
Wandering Knight Too Angry to Die

In the shadowy depths of an ancient forest in Heian Japan, a nameless European knight finds himself inexplicably transported from his homeland to a realm unknown, hundreds of kilometers away from the familiar landscapes of Europe. Lost and bewildered, he stands amidst the towering trees of a foreign land, his armor gleaming like a beacon in this distant time period. As the knight grapples with the enigma of his sudden displacement, he soon discovers that this world is teeming with malevolent forces, demons, and spirits drawn from the rich tapestry of Japanese folklore. They torment him, as if toying with the interloper who has unwittingly stumbled into their domain. Each encounter with these supernatural entities becomes a harrowing battle, his sword clashing against the eerie, otherworldly forms that emerge from the shadows. Yet amidst the chaos and danger, a ray of hope emerges in the form of a mysterious shrine maiden. She becomes his guide in this realm, her gentle presence a lifeline in a sea of unfamiliar customs and an impenetrable language barrier. Together, they embark on a quest, not only to confront the demons that have ensnared him but also to decipher the ancient mysteries of Heian Japan. Their journey takes them through a world of vividly painted landscapes, from the bustling streets of Heian-era Kyoto to the serene tranquility of remote mountain shrines. Along the way, the knight gains a deep appreciation for the life of the common folk in this ancient East Asian society, as he witnesses the delicate interplay between Shinto and Buddhist practices and becomes entwined in the cultural tapestry of the time. As the battles against the malevolent spirits intensify, the knight's quest for a way back to his European homeland becomes deeply personal. The demons have not only transported him across time and space but have also tampered with his very existence. Determined to reclaim his lost identity and return home, he must muster every ounce of courage and determination, forging an unbreakable bond with the shrine maiden.

Clocktower_Lucil · Geschichte
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34 Chs

Chapter One

In the fading light of twilight, within a desolate medieval realm, an unnamed knight emerged, his armor bearing the scars of countless battles, and his past forgotten.

Each step echoed across the barren landscape. The weight of his countless conquests was etched into the steel of his blade. He was a solitary wanderer, a lone soul adrift in a world abandoned by those who seek his demise.

As the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting long silhouettes across the vast desolation, the knight stumbled upon a weathered shrine—a relic of an otherworldly faith.

The intricately carved torii gates beckoned, their whispers hinting at secrets that transcended mortal comprehension. With each resolute steps, he ventured deeper into the heart of this enigmatic sanctum.

And in the blink of an eye, reality unraveled. The very fabric of existence suddenly warped, ensnaring the knight within a maelstrom of ethereal energies. His vision blurred, and the air crackled with otherworldly malice. When the tempest subsided, he found himself standing on unfamiliar soil beneath a blood-soaked moon.

Before him, the landscape transformed. This was no longer the land he recognized, but rather ancient in his eyes, a realm steeped in legends and nightmares. Cherry blossoms perfumed the air, and eerie whispers of unseen creatures danced among the rustling leaves.

"Who dares approach? I beseech thee to declare thy presence!" The man growled, his hands trembling amidst his new surroundings, he sensed a lurking presence underneath the shadows. From behind the gnarled trees and mist-shrouded hills, a mass of yokai emerged. Tengu with beaks as sharp as katanas, kitsune with tails aflame, and an army of Oni with skins as tough as dragonhide. These were the denizens of a land where myths and horrors walked hand in hand.

With a grip firm on his sword, the knight steeled himself for a battle like none other. "Oh, Most Gracious Virgin Mary, may your divine blessings descend upon me." prayers were recited.

He was a foreigner in a strange land facing monsters born from the depths of Japanese folklore.

His unyielding resolve fueled his grip. He clashed his steel against otherworldly foes, paving a way through the shadowy dimensions. The knight embarked on a perilous odyssey, his destiny woven into the very fabric of this mystical realm.

As the nameless knight confronted the yokai, the clamor of battle resonated through the misty forest. Each swing of his blade was a dance of survival, a desperate struggle against the supernatural.

The yokai were relentless, eyes burning with ancient malevolence, and seemed an endless tide.

With his strength waning and his armor battered, the knight realized that this battle was unwinnable. He retreated, fleeing deeper into the labyrinthine woods, pursued by eerie wails and haunting laughter.

Running through twisted trees and dense underbrush, the knight stumbled upon a clearing bathed in the eerie glow of the blood-red moon. In the center stood a shrine, its weathered stones and ornate carvings a stark contrast to the chaos surrounding it.

"Pray, doth my sanity eludes me?" He finds himself in a bewildering place, unsure of his surroundings. The heart was pounding, and his mind was in disarray.

Desperation mingled within the knight as he sprinted toward the shrine. As he passed through the towering vermillion gate, he felt an invisible barrier descending, separating himself from the creatures of the night. They screeched and wailed, their malevolence unable to breach the shrine's protective aura. Breathing heavily, he knelt in exhaustion, eyes were wandering for any particular that may have lurked somewhere.

A silhouette of a seemingly holy place adorns the innermost sanctum. Its relics shine under the moonlit sky.

He summons the last vestiges of his strength to walk. The knight collapsed before the shrine's ancient altar. He knew not the customs of this place, but he offered a silent prayer, seeking guidance and protection in this strange land.

As his prayer concluded, the shrine responded suddenly. Its stones trembled, and a warm, soothing light enveloped him as if the shrine itself acknowledged his presence and offered him sanctuary.

