

The suffocation of the air was felt in the air. The sand was hot and the vegetation was missing. Only sand dunes could be seen everywhere. It was September 13th. The moment was coming. The time for the walls to rise. But the woman walking alone through the desert, seemingly endless, forgot what day it was. The heat affected her ability to think rationally. He walked hard and did his best to cover the baby with the rags he had so that he would not be beaten by the sun. She had recently given birth, and suddenly found herself alone in the middle of the desert. She had been abandoned by the bastard who slept with her, and left her pregnant, or so she said. She spoke alone and blamed everyone. It all seemed over for her. The sand dunes seemed to line up endlessly. Suddenly the woman woke up in front of a very large dune. He hardly climbed up and thought that the next moment he would fall and faint. But luck doesn't seem to have left the poor woman. Once on the sand dune, an oasis appeared in front of her. At first the woman thought it was a mirage, caused by the heat, and now her mind was playing tricks, but still she began to head for the oasis. Every step was difficult. The heat made the distance of a few meters seem like miles. After a few minutes the woman reached the edge of the oasis. A fresh smell and cold air suddenly hit her hard. Every hair on her body revived and suddenly she felt full of life. He stepped into the oasis and hurried to the water. He immediately threw himself on his knees and began to drink with his hands in the cold, clear water. After drinking to his heart's content, he pulled himself into the shade of a palm tree and began breastfeeding the baby.

"My dear, fate seems to be smiling at us," she said with a smile on her face. Now we can live here for a while.

After breastfeeding, she looked up and saw a tree with small red fruits. He hadn't eaten in two days and was very hungry, so he took the baby and put it down and headed for the tree. He had tasted a fruit and the sweet taste had exploded in his mouth. The fruit had a special aroma and the divine taste filled it with life and energy. The silence in the oasis was suddenly broken by a long sound. All she could do was turn around and see the wall begin to rise from the ground with insane speed. The wall cut the oasis in two and the woman could do nothing. The child was on the other side of the wall and she began to cry and pound desperately on the walls of the wall.

-Not. That's not possible, said the woman with tears in her eyes. Why now? My little baby resists. Mom will come to you.

She could do nothing. He had to wait four more for the walls to come down, and when they did come down he would see his child again, but he knew he would find him dead. Just the thought of it drove her even crazier. She screamed as long as her lungs held and punched and kicked the wall, but in vain. Not a scratch, only the woman's blood was on the wall.

One thing was certain. The baby could not survive. He was still sitting in the shade of the palm tree, sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. He didn't know he would never see his mother again.

A few hours passed and the baby was still asleep, then something happened. Suddenly a mound of earth began to rise near the palm tree, and a strange machine came out of the ground, resembling a mole. A hatch opened above the machine, and a small, short old man with gray, unkempt hair came out of it. Full of grease and dirt from the machine you just got out of.

"Finally clean air," said the old man.

The noise of the machine woke the child and he began to cry. The old man heard the baby crying, and got off the machine and approached the palm tree where he saw the crying baby. She took him in her arms and looked at him, and the child stopped crying.

-How did you get here little one? Where is your mother? Hey, is anyone here ?, he shouted out loud, but nothing.

The old man shouted but no one heard him. Then he looked at the wall next to the oasis, and as the oasis looked, he realized that the wall separated the oasis into two parts.

-It looks like your mother is on the other side of the wall. Looks like I'm going to have to take care of you. I can't leave you here. What do you say? "Are we waiting 4 years?" Said the old man, and the baby began to laugh

The old man looked at the little one gently and was determined to raise the child, and when the wall came down, he was going to return it to his mother. Until then, they had to live as best they could in the half oasis because otherwise, everywhere is just desert in the area where they are, being just the two of them, and luck smiled on them because they had half the oasis to adopt and feed over the next 4 years. Everything will be fine, the old man thought.