
Waking Up With Five-Tails

Deity-level cultivator Yao Huang had finally decided to re-enter the circle of reincarnation. When he was enjoying the taste of Five-Fragrance Tea, another cultivator wreaked havoc in the underworld, destroying the wheel of karma and mixing up the pool of reincarnation. Yao Huang was accidentally knocked down into the now-chaotic pool, where his soul was threatened with disintegration lest he managed to escape. Without seeing his destination, he jumped into the first path that he could find. When he opened his eyes once again, his soul had reincarnated into the body of a little girl. At that moment, a mysterious voice echoed in her head. "This One's name is Kokuo. This weak and small vessel... This One shall devour you whole!" Oh, also, it seemed that she had grown five tails out of nowhere... Forced to live in a world reigned by warriors called Ninjas, the former cultivator was joined by her reincarnated allies to find a way to return to their original world. Meanwhile, the karma of the past slowly caught up to them, bringing up tragedies desired to be forgotten... --- Is a Naruto Fanfic. Written just for fun. Update schedule is whenever I'm free. My lore isn't the best so don't think too much and just have fun~ --- Addendum: Since people kept on getting trapped, here's the caution list (also check tags in case author added more... twists) -Gender Bender: For MC and some other characters -Species Bender: For 1 character (and technically another one actually) -Confused MC: Think of it as characters from cultivation novel transferring to Naruto world. They had no prior info beforehand so expect a lot of blind grasping over the world concept. No system or anything else to help.

RanixAurus · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs

Afterword - Volume 2

Hi! You guys are still here? Good! :D

This concludes the second volume of the fanfic (fanfic has volumes?), which covers the beginning part of 'Naruto' up to the Land of Waves arc. Starting from here, we'll explore the period during Chuunin exam. Well... our MC is busy doing something else, so only Kankuro and Akamaru (with Kiba as sidekick) will be featured.

A warning beforehand, author will make more changes to the canon plot line due to many things changing at the beginning. Kankuro and Akamaru being reincarnators is also going to change a lot of things from here, since their behavior will be drastically different from canon ones.

Apologies beforehand if you read this arc expecting more Naruto proper to show up, especially the Land of Waves part. Author have nothing to write about it because honestly nothing much changed there. Naruto still fought Zabuza, they still won in the end, the Great Naruto Bridge was built, etc.

Author have a surprise for later, though, so apologies again if author will end up destroying the canon even further. You've been warned.

For people asking about senjutsu, author can't put it here yet because there's just no chance to. It's not the time yet. However, rest assured that author haven't forgotten about it~ Hey, Naruto can be cool and learn senjutsu, why can't our MC? It's just a matter of time!

Also as a footnote, when Kokuo speaks, it refers to itself using a polite form of "I" in Japanese (Watakushi), but since author don't know how to say it in English, author changed it to "This One" instead. When it spoke Chinese, however, because of its limited vocabulary, it just used a normal "I" (Wo). And yeah, Kokuo is referred as an "it". That's not a typo.

Author think that's enough rambling for now, so let's finish this off XD

As usual, special thanks for everyone who have read the story up to this point. Author wasn't expecting a lot of people to take a liking in this weird, weird tale, but here we are. As long as one person still read this, author will keep trying their best~

Another thanks for the 'Thanks for chapter' sect. Your presence is always appreciated and loved~

If you have any suggestion or question, feel free to shout in the comment section down below.

Thank you and have a good day :D

tl;dr: another thank you for everyone~

-More Thankful Author

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