
Walking what left on Remnant

A Prodigy teeneger who suffered from depression is transported in the world of Remnant. A world where Huntsman other wise known as Child soldiers is a prestigious job with high mortality rate with an enemy that have a Global population of 95% Grim over 5% human ( not including animals etc ) A world where a lot of twist. A wizard who have problems with his wife and care not for human lives. masquerading as a saviour of humanity even if he 100 percent knows that his enemy is immortal. and. An Immortal Witch that has power over ancient magic that can brought kingdoms in her knees and control over the monstrosities known as grim. that has immense hatred towards the Gods along with her Traitorous and child killer of a husband. Ex-Husband. And Main characters and citizens that is easily manipulated by the world's society. or at least what Roman understand. ( Our Mc. not Torchwick though. ) How can he survive the new world? Simple. He has his own version of Immortality ( Cellular level Regeneration. ) and Power to connect through his game account called Mutants genetic gladiators and transport his mutants in Remnant. And Roman care not of the other people as long as they don't benefit him. What will happen to the world of Remnant. if they encountered a Wise yet 'evil' apathetic teenager that has control over the Mutants. They viewed him Evil. Yet he called it being smart. they mocked him and insult him regardless off his history. He just laugh and ignore them as they're home is being raided by grims and bandits. Ozma tries to manipulate him for his cause. But he knew that it is fruitless and useless for him as he is not a naive as he shows outside. And Salem give him a booty call. .... Why not? He's immortal. she's immortal. Ozma already left her so why not take her? He has a saying after all. want not. Waste not. but he knows that it won't be easy. But being alone forever until the planet and star dies is just... not an ideal type of life he want. and if there's anything they both have in common... is that they wanted to be free from their prison. after all... Salem reduced the population of humanity due to the constant use of dust. after all... dust is just another form of magic. and without magic. the planet would die and collapse and she prefers that she'd rather die than walk in the desolate planet alone. that is no different from prison. without humans ozpin cannot reincarnate. And with humans, the planet would inevitably fall. And Roman Smith knows that. besides. who doesn't like her anyway? she has a nice Curves and sex appeal.

Demiurge_Ohara · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

For years.

Roman Smith felt like a prisoner inside his house, trapped inside a prison masquerading as his 'home'.

Every day.

Trap in an agonizing endless cycle of life.

Study. School. And Sleep. repeat.

Day by day of constant pressure by his family and friends.

Not a single time is wasted.

My mother. Pressured me to uphold our family since I'm the eldest, She always bought me advanced books and always bragged to everyone about how obedient and smart I am compared to the other kids similar of my age.

My father is a well known businessman working in a high-end company. Who personally trained me as a perfect businessman, and wanted me to take his mantle.

And two younger sisters that I must always love and help especially if I have a job and money to spoil them. ( For their future etc. )

day by day.

I'm always being pressurized making me physically and mentally exhausted by my parents as I always put my smile to reassure them.

A Happy and Joyful smile plastered in my visage as my insides are being grounded and pounded.

And they don't know how I feel.

How could they?

I always wear my mask and emotions to make them proud as I did everything I could.

yet they didn't give me praise or anything but scolding and punishment.

Because I'm their perfect child.

and perfection means no mistakes and missteps.

Don't understand it? Comprehend it.

Not sure? Triple check it.

Complaint and protest? Inconsequential and penitentiary.

People such as some of my classmates bullied me out of envy as I out Class them in every way.

of course, I dealt them with my own way.

I got the Looks, The brain, Mannerism and all.

I have everything as they delude me to be a perfect man living in a luxurious life as I'm being treated like a king.

yet Reality is harsh.

In the Inside, I'm the black sheep of the family as well as their 'trophy' to brag in the outside.

I don't know why they treat me so different compared to my spoiled sisters.

I Excelled them.

I perfect my everything! I have more accomplishments than other people of my age!

so what's the problem?!

And yet.

Nothing came out of my voice besides shallow breathing as I felt tired.

Tired of everything .

mentally and physically tired of everything.

From the abuse and depression.

"I don't believe in god as I viewed around me in a Rational perspective," I muttered as I lock myself in my room.

The world is cruel and I've long learned that people are not what they seemed was.

He has long learnt that you can't rely on anybody else but yourself as their gonna betray you or leach on you.

"But if there IS a god somewhere," I muttered as my hazy and cold eyes daze aimlessly.

I just wish to be free. free from my shackles as I reign over my fate. to escape from my tormenting cycle.

I even half expected that I was insane, due to the insanity I've gained over my 'conditioning' ever since I'm a kid.

and in order to do that.

to destroy my problems.

I must destroy the root of it.

and yet... I don't have the guts to kill my creators and tormentors as they're the ones who give life to me. ( Parents)

So I choose the 2nd option.

I will end my torment by myself.

But in the End...-

A 14-year-old boy briefly took out an item from his pocket and grasp a pocket knife as he aims to slice his wrist.

with shaking hand.

He steeled himself as he gave a war cry and slash it.








The slash miss by a couple of inches from his hand as he curled and sobbed behind his Knees to muffle his voice.

...- Everything is fruitless and useless as I'm always afraid of the Unknown.

especially death as death is the most mysterious fickle thing... nothing is scarier than not knowing the destination of your path as you travel aimlessly towards the unknown void.

- Line break-

The days continues as it always been but something new happened to me.

I heard a fuss inside my class, something about 'anime' I suppose.

" Sorry for the intrusion but what's with the fuss? " I ask - Demand- towards the group of boys as I felt annoyed and curious.

The exam is close and yet they discuss Japanese Cartoons rather than studying.

how... perplexing. and yet... intriguing.

