
Wakanda Forever: I See You (Marvel Fanfic)

Not everyone can be born with a silver spoon. Even fewer with a gold spoon. But J'Zaki was born with a vibranium spoon in his mouth. As the twin brother of Shuri, he is a member of the famous Wakanda Royal Family. This is his story. ------ Story takes places in a universe similar to the MCU, not the comics. Repeat, MCU not the comics. Do not read this if you can only see things through the lense of your culture. MC is frim Wakanda and will adhere to their customs, some of which may offend or confuse you.

TrueBoredAsura · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

The Jabari

-- At the same time, down the mountain and in the throne room of Wakanda --

General Linoh was kneeling in the center of the room, her body was exposed to the world while all her clothes were in rags next to her. All over the woman's body were cuts and bruises given to her by her fellow Dora Milaje. Former, fellow Dora Milaje.

After it was discovered that J'Zaki escaped, Queen Ramonda ordered a search to be conducted. But before the search had even begun, General Linoh admitted to helping the prince escape and telling them where he had gone.

When they found out that their most trusted general had helped their son go to the Jabari, most likely killing him, the king and queen condemned Linoh to the crime of treason. Being convicted of treason meant that the woman was stripped of her rank and armor before getting beaten for 'resisting.'

That was how she came to be in her current state. But still, the queen's anger had not been subdued.

"You! You! You have killed my child!" the queen pointed her finger at Linoh, wishing she could kill the woman thousand times over. "You dare to kill a child of mine?!?!"

"Dooro is a man that I trust. He has surely brought the prince to the Jabari safely, Queen Mother," Linoh was kneeling and didn't look up but she still responded to the queen.

"Enough! Beat her! Beat her until she can no longer speak!"

"Mother," T'Challa walked into the room, already wearing his Black Panther suit, save for the helmet. He had taken over the role of Black Panther from his father for the past year and a half.

T'Challa tried to reason with his mother, "She has already been arrested. Anything else, and the people shall call you a cruel ruler."

"He is right, my dear. General Okoye, have her taken down to the cells!"

"Yes, my king!" Okoye then commanded two of her warriors to pick the woman up by her arms and drag her out of the room. As for her fate, she would most likely be locked in the cells and never be seen again.

With her gone, it seemed like Queen Ramonda calmed down slightly. But even if she was slightly calmer, she still gave T'Challa an order.

"Prince T'Challa, this is an official order for you from the Queen of Wakanda. Go up the mountain to the Jabari tribe. If Prince J'Zaki is alive, bring him back. If he is dead, I do not wish to hear the chant of the Jabari in the future."

"Mother," Shuri quickly protested. "You cannot have the Jabari killed. It was Brother that went to them willingly. And you also can't just bring him back. He would resent you for it if you did."

"Then what shall we do?!?! Leave your brother up there with those savages?"

"Darling, Shuri speaks the truth. None of our children are fools. If he has gone there, he must have his reasons, especially for not telling us," King T'Chaka also tried to calm his wife before turning to T'Challa. "You shall go up there tomorrow and speak with the Jabari as well as check on your brother. If he wishes to stay and they will have him, tell him he has until his next birthday to return to us. After that, we shall force him back."

"Yes, Father."

And so it was decided how it would happen. The next day, T'Challa, Okoye, and 8 Dora Milaje made their way up the mountain at first light. After an hour of walking, the group made their way to the Jabari Clan's gate.

"I am T'Challa! Crown Prince of Wakanda! We wish to speak to your chief and my little brother."

"How many of you are there?" a woman's voice could be heard from the top of the gate

T'Challa and Okoye looked confused for a moment before the prince responded.

"There are 10 of us."

"Perfect. You each have someone to talk to while you wait. We do not open our gates to outsiders until at least noon."

Okoye glared at the top of the gate before she turned to T'Challa.

"Your highness, permission to go up there and drag that woman down here by the knots in her hair."

"Okoye," T'Challa could feel a headache building. "We are on their land. We can at least follow some of their rules. Let us wait out here until noon. If we have to wait longer than that... then we can go with your plan."

For the next 4 hours, their group had to endure the cold mountain air attacking them. Even though their clothes protected them from freezing, it was still not a comfortable experience. But exactly at noon. that was when the gates to the Jabari stronghold opened up.

A group of warriors appeared in front of them before leading them to the throne room. When they entered, all of them were just as surprised as J'Zaki was when he first saw it. But for a different reason.

Because aside from them and the warriors who guided them, the room was completely empty of all personnel.

T'Challa turned to the warriors, anger in his voice.

"Where is the chief? Where is my brother?"

A woman walked out from the crowd.

"The chief and the boy are currently training. We informed you of their visit but he said that mandatory training has mandatory times. It will end at 2 pm. Then they shall bathe and be here. Shouldn't take more than 30 minutes by then."

Okoye and the other Dora Milaje extended their spears. The Jabari unsheathed theirs. Both sides stared at the other, ready when the other made the first move or for T'Challa to give the order.

T'Challa raised his hand, signalling for the Dora Milaje to stand down. When the women put their weapons away, he gave the Jabari a warning.

"This will be the last time that I stop them. Any more games or tricks, and you shall understand why the Dora Milaje and Black Panther are considered the shield and spear of Wakanda."