
Wakanda Forever

Random black dude reincarnated as his one of his favorite superheroes in the dc universe. I am a native English speaker, from the U.S Prolly not harem.

Jaquaviontavious · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

Itumente Icandelo 2

We moved on from there into a bracket based on placement. I was going to fight whoever won all of the bouts.

2 Hours Later—————————

After a time it came to me, my cousin and the ape siblings.


The announcer exclaims to the crowd of tribes. I had just beaten W'Kabi with a leg sweep from my wooden staff against his wooden sword and shield.

I lower my hand to pick him up and he takes it. "Good match W'Kabi"

"Congratulations Prince T'Challa" he nods respectfully. Hopefully he will be one of my closest and trusted men in the future.

I walk to the line of winners. "MAY I PRESENT THE CONTESTANTS OF THE SEMIFINALS!!!" The random announcer screams.

Cheers from the crowd resound around us. Music and people all going crazy.


N'Jadaka vs Asira

T'Challa vs M'Baku"

That means future killmonger is first.


After a short rest the fighters make there ways onto the stage and bow towards each other.

They begin to instantly circle each other, N'Jadaka carrying a wooden staff, while Asira carrying a wooden hammer. Each weapon prepped in their hands.

Jada starts of with a quick thrust of his staff, aiming for her stomach, seeing the attack coming she positions her hammer to deflect the blow and charge. Clashing, she throws her body forward, however Jada sweeps his legs at the knee of the charging girl.

A little off put at the strange attack, she leaps over it. Jada, simply swings his staff as hard as he can at the girl hoping to knock her weapon out of her weapon. She responds by twirling under the attack, simultaneously charging up a swing of monstrous proportions.

The fight went on for a few minutes, Jada hitting and retreating while Asira tires herself out, eventually endinv in Jada's win.


After that, I made my way on the stage, bowing to M'Baku, we begin.

3rd POV——

"Don't hold back or I am going to break you." M'Baku snarled at T'Challa.

M'Baku had chosen a sword for this particular bout, while T'Challa had chosen gauntlets.

M'Baku rushed at the T'Challa. He dipped and weaved right as he was about to reach him and slashed downwards with the sword. T'Challa parried with one of his gauntlets and the blade clashed against the metal strapped to T'Challa's arms with a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air. The swordsman was quick and uppercut slashed at the hand to hand warrior, attempting to catch T'Challa from stem all the way to stern.

T'Challa sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from his face.

Quickly, before M'Baku could respond with a follow-up, T'Challa swiftly punched M'Baku in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of the swordsman, and stunning him for a brief moment.

The fight had taken T'Challa and M'Baku dangerously close to the edge of the arena and T'Challa had his back against(figuratively) the wall, despite his counter offensive.

M'Baku was still open for more attacks though and T'Challa was not done. The quick blow had opened the gorilla boy up for another attack and T'Challa obliged him, putting a simple sidekick into the swordsman's stomach, doubling him over. He followed that up with a quick rising uppercut. The crowd watching their fight let out a collective wince for the boy.

Taking the opening and using the environment to his advantage, back flipped and pushed off the ground towards M'Baku. The maneuver sent him front flipping towards M'Baku and just before he reached the gorilla swordsman, He flattened his body out, feet first.

Instead of colliding with his adversary though, T'Challa opted to wrap his feet around M'Baku's neck instead. The maneuver caught him off guard as he was recovering his wits, once again. T'Challa gave him an apologetic shrug, mid air. As if to say, "sorry" for what was going to come next.

T'Challa used his momentum in a creative, instead of piling into his opponent; instead, he jerked to the right and swung around M'Baku. Then, when he was directly behind his opponent, he curled his legs into his body and angled his body towards the ground, changing the direction of his fall, putting the weight of his jump into a powerful throw.

M'Baku was pulled off his feet violently and was thrown across the floor.

He skidded and tumbled along the ground, uncontrolled. He was stopped by the other end of the stage floor, about five feet from his previous position, knocked out.