" Class P-president? Oh... we were... "

" We were talking about Monty Oum's works" the other boy intervened.

" And care to tell me who is the 'Monty' guy is?"

They appeared perplexed for a second but suddenly nod in understanding as if they realised something which made me rose an eyebrow.

the boy gave me a vigorous response and explanation.

" Monty is a very good animator and creator and we were just talking about one of his works..." he then answered in a deflated tone. "...unfortunately ever since he died the show sucks, I mean. wait... this is a good opportunity!"

" I beg your pardon?"

" Hey... I know how pressuring life is... we all do."

I doubt that. I inwardly thought.

" So why don't you play Games and watch Animes with us?!"

" Games... and entertainment shows? sure, why not? I mean I heard that Team building exercises relieved stress and exponentially raise our friendship. "

Hmm... It would give me a better understanding of my classmates as well as my research towards relaxation.

" Bah! Don't be a nerd. also, play some Mutants genetic gladiators or something. anyway, wanna come with us?"

I cut out from my musings and failed to get his joke as I mentally note to play this 'Mutants genetic gladiators.'

" Sure."

And through that day.

I was enlightened at the world of online games and anime as they slowly but surely cure my heartrending pain.

- 18 years old. -

It was Sunday and supposed to be studying and I did, for 4 hours and the rest is games, Anime, Eat and rest.

My parents didn't know about my entertainment and I made sure that it wouldn't ever be discovered.

I watched a lot of anime and a bit of game.

Anime especially death note and monty mum's works best on curing my depression.

games are good too.

I've even learned that you're supposed to be Efficient, Fast, Wise and Deceptive in order to win.

but my most favourite game is the Crossfire and Mutants genetic gladiators.

Crossfire is an FPS that helps me to calm down as I watched and personally let out my anger by killing the enemy team.

watching their blood spurt and cursing in the chat is just... Satisfying.

while the other game. - My most favourite- is the same. but much easier, calming and intriguing.

while I was playing.

A notification appeared and made me rose an eyebrow.

I was sure I've finished my works after all so It's confusing that I've gained an email from my 'Work' account. ( FB for class. )

I click it and a note appeared.

[ Are you bored with your life and wanting for more? as a thrill seeker. it's not complete to live in a mundane universe so... I'm offering a 2nd chance.

A chance to travel in the world of Remnant. 500 years away from canon with Immortality and access to your MGG - Mutant genetic gladiator- Account with free reign over your fate.

so what do you think?

Yes / Yes. ]

I was amused and give a small snort at the blatant attempt of hacking through the method called "The trojan horse", My Pc has security against virus and ADS so I know when was the time I got hack.

yet not only they've bypassed my security.

they also pull off a very bold move in front of me which I feel offended.

but wary at the fact that I didn't even know I was being a hack.

There is no [ N0 and X ] Button.

but I didn't really need it.

So I move my mouse to- Wait... Why is my mouse moving and clicking the Y button?

My thoughts were cut when a brilliant light exploded.

And transported me in the deep unknown forest.

- Line Break-

Years have passed as I've learned a lot of my powers especially the potential of MGG.

My powers let my consciousness travel in the game as I played multiplayer and stuff. carefully not mentioning a thing as I breed my loyal mutants to work for my cause as my Workers, Managers, mercenaries or just simply 'stress reliefs' as I Build my foundation around the world.

I used the M logo of the game as my organisation. - Which is filled by mutants to the brim.

I've also learned that they don't need sustenance and game logics such as weaknesses and Advantages doesn't apply.

Which made me a bit disappointed but elated to discover that they're stronger than they seemed.

They don't follow the game mechanics.

Because They're strength varies and depends on their lore.

for example.

Dead bot.

The dead bot is a Cyber Necrotic being that wields a high tech energy weapon that craved the destruction of the living as that is what their nature is. he also has Additional abilities that the game didn't show such as the acidic blood, Infrared vision, Strength boasters and Motion tracking etc.

In the game.

The dead bot is considered to be cannon fodder with above-average speed and low Strength and HP, Placed in a 'normal' category.

but in the world of Remnant?

He can fight toe to toe and walk victoriously against the hordes of grim and a group of huntsman and students - Not elite like Raven and Glynda though. -.

Its speed is a bit lower in comparison with ruby. but that's her using her semblance.

and it's strength can punch through most metal because of its titanium and acidic properties.

Beatle Bot.

Is not a low tier mutant.

It was baffling to view a roughly 30 feet yellow robot insect thing that can trample goliath and Villages easily and can fight 1v1 with the Megoliath.


His very first mutant.

It is a Demonic titan that stand over 30 feet. its speed and reaction is 3 times faster than a regular human -Fast considering his Mass- and can destroy 1/4 of the emerald forest with a single swing of his weapon and has the proficiency towards pyromancy- Devil flames- and Hand to hand combat VIA Grappling, Takedowns and Crushing.

though it's style is not graceful nor elegant but Brute, Brutal and Savagery.

more than enough to defeat his other mutants.

PS: He rarely sells 'Useless' Mutants as mercenaries or guardians, so both the evil and good fight with disastrous endings.

such as hordes of frim due to negativity.

or Casualties such as buildings and lives.

not that he cared though.

as long they don't cause him troubles he won't have a problem with them. also he just ignored their complaints through a website or rumours as he knows that sooner or later they'll end up dead because of the spiking negativity and him black listing them on his shop.

( His base is in the sky. )

his immortality works the same way as Salem but with slower regeneration and sans magic.

- To be CONTINUED. -

( PS : I time skipped his training over his Immortality and Powers as I deemed them a waste of space.

seriously with how many isekai people read I doubted that Extra information/Information dump is exciting. )