
Wanderers of the Cosmic Frontier

In the vast tapestry of existence, where worlds collide and destinies intertwine, a divine being named Azrael finds himself reborn into an unknown realm. Once a god of great power, he awakens with memories of the past and a profound sense of purpose. Azrael's journey begins as he embarks on a path of rediscovery, facing countless challenges, and fighting to survive in this strange new world. With each trial, Azrael's powers gradually reemerge, and he must learn to wield them anew. Driven by an insatiable hunger for strength, he pushes himself to the limits, overcoming formidable adversaries and relentless obstacles. Every battle he endures brings him closer to his ultimate goal: to transcend the boundaries of mortality and ascend to godhood once again. But Azrael's ambitions extend far beyond his personal quest. As he grows in might, he sets his sights on the cosmos itself. His travels take him to far-flung galaxies and distant dimensions, where he encounters beings of unimaginable power and diverse cultures. Along his celestial odyssey, Azrael amasses a loyal following, individuals who are captivated by his indomitable spirit and inspired by his unwavering determination. Amidst the splendor and chaos of the cosmos, Azrael must confront the depths of his own soul and make choices that will shape the destinies of countless worlds. Will he overcome the challenges that lie ahead and rise to celestial supremacy, or will he be consumed by the very forces he seeks to command? Only time will unveil the true extent of Azrael's power and the impact he will have on the cosmos itself. *patreon/AstridNova33*

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16 Chs

Midnight Whispers [3]

As thoughts of elemental mastery crossed Azrael's mind, the acquisition of geomancy served as a reminder to seek out the remaining three elemental forces. With a deep focus, he entered a state of meditation. Gazing upon the flickering flame, he raised a single index finger and swiftly swiped at the fire. A tiny ember gracefully detached itself, landing gently upon his open palm. A small piece of ember shot out of the flame landing on his hand.

With his hand outstretched, the ember underwent a remarkable transformation, assuming a multitude of shapes and forms. From a diminutive molten giant to a resplendent phoenix engulfed in blazing brilliance.

Pyromancy - Harness the elemental forces of fire; manipulating the very fabric of the heat.

Closing his palm, Azrael resumed his meditative state, delving deeper into the realms of elemental connection. After a brief minute of profound focus, he once again swept his finger through the air. In response, crystalline droplets of water cascaded, gracefully filling his cupped hand.

However, instead of a creature taking form, the essence of water revealed itself through awe-inspiring natural phenomena. Within his palm, an ethereal depiction emerged, ranging from the serene embrace of a gentle tsunami to the tumultuous power of a raging whirlpool.

Hydromancy - Harness the elemental forces of water; manipulating the very fabric of the oceans.

In a tranquil motion, Azrael immersed himself in a third and ultimate session of meditative contemplation. Drawing a deep breath, he exhaled slowly and deliberately, repeating the rhythmic cycle numerous times. As his breath left his lips, an enchanting transformation occurred—a condensation of the surrounding air materialized into a whimsical, curly mustache that gracefully adhered to his face.

Above Azrael, a captivating cyclone materialized. Gradually, the cyclone transformed into a miniature tornado, its gentle presence mirroring a harmonious coexistence with the flickering flames nearby.

Aeromancy - Harness the elemental forces of air; manipulating the very fabric of the skies.

"You're a monster." Ragnar commented in disbelief. Sam lay on top of Ragnar sleeping soundly, ignoring all that was going on for a peaceful rest.

Amused, Azrael playfully tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"What type of creature can grasp the three elemental forces mere minutes from each other?"

"Maybe I'm a little talented."

Ragnar shook his head, "You're more than just 'a little talented.' Ever since you were knocked out by that wolf, everything about you changed. What gives?"

"Nothing really. I just remembered."


Peering at the dying fire, Azrael added a few more branches to reignite the heat. "It's getting late Ragnar; you should go to sleep."

Instead of replying, Ragnar just looked at Azrael, "Night." Putting his head down, Ragnar closes his eyes.

As Azrael rested his head against the wall, he tried to find solace in slumber. He eventually succeeded, drifting off to dreamless sleep. As the first light of morning broke, a symphony of birdsong filled the air, accompanied by the lively scurrying of rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks on the forest floor, as they embarked on their quest for sustenance.

With the arrival of the new day, Sam stirred from his groggy state. His gaze shifted towards the reinvigorated figure of Azrael.

"How are you so… awake?"

"It's called being a morning person."

Scoffing, Sam brought out a small dark cube before wrapping himself around it, consuming it. "Much better." Sam smiled contentedly.

Leaving the grotto, the group set off to the nearest town to sell the extra supplies they acquired. According to Sam, the town there headed to is called Sludgewater. As they approached, they witnessed the town's surroundings. Characterized by lush, marshy terrain, glistening ponds and small lakes speckle the landscape, their tranquil surfaces reflecting the vibrant hues of the sky above. Tall reeds and water plants sway gently in the breeze, creating a soothing symphony of rustling sounds.

Sludgewater's architecture blends seamlessly with the environment. The buildings, constructed with a whimsical charm, use the same materials Yahvet uses. Soft, curving lines and organic shapes dominate the design, echoing the fluidity and malleability of such buildings. Adorned with colorful accents, reflecting the vibrant palette of the surrounding nature. Shades of green, blue, and various earthy tones dominate, creating a harmonious visual tapestry.

Walking into Sludgewater, Azrael noticed that streets wind and meander, following the natural contours of the land. Footpaths made of compacted soil and small wooden bridges span over gentle streams, allowing for easy navigation through the town. As they asked the inhabitants where they could sell their goods, they were directed towards the central hub.

The central hub of Sludgewater is a bustling marketplace, where locals gather to exchange goods and stories. The market stalls are adorned with colorful awnings and canopies, showcasing a variety of slime-made products and local delicacies. The air is filled with the scent of freshly baked treats and the cheerful chatter of both residents and visitors.

"Visitors! Welcome! Can I interest you in some fine slime paintings?"

Sam shook his head, "No thank you. We are just looking to sell some extra goods we gathered here on the way."

The slime merchant bounced, "Well what do you have?"

They proceeded to extract one item after another, meticulously assessing their value. As Azrael had no use for conventional currency, he requested to barter instead. He traded away the surplus materials he had no immediate need for, in return for a variety of herbs and additional bottles to expand his collection of homemade potions.

As the sun sets over Sludgewater, the town takes on a magical glow. Luminous slime orbs, carefully placed around the town's perimeter, cast a gentle, iridescent light, illuminating the streets, and creating an ethereal ambiance. The sight is nothing short of enchanting, as the soft glow reflects off the nearby water surfaces, lending an otherworldly beauty to the entire town.

Opting for a well-deserved rest, the group secured accommodation at the local hostel for the night. Reclining on water beds, they found comfort in the gentle, soothing glow emanating from outside, casting a subtle night light within their room. As they gradually drifted into slumber, They reclined in relaxation, confident in the assurance that no harm would befall them.