
Wakanda Forever: I See You (Marvel Fanfic)

Not everyone can be born with a silver spoon. Even fewer with a gold spoon. But J'Zaki was born with a vibranium spoon in his mouth. As the twin brother of Shuri, he is a member of the famous Wakanda Royal Family. This is his story. ------ Story takes places in a universe similar to the MCU, not the comics. Repeat, MCU not the comics. Do not read this if you can only see things through the lense of your culture. MC is frim Wakanda and will adhere to their customs, some of which may offend or confuse you.

TrueBoredAsura · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

Surprised Upon Return

J'Zaki returned from his mission a few days later. A person was building a device that could detect vibranium. Although it was in its early stages and there were no signs that it would work in the future, J'Zaki didn't feel like taking such a risk. So he used his recently acquired psionic abilities to place a subtle hypnosis on the man's mind. From then on, he would self-sabotage his own project whenever he completed at least 3 percent of the device.

After making sure that the device would never be created, J'Zaki flew back to Wakanda. Since it had only been a month since he had gotten his new position and the others had deemed him the Mad Prince, J'Zaki did not want to risk being away from the court for too long. Too many unknowns could happen, even if he had supporters in it.

The prince returned to his manor outside the city when he returned to Wakanda. Even though he was now the crown prince, J'Zaki still insisted on staying in his private manor. He enjoyed the privacy that it offered compared to living in the castle.

The prince got off the jet and began making his way to his room while thinking about Shuri's invention.

'Ororo said that Shuri had finished it. I wonder what it is capable of. Also gotta think about how soon it will be until she finishes the serum. Even if we do know where the mutants are, that knowledge is useless if we can't do anything about it.'

J'Zaki was so deep in thought that he didn't even realize that he had made it back to his room. The doors swirled as they opened and revealed the inside of his room. But the empty room that he was expecting had a naked woman lying on the bed.

"Hey, Ro. I need to shower real quick but then I'll join you in bed."

Seeing Ororo naked, J'Zaki took a minute to appreciate it before he began to walk by. Since Ororo was a naturist, she usually walked around their manor wearing as few clothes as possible. When they were in their room, she was almost always naked. The prince had to learn to adapt to her... habits and not always assume she was trying to seduce him.

J'Zaki walked into the private bathroom and took a quick shower to wash the flight off of him. He didn't want to stay in too long and wake up Ororo if she fell asleep on him.

After drying himself off, J'Zaki walked out of the bathroom naked and got into bed. As soon as he was inside, Ororo backed into him and the prince put his arm over her body to hold her close. They had already slept together so many times that it had become natural to which positions they would get in.

"Night, Ro."

"Night, Ki."

The lights in the room turned off hearing the pair's words. Thanks to Shuri, the room had several sets of automatic commands to make life easier for the pair.

"Hey, Ki," Ororo called out within the darkness

"Hmm?" J'Zaki was exhausted but still answered her.

"Of the 5 potential mutants in Wakanda, 1 of them is too young to be of use for the battle. Another is part of the Jabari so you will need to talk to her. The last is a guy around our age who lives in the city. He seems to be from the Merchant Tribe."

"Got it. I'll deal with them later."

"Perfect. Night."


J'Zaki realized that she hadn't mentioned the other two potential mutants but he was too tired to think about it. All he wanted to do was sleep.



"The other two potential mutants are T'Challa and Shuri. Night."

J'Zaki's closed eyes shot open and he looked at the back of Ororo's head in the darkness. The woman could feel him staring so hard that she was afraid he would burn a hole in the back of her head. But he didn't respond. She forced herself to ignore the stare and relax until she had fallen asleep.

"Ro. Please tell me you're kidding, Ro. Ro!" But no matter how much he called out to her, Ororo was going to pretend like she didn't hear him at all.

Knowing what game she was playing, J'Zaki gave up trying to talk to her and began thinking about how he was going to convince his brother, who hadn't talked to him since their match, to help him for Wakanda's sake.

'There is always ordering him to simply do it but ordering people to do things they do not wish to do rarely works out.'

In the end, J'Zaki decided to not think about it anymore. He used the excuse of the super soldier serum not being ready so there being no point in him worrying about whether or not it could be used to turn others into mutants.

But not even two months later, he had to face the reality of dealing with this problem. Because Shuri had successfully recreated the serum.

J'Zaki and Ororo were called into the Wakanda Design Group's lab where Shuri had the finished product. When the couple walked in, they were drawing all of the attention. No matter what rumors were being spread around, the pair being the best looking and most powerful young couple in all of Wakanda was definitely the truth. All eyes usually fell on them when they were alone but when they walked together, they naturally made everyone look at them.

Shuri, one of the few people immune to their looks, rolled her eyes at her team.

"Enough, you horn dogs! Get back to work! I have something to discuss with them."

Shuri brought the two into her private lab within the Wakanda Design Group where she pulled out a tube of glowing purple liquid. She passed it over to J'Zaki with a smile on her face.

"This, Brother, is the perfected X-Gene Activation System."