
Wake Your Dreams

The female lead, a seventeen-year-old high-school student residing in Kyoto Prefecture, held a secret. Beneath her seemingly ordinary facade, she harbored a passion for crafting adult stories, a thrill she ardently kept hidden. Like any other typical teenager who will soon graduate, she is confused about what to do in future. Known to be an aloof and arrogant girl in school, a persona she had cultivated as a defense mechanism against the judgemental gazes of her peers. Loneliness gnawed at her, leaving her with an undeniable sense of worry. Coinciding with her cousin brother’s return to Kyoto after a lengthy nine-year absence, her life took an unexpected turn. Unlike her, he was vibrant and outgoing nature, a captivating foil to her own reserved facade. And what seems to be worrying is that she seems to see her cousin brother not as a "cousin brother". As the threads of their lives intertwined, an internal struggle grew within her, for she could not deny the attraction that bloomed in her heart. ~She feared that she was falling head over heels for the person in front of her. He is someone she should not love.~ The path ahead remained uncertain , an unfolding story waiting to be written.

MoonlitNightRoxana · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
48 Chs

They look cute together. A wolf and a bunny…


They look cute together. A wolf and a bunny…


It has been two weeks since they returned back from their trip.

Ding~ (The doorbell rang)

Zehan opened the front door.

Shizuka Itamori smiled and said," Is my girlfriend ready? I am here to take her with me."

"Girlfriend…?" Zehan mumbled and threw hostile glare at Shizuka. Zehan was about to say something when Kiyoko hastily cut in.

"Shizuka…You are here! Wait a bit let me wear my shoes!"

"Yeah, take your time…No need to rush!"Shizuka said.

Kiyoko was wearing her sneakers. She could feel a strong gaze upon her.

"Should you not wear something casual…?" Zehan said. But he quiet down when Kiyoko shot a glare at his direction.

Kiyoko was wearing a sleeveless pink lace dress which lengthened up to her knees.

Zehan could not keep his eyes away from her. He felt his heart tightening at the thought of how other men would look at her.

"Kiyo looks perfect." Shizuka said.

"Thanks!" Kiyoko replied with a smile.

"Come back home early…" Zehan said.

"No I won't. I am going to stay out all night." Kiyoko said nonchalantly and walked towards Shizuka.

Zehan turned towards Shizuka and said," Don't let her drink too much. If she doesn't listen to you and gets frisky…Call me. You have my phone number…Right?"

"Yeah, I have." Shizuka controlled her best to not let out her laughter.

"What do you think of me?" Kiyoko yelped at Zehan.

"My wife" Zehan said nonchalantly.

Kiyoko took a deep breath and said," Shizuka, let's get going!"

Kiyoko pulled Shizuka by her hand and stormed off towards the elevators.

"That man is ridiculous!" Kiyoko said at once when they were in the elevator.

Shizuka chuckled.

"Are you two having a cold war? It felt like that."

"We did have a bit of argument this morning. Well, he bought a blender when we were in Italy. It cost more than two thousand in dollars. Can you believe it! We can get the same from the mall for less than half of that. He did not even tell me that he bought such a thing."

"Ohh…" Shizuka mumbled before she said," The brooch you brought for me is so perfect. It goes well with this dress. How do I look?" She said it to change the subject.

"It looks stunning on you. Happy Birthday, Shizuka!"

The brooch was Kiyoko's birthday gift to Shizuka.

"How many times will wish me? You already wished me in the morning." Shizuka chuckled. They exited the elevator and walked towards the parked car.

At that moment Kiyoko's phone beeped.

Kiyoko took a glance at the screen and shut the phone once again.

"Your husband…?" Shizuka asked.

"Yeah…He messaged me to have a great time."

Kiyoko smiled a little. 'He also said that I am looking cute.'


Shizuka's other two friends were already waiting for them at the restaurant.

It was Shizuka's birthday celebration.

The other two ladies were Shizuka's college buddies. They were both around Shizuka's age.

After their dinner got over, they ordered the drinks.

It was one thing to notice was that the two ladies were equally wild as Shizuka.

"Pick up your damn phone. It's ringing for too long. At least toggle the silent mode." Shizuka growled at the lady with a short hair whose phone was ringing continuously.