The knight remained within the shrine's protective embrace through the night while listening to the distant cries of the yokai as they circled its sacred perimeter. In this mystical place, he found respite from the horrors of the night.

Yet, as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, he understood that his journey had just begun. The shrine had granted him safety, but the mysteries of this land and the destiny that had brought him here beckoned him forth. With renewed determination, the nameless knight prepared to leave the shrine, ready to continue his quest in this realm where legends and yokai roamed.

The knight, still clad in formidable armor, emerged from the shrine's protective sanctuary. The eerie silence of the morning rose in the air as he surveyed his surroundings. "Doth my safety find assurance in this place?" he muttered. The yokai, it seemed, had retreated with the fading night.

With a determined stride, he made his way toward a hill rising not far from the shrine. Upon reaching its crest, he beheld a breathtaking view of a quaint village nestled in a valley below—a village of thatched roofs and serene ambiance, a stark contrast to the horrors of the previous night.

Descending the hill, he approached the village. Villagers, while going about their daily routines, looked up in astonishment at the towering, armored stranger approaching. Their hushed murmurs filled the air, and children sought refuge behind their parents, wide-eyed with fear.

"Hark, noble sirs! Pray, may I humbly inquire about the name of this modest hamlet?" the knight, burdened by his alien appearance, attempted to communicate with the villagers, but language proved to be an insurmountable barrier. He spoke in a tongue foreign to them, and they replied in a language equally unfamiliar in his ears.

In the absence of understanding, fear took root. The villagers saw a towering figure clad in bizarre armor, a silent giant whose intentions remained a mystery. Gestures and expressions turned hostile, with some brandishing farming tools as makeshift weapons.

"Hold, I am no adversary—pray, stay thy blade!"

Realizing words were futile, the knight made a calculated decision. He carefully lowered his longsword to the ground, its blade sinking into the soft earth, and then knelt before the villagers. It was a universal gesture of peace, a sign that he meant no harm.

As he knelt with gauntleted hands open in a gesture of surrender, the tension in the village square palpably eased. The villagers exchanged uncertain glances, their expressions shifting from outright fear to cautious curiosity. They sensed that this armored stranger posed no immediate threat.

In their native tongue, a villager cried out, "Sonchou-sama!" The cry echoed through the tranquil morning air, and the villagers quickly formed a loose circle around the knight. Their voices carried the urgency of the moment, and soon, an elderly figure, the village elder, emerged from one of the nearby huts.

The elder, with a long white beard and deep lines etched into his weathered face, approached the kneeling knight with measured steps. He gazed down at the imposing figure clad in unfamiliar steel and addressed him in Japanese, "Who are you, and from where do you hail, outsider?"

The knight, unable to comprehend the elder's words, remained perplexed. He gestured toward himself, then made a sweeping motion that encompassed the land around them, hoping to convey his confusion and the vast distance he had traveled to reach this place. "I know not my name, for all I recall is awakening in this mystic realm, beset upon by fiends! Pray, noble sirs, can you reveal to me the whereabouts of this place?"

The villagers watched with bated breath, their trust hanging in the balance. Their eyes now toward their elder, awaiting his judgment on how to proceed with this enigmatic intruder who had descended from the hills clad in strange armor.

The village elder studied the knight for a moment, then toward the villagers and spoke in their native tongue. His words carried a tone of caution and curiosity.

As he contemplated the presence of this outsider in their midst. The villagers listened intently, eager to hear his decision on what to do with the nameless knight from a distant world.

As the village elder and the knight engaged in their tentative exchange, a hushed gasp rippled through the gathered villagers. Their eyes widened with terror, and some pointed trembling fingers toward the edge of the forest.

From the depths of the ancient woodland emerged a yokai unlike any the knight had encountered before. A woman's figure with an impossibly long neck extended far into the forest's shadowy depths, obscured by the dense foliage. Her eyes, gleaming with an eerie, otherworldly light, were fixated on the village square. A Rokuro kubi.

The village elder, his eyes wide with fear and recognition, whispered an incantation under his breath. The villagers hurriedly backed away, leaving the knight kneeling in the center of the square, exposed and vulnerable.

The yokai with the elongated neck, her presence a nightmarish specter, began to emit a haunting, melodic hum. The sound seemed to seep into the very souls of those who heard it, filling them with dread. Her neck writhed and twisted like a serpent, and with a sudden, unnatural burst of speed, she lunged forward, her elongated form unfurling from the forest.

Chaos erupted in the village square as the villagers scattered in all directions, their fear now directed toward this menacing yokai. The knight, senses honed by countless battles, reacted swiftly.

"Fiendish scoundrel! I shall vanquish thee with my blade!" He drew his longsword, its blade gleaming with purpose, and positioned himself between the Rokuro kubi and the retreating villagers.

With his weapon held high, he dared to confront this new threat, determined to protect the villagers who had shown him neither trust nor understanding. The knight's challenge hung in the air, a declaration of his readiness to face not only the horrors of this mythical land but also the very essence of its nightmares.

Tengu- a supernatural being often depicted as a monkey with wings

Rokuro kubi- a being that has an absurd elongated neck that slithers around like a serpent. Often scares people to death. I deliberately crangked uo its horror factor to 100 to make it scary to the readers

Yokai- Japanese supernatural beings

Also, I looked online what is the equivalent of 'sonchou' (village elder) during Heian period. Unfortunately, I haven't found the right word. So if you have the answer please let me know. Onegai!

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