
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime und Comics
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Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 9

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 9

Six days later*

It's May 24, a Thursday, and it's almost the afternoon. Customers have stopped trying to meet up with Lala through nearly any means.

Nearly an entire week since Lala came into his life.

Lawliet would love to say it's a great time, but he would be lying. Well, it wasn't wholly awful with a beautiful alien girl that can crush the average human's head like a grape and invent things that make many inventors question their life for a long time.

Anyway, Lawliet thought he developed a strong will over the years. Sadly, he was wrong, but at the same time, he was not that sad about it. Then again, the things he had to deal with Nabiki would clearly have made the average person snap at her. Of course, this world is an anime/manga, so standard logic shouldn't apply.

That being said, he overestimated Lala's genius in planning a good way to make him willing to marry her. Instead, he had to deal with lots of Lala's inventions going haywire and deal with them before they could cause significant damage to the building.

Talk about failure after failure. It seems Lala's inventions are similar to the canon, where they usually do not work as well as Lala and the others had hoped, often resulting in a perverted accident. Fatal accidents would be the case.

Through secret research, it became much more profound than before. Lawliet discovered that Lala's years of becoming better in warfare inventions have caused her to develop hidden habits. So, for the most part, 99% of the inventions she creates tend to be meant for dealing with her enemies. Therefore, she is very rusty in creating things outside of warfare, which leads to subconsciously turning them into weapons of some sort.

So in a way, he had great training for nearly an entire week thanks to Lala trying to use her inventions to persuade him to marry her.

Honestly, Lawliet knew Lala wasn't trying to kill him on purpose. But, damn, if it wasn't for his training over the years with the Charyeok. He would be dead on the second night of having Lala in his life. Although, over the six days of dealing with numerous inventions of Lala's that nearly claimed his life. He made lots of progress in many Charyeok compared to the months he did in the past.

A black wooden wand appears in Lawliet's right hand. With a flick of the wrist, waving in a complicated shape, using the tip of the wand to draw multiple symbols and hurl them over the side of the room to cover Lala's newest invention in the form of an edgy looking box shaped wolf-like head that just one moment away in burning the place down with flames already coming out of its mouth.

The Charyeok: The Great Magician. Said to be the strongest magic-using Charyeok in the G.O.H's world. The Great Magician has shown three abilities in the canon: Magic, Alchemy, and Pyrokinesis. And its appearance was never shown visually, which wasn't a problem as he imagined a wand as a medium to channel the Charyeok.

Through Alchemy, Lawliet has converted Lala's newest invention into raw materials for Lala to use for her next invention—something he did to help Lala save herself from wasting too much cash on inventions with fatal flaws.

Sure, he could have just destroyed Lala's inventions, but why do something like that when he can train his reflex and get better at using The Great Magician's Alchemy to solve the problems? Plus, the look on Lala's face is worth it. Every time she sees her inventions turned back to raw materials somehow annoys her greatly.

"Careful there, Lala. This place isn't flameproof." Lawliet said to Lala, who was pouting as she slowly began her next project. Not saying another word; well, more like she knew there was no point in trying to defend herself with the many previous accidents.

Anyway, back to his previous thoughts. Other than almost dying more than once, accident or not, he saw Lala 'accidentally' walking around the house naked. Either her inventions' blowing up was too close and destroyed her clothes in the process while her body is perfectly fine. Showing how powerful her body is and how sexy her body is too.

Yeah, as much as he wanted to say, he has iron-like willpower to be able to stand against Lala's sexy body. Mainly because one of Lala's traits, which she inherited from her mother, has recently started to awaken. Charimans are considered to be the most attractive race. However, because of this, anyone of the opposite gender that so much as looks at their face will turn into a sexual beast no matter how much the other person is trying to act like a courteous person. This also works on animals, with only a selective case of those that can resist this.

He caved.

Lawliet sighed, recalling how easy it could be to have sex with Lala. Or, more like, like in the canon. Lala is very naive about earth's culture and will make highly dangerous mistakes by either accident or serious miscommunication.

Somehow, Lala got a bright idea to sleep naked in the same bed as him. Managed to sneak into his bed after he slept and not wake him up nor trigger his reflex to attack any sudden movement. Then again, Lala didn't have any hostile intentions; therefore, this could be one of the reasons why she continued to sneak into his bed without his permission.

Lawliet nearly had a heart attack when this first happened, and after the following few times, this continues. He has already started kissing Lala in a way that got both of them very hot and bothered, but they didn't go all the way just yet. Mostly Lala wanted verbal confirmation for the marriage, while he barely managed to treat this as mental training.

