the inner ring is allowed to enter, except for nobles and businessmen who have been granted special permission. This has created a sense of exclusivity and privilege within the inner ring, which is only accessible through heavily guarded gates.The policy has also resulted in resentment and frustration among the working-class residents of the middle and outer rings, who feel excluded and overlooked by their ruler. The inner ring is now an enclave of luxury, with its grand architecture, lush gardens, and lavish parties held by Princess Arte. However, the outer ring remains an area of poverty, with crumbling buildings, dark alleys, and high crime rates.