
Wanderer's of the Cosmos

Jeffery here, couple of changes to the synopsis, this updated version should have no issues and from today I'll continue pumping out chapters, Huurahh. Cosmos Startun, Ruler of the universe had 13 children who were given the constellations as titles. Leo, Aries, Taurus, Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricornus, and the last Ophiuchus. After four millennia of living as the ruler of the cosmos, Startun's lifetime had finally come to an end and he was tasked to give away his title to one of his children. In front of him all of them stood, not daring to make a sound, Cosmos stood up slowly and walked towards them passing the first five of the bunch and moving towards the lower half. He stopped at Virgo his beloved daughter, Her face lit up but quickly shut down as he passed her and tapped Ophiuchus on his temple. "Find the tome of Benjamin and claim your title as the ruler of the cosmos." A few hours later Startun died and as Ophiuchus looked at his siblings, he could feel their hate boiling and everything became blank right after he heard a thud. Cast to the underworld after the Sun king had been overthrown, Dawn wandered the underworld in search of the miracle tome that is said to grant the wishes of whoever finds it, and in order to restore the name of her father and to save her brother who suffered incurable wounds. She must find the Tome. Both of their stories collide and Dawn realises she must rely on Ophiuchus if she wants to restore her family name and save her brother while, Ophiuchus has to learn to trust someone other than himself if he wants to live, and together they go on an adventure with bounties placed on their heads by none other than the strongest beings in the universe, The Zodiac.

Jeffery_XXVI · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Book Will continue soon

I'll continue this book soon. I'll be destroying all existing chapters and creating new ones. I finally know where to take the book and how to take it there. Can't wait for you guys to read it!