Overall, it's just plain stupid that this silly marriage is the only thing they didn't go all the way. Lawliet is at his limit, no matter how calm he looks on the outside. Hell, Lala wants the same thing as he does, and he didn't have to read her mind to know. Of course, he did make sure it wasn't just him and could lead to a big misunderstanding later on. Lucky for him, Lala did, in fact, want to go all the way.

The front door opened, with Nabiki and Ranma walking in along with a fuming Akane behind them. Ranma has a large bruise on his right cheek. Something Lawliet didn't expect to see from someone like Ranma, other than Lala beating him up whenever he annoys her somehow while he was on standby for the next delivery. Which he would be treated in the end, so he could go home without any injuries.

"I thought you like keeping your hair long, Akane?" Lawliet is a bit surprised Akane still got her hair cut by Ryoga, like in the canon. Although, it wasn't even a normal haircut, nor was it something Akane wanted.

Akane's right eyelid twitches.

"Let's just say that... the person that cut my hair did it without my permission, and he had to pay the price for it...!" Akane almost growls near the end.

"Right..." Lawliet stopped using The Great Magician, causing the wand in his hand to disappear. "So other than Nabiki and Ranma coming here for work. What do you need, Akane?"

"Just came here to cool down. Do you mind me using one of your rooms, Dr. Lawliet?" Akane looks ready to punch anyone near her, which should be why Nabiki and Ranma are further away from her—especially Ranma, who rubs his bruised right cheek.

"Go ahead." Lawliet trusts Akane enough not to break anything.

Akane glared at Ranma one last time before walking away with a huff, picking the farthest empty room available, then closing the door behind her and locking the door afterward.

"Want to tell me what happens?" Lawliet asks Nabiki and Ranma, even though he has a gist of what had occurred.

Nabiki starts explaining, and just like in the canon, Ranma had a second fight with Ryoga at the school and the accident that caused Akane's long hair to be cut, which is lucky as she could have died instead. Furthermore, Akane didn't slap Ranma and Ryoga like in the canon, she outright punched them hard enough to leave a bruise, but she wasn't strong enough to do more than that.

"I see." Lawliet's right hand blurred in motion, then like magic. The Bruise on Ranma's right cheek is gone, thanks to using the Charyeok: Na Bongchim briefly. "Anyway, there is some delivery you got to make, Ranma. Nabiki, I'm going to quiz you to see how much you have learned so far."

"Got it, Dr. Lawliet, and thanks for healing me." Ranma bowed his head slightly, then quickly moved to the room that stored all delivery to be shipped out.

Lala was in the way, but she made no movement to move out of the way. Instead, Ranma did and carefully not make too much noise around Lala, who was focusing on her work in making something that was no doubt dangerous.

Lawliet wonder if it was due to Ranma getting hit in the head in the canon often that made him so reckless. Yet, the Ranma before him is more cautious than ever once he realizes he is no match for Lala. Also, it seems he wasn't too prideful, which is good. Now Ranma just need to be more cautious in how he uses his words when speaking to others. After all, he still inherits some of his father's way of speaking.

Moving on with Nabiki, Lawliet got his work put out for him. Now that Nabiki is his student, it's time for him to 'guide' Nabiki to become a better person. Well, more on the line of someone that has a better moral. Twisted if needed, but moral nonetheless.

Maybe his adoptive parents' teachings aren't so bad after all. He got something to fall on to help him teach others, but more on a lesser scale. No way he was going to make Nabiki go through what he and his siblings did in the past in order to gain their full name.

Nabiki suddenly shivered, causing her to look around to see what caused this. Then, she looks at Dr. Lawliet, who stares blankly at her. Then for some reason, she starts to regret what she did in the past in order to blackmail him.

Nabiki remembers the feeling of fear again for the first time since her mother died. Making her wish she could go to the past and make it so she would never have the thought of trying to mess with Dr. Lawliet.

"Nabiki." Lawliet ignored the way Nabiki flinched. "I really hope you pass the quiz. If not, even after all the time you tried to learn from me by watching on the sideline. I'll put you through a study course that will make sure you understand everything completely. I would rather not let others blame me for your lack of skills as you try to treat others using the skills you learned from me."

"M-Mercy?" Nabiki pleads.

"Sorry, fresh out of mercy." Lawliet said coldly, for he now had the chance to get his revenge for those annoying times dealing with her nonsense. Plus, this would be good for Nabiki to not stray off the wrong path and with a high possible chance of her going on a darker path.

Yup, this is for Nabiki's own good. Nothing else.