
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 8

An hour later*

Lawliet glance over to Lala, who is still going through her inner monologue, which she is now thinking about many ways to get him to accept the whole marriage thing—a pointless thing, in his opinion. Since it's pretty much a status than anything else; furthermore, even if he did get married to Lala. It was not like her father or anyone else in her world would accept this.

Honestly, if he ever does get to the point of traveling the multiverse and if Lala tag along. Would anyone in those worlds accept the whole marriage thing if they were told he and Lala are married?

Lawliet pause for a moment, seriously thinking about this now.

Okay, it seems other than training his body and working at the clinic. He got to go back to studying about life itself. His thoughts are all over the place when he isn't thinking about training and selectively focused priorities. And now that he thinks about it. He is making too much of a big deal out of many things related to the Tendo family when he can easily deal with Nabiki's blackmailing simple with his current mastery over many Charyeok he trained in.

Nonetheless, this process will require some time and effort. Hopefully, he will remember this before his mind wander easily outside of the things he has been doing over the years.

Lawliet yawned before carefully putting away the new medical herbs that finally came in today, with the new one at the bottom and the old ones on top.

"Hey-" Genma was about to say something as he walked through the front door, only to receive a powerful, strong kick to the face by Lawliet. Launching him outside with enough force to send someone his size flying, and lucky or not, barely avoiding crashing into any buildings for a few blocks before the momentum bled out and roughly crashed into a building finally but not to the point of fatally injured.

"Did someone come in, Lawliet?" Lala snaps out of her inner monologue upon hearing someone coming in but only sees Lawliet opening the door and leaning against the doorframe.

"Nope." Lawliet replied. "Just wanted to open the door briefly to get some fresh air before returning to working on other tasks that need to be done before we close the clinic."

No way was he going to let Genma, of all people, come into this clinic for whatever reason. Medical purposes or not, he is already on his blacklist mainly due to the cursed excuse of a father who tried to steal his food because he thought he could. Not on his watch.

Lawliet would even go far as to say Genma wouldn't even try to pay his medical fee if he could run away without paying—something he has done many times, going by the memories of Genma he had looked into with the help of Marionette.

Honestly, if there was one form of payment Genma was willing to do, is to sell off his son, Ranma, in exchange for the kid's hand in marriage. Talk about almost near slave-like marketing there. But even then, it wouldn't be long before Genma took his son away when the chance was available.

Should Lawliet feel inadequate for kicking Genma away before he could tell why he appeared in his clinic? Not really. Should he give Genma give a chance to explain himself? Again, not really.

"Oh, okay." Lala slowly nods, then back to thinking up her little plans for marriage.

Lawliet shakes his head, but continues to use Marionette to be updated on any potential plans Lala comes up with that could be dangerous somehow.

Maybe he will see how things goes for an entire year before deciding. Or if Lala has the patience to last that long.

"Dr. Lawliet?" Nabiki calls from the side, walking along with Ranma, and surprisingly Akane is with them too.

"Oh, hello. School's over?" Lawliet asks casually as he watches all three enter his clinic without another word spoken before everyone is inside.

"Pretty much, and seeing how it's Friday. I've decided to come over to learn a few things before heading home." Nabiki answered, "As for Ranma, he is here to do his job. I don't know about Akane, other than maybe you are helping her fix her forms."

"Already did this morning, and also, I tag along to make sure you don't piss off Dr. Lawliet too badly like last time." Akane rolled her eyes at her older sister, then did a slight bow to Lawliet. "Excuse for our sudden visit, Dr. Lawliet. I hope you don't mind us."

"It's fine." Lawliet tries not to show how disturbed he is by how polite Akane is being. Although, that doesn't mean she didn't fully get rid of her anger problem, not that he can blame her for the lack of trying on her end. Oh, she did lots of meditations and, among other things, to control her anger. Sadly, the people around Akane, mainly almost all the male students at her school, are aiming to beat her up to date her.

Sometimes Lawliet wonders if Akane would be like Kasumi if it weren't for having to deal with the daily beat down of all those male students who hope to date Akane. This could also be another reason why Nabiki became who she is today by making sure no one could mess with her like how others are doing with Akane in the morning at school.

"Anything you need me to deliver right now, Dr. Lawliet?" Ranma asks, then notice Lala on the side. "Hey, who is she? Is she a patient?"

That got Nabiki and Akane's attention immediately as they realized another person was in the clinic. Also, the first thing they did upon seeing Lala was to look down at their chest and frown upon comparing theirs with Lala's. They were not happy one bit, and the seed of jealousy was planted into their heart at this very moment because of the lack of the chest department.

"That's Lala Satalin Deviluke, and before anyone questions her name. It's because she part of a hidden royal family, and one thing leads to another. She is currently staying at my place while working here as a part-time mechanic on the side to support herself in inventing her creations." Lawliet introduces Lala with a slight change about her background, but most of what he says is true. "Lala, these three are Nabiki, Akane, and Ranma." He points at the three as he introduces them next, one by one.

"Nice to meet you." Lala said calmly, but one could tell she didn't want to get involved with the three going by how she didn't move closer or continue talking with them as she looked away, resuming her thought process before being interrupted.

"Well, she has the attitude of someone from a royal family, that is for sure." Nabiki frowns, debating if she should get involved with Lala with a high-risk factor of many problems that would undoubtedly cause more harm than good. The moment she gets too close to someone from a royal family as she knows many common traits belong to a royal family and not in a good way, with many negatives being known about anything related to a royal family.

"At least she greeted back, right?" Akane furrows her eyebrows as she gets a good look at Lala, and she can't deny how beautiful Lala is. Also, she guessed Lala was the one she had almost met this morning. "How long will she stick around for, Dr. Lawliet?"

"Until her family problems are over, which might take years before things cool down. But, even then, the problems might not have disappeared if she goes back." Lawliet answered Akane's question. "So, honestly, I have no idea how long she will stick around for."

"Is it a good idea to have a woman living with you, Dr. Lawliet?" Nabiki hoped having Lala around wouldn't affect her learning of acupuncture.

"It's fine." Lawliet glances over at Ranma, who has a serious look on his face. "Something the matter, Ranma?"

"I... I just have this feeling that she is dangerous, but I don't know when she isn't showing any hostile intention." Ranma spoke truthfully.

This caused Nabiki and Akane to rethink what kind of person Lala could be if someone like Ranma said Lala gave off a dangerous feeling.

"Maybe it's due to her inborn powerful body? In their inner circle, her family is well known for possessing an abnormal physique that could easily kill the average human with raw force alone. They did not need to train in combat unless they wanted to. Because just relying on brute force is enough to deal with weaker foes." Lawliet came up with another white lie mixed with the truth.

"I feel like there is more than just having an abnormal physique." Ranma continues to stare at Lala without blinking this whole time.

"Maybe." Lawliet is now curious about Ranma's range of detection or if it requires him to see the target before determining the level of danger. Of course, this is just him making things up since he doesn't know why Ranma could sense Lala isn't someone to be messed with. Other than maybe using Marionette to perform a deeper scan to find the answer.

Plus, Ranma has yet to sense how dangerous he is, even in his base form. He can easily kill someone around Ranma's combat level without using Charyeok. Then again, it could be one of his Charyeok that makes it impossible for Ranma and anyone else to sense how powerful he is.

"Anyway, there is no delivery yet, Ranma. So just make yourself comfortable