"Well the ringtone is soothing!" The other lady chuckled." Is it your husband who is calling you?"

"Yeah…" The lady with the short hair said.

"Why are you not picking up the call? Are you giving him silent treatment?" Shizuka asked.

"…Sort of… Yeah"

"Well a little argument makes the relationship spicy. A cherry on top…!" The other lady said.

"Huh! I don't think so. I am fed up with my husband. I feel all he does is finding faults in me some way or the other." The lady with the short hair said. She continued," He always has problem with my shopping."

"Maybe because you do too much shopping…" Shizuka said.

"No. How can you call that too much shopping? It's all the basic things that we should buy. It's not like I buy it for only myself."

The lady with the short hair asked," Kiyoko, what do you think?"

Kiyoko was slowly sipping the smoothie while listening at the gossips. She was not ready for the sudden question thrown at her.

"I think you are right." She said with a smile.

"Absolutely…!" The lady said excitedly.

"Whatever! Let's talk about something else." Shizuka said.

"Let's talk about our birthday girl then…" The other lady said and giggled. The lady in short hair nodded her head.

"What about me?" Shizuka felt cornered.

"Who is your current boyfriend?" Kiyoko asked.

"Ohh…!" The two ladies cheered.

"I don't have one…"

"Lies…! I saw you going to the movies with a man last week." The lady in short hair said.

"Were you following me?" Shizuka asked.

"Nope, Madam…! I just happened to see you on the street with a boy and ended up going after you… to make sure you are alright…"

"You were totally stalking me."

"So who was it you went on a movie date with?" The other lady asked.

"He was one of my blind dates my mother sent. I didn't want to have a boring dinner at the restaurant so we went to watch a movie. That's it!"

"And after that…?" Kiyoko asked while slowly sipping the smoothie.

Shizuka glared at Kiyoko.

"This girl is rocking tonight!" The two ladies said in unison.

"Nothing happened after that. We went on our own ways."

"Lies…! I saw you both entering the same taxi." The lady in the short hair yelped.

Kiyoko and the two other ladies laughed.

"Are you all bullying the birthday girl?" Shizuka mumbled."Isn't it too late? We should go home now. Kiyoko don't you have go early tonight. Rebecca too…Your son is waiting for you at home."

"Don't worry my husband is taking care of Kim." The lady in the short hair said.

"Are you trying to shoo us away? Not fair!" The other lady said. She asked, "Kiyoko, can you stay with us a bit late?"

"Totally…!" Kiyoko said.

"That's the spirit!" The lady in short hair patted Kiyoko on her shoulder.

At that moment, the waiter came towards them and said," Please Missus can you lower down your voices. The other customers are feeling disturbed."

"Oh sorry…!" The lady who sat next to Kiyoko said.

"We will be quite!" Shizuka replied.

The waiter bowed and walked away.

"Damn! We should have booked a separate room." Shizuka said.


"Kiyoko…! Isn't that your husband?" Shizuka pointed out at the person leaning against the car outside the restaurant.

Kiyoko looked towards the direction pointed by Shizuka. She was stunned to see Zehan glancing straight at her.

"Your husband is so strict." The lady with the short hair said.

"I am not going!" Kiyoko turned away her face and said.

"He is coming inside…" The other lady gasped.

Kiyoko heard the waiter welcoming the person who just entered the restaurant.

Moments later she heard the footsteps approaching from behind her.

"Kiyoko, time to go home…" The very familiar voice rang from behind her.

Kiyoko gasped.

"Hello ladies, I am here to take this lady home. Good Night!" Zehan said with a smile.

"Oh Good Night…!" The lady who sat next to Kiyoko said.

"Bye, Kiyoko. " The lady in short hair said.

Kiyoko took her handbag from the table and stood up. She bowed and gestured a goodbye to the ladies sitting at the table before turning her head towards Zehan standing behind her.

The women at the table huddled and looked outside to see the couple get inside the car. And moments later the car started off through the busy road.

"It felt like I was in a Korean drama…" One of them gasped.

"They look cute together. A wolf and a bunny…"

They all laughed aloud only to get a warning glare from the old lady at the next table.

They quiet down.
