Not everyone can be born with a silver spoon. Even fewer with a gold spoon. But J'Zaki was born with a vibranium spoon in his mouth. As the twin brother of Shuri, he is a member of the famous Wakanda Royal Family. This is his story. ------ Story takes places in a universe similar to the MCU, not the comics. Repeat, MCU not the comics. Do not read this if you can only see things through the lense of your culture. MC is frim Wakanda and will adhere to their customs, some of which may offend or confuse you.
After T'Challa's defeat at J'Zaki's hands, the title of crown prince had officially been transferred over to the younger brother. Many of the citizens became curious about the change and started spreading rumors about the truth of the matter but none of them had come close to the truth that the elders whispered amongst their families.
The Mad Prince has taken the throne.
Whether it was the ones who opposed him or the ones who supported him, they all called J'Zaki by the same title. The Mad Prince. Some of them believed that he had lost his mind to a curse from Bast for worshipping false gods. Others said it was because those false gods whispered lies into his mind and cursed it themselves. Either way, he was not someone fit for the throne.
But there was nothing they could do about it. Wakanda's ancient traditions had actually bit them in the butt.
The only way for someone to take the throne from J'Zaki was to beat him in combat or have him die before he could ascend to king. But both were impossible for them to accomplish. The former would require someone on the level of the Black Panther at least to challenge him while the latter would mean betraying Wakanda and maybe even earning the wrath of the Royal Family and Jabari if they were caught.
So all the others could do is wait and hope that the prince ended up dying on one of the dangerous missions he always went on.
But one of the few people who did not pray for his death was his sister. Not only did she support him becoming king, but she also supported all of the actions that he had taken since his position as crown prince was cemented.
J'Zaki had given Shuri the position of the head of the Wakandan Design Group. Although she was a member before, she was limited by what she was allowed to research while she was a lower-ranked member. But once she was granted her new position plus double the previous budget for the group and even more personnel, Shuri was able to research as she pleased, as long as she added a few side projects for J'Zaki.
One of these side projects was Project M as in mutants.
Shuri had been able to recreate the machine known as Cerebro in only a month after she was given her new position. And she was more than eager to show it off.
When Shuri had finished it, J'Zaki was out on a mission so Ororo was the first person to see it. When Ororo stopped by Shuri's lab to check on the final product.
Unlike what Xavier had created, Shuri's version of Cerebro was much smaller. It resembled black sunglasses. But once Ororo put them on her head, her entire view changed. It was like she was looking at the world from above and could see blue and red lights all over the world.
"How is it? I made it so that unawakened X-Genes show up as blue while awakened ones are red. It will also give you an estimate of their age and tell you their gender." Shuri's voice appeared beside Ororo. She was giving explanations on how to use the headpiece.
"I made it so that you can filter out awakened and non-awakened mutants or focus in on certain locations. I also added a recording feature so when we meet other mutants, we can keep track of them."
"This is amazing, little sister."
Ororo was truly speaking from her heart. She had not expected Shuri to develop something so amazing so fast. For something of this quality, Ororo was expecting Shuri to take at least half a year to finish.
Just as she was about to ask another question, Ororo noticed a large cluster of red lights near Brazil. Even when she zoomed in, she saw that there were at least 200 of them on a small island. The young woman made a mental note to bring this up to J'Zaki to take a look into this island. For so many active mutants to be in one location, something was definitely up.
But that was put on her back burner. Instead, she wanted to start looking for the mutants in Wakanda. Ororo focused in on their small nation and counted only 6 mutants there, including her. And she was the only awakened one.
'Out of the three we have here, one is a child that would not be old enough by the time the battle between the two factions starts so we can ignore him. That just leaves two girls and two guys. She should be around 26-28 and lives in the Jabari mountains. I'll have to leave getting her to J'Zaki since my word doesn't carry as much weight as his with them. This other boy is 15-18 and lives in the northern district. As for these last two...'
Ororo took off the glasses and looked at Shuri in surprise. The girl nodded and nearly squealed when she saw Ororo's face.
"That's right! I'm a potential mutant!"
Shuri threw her arms around Ororo and have the other a big hug. She was just too excited. At first, she thought that she was reading it wrong but after confirming that she was a mutant as well, Shuri was excited. She was even more motivated to recreate the SSS (super soldier serum) so she could find out what her mutation was.
"Hmm. That is definitely amazing, Little Sister. But is this other reading correct?" Ororo had an awkward expression on her face and so did Shuri after she asked the question. Shuri nodded and Ororo could no longer deny it.
"Great. All three siblings are mutants. We have to get T'Challa on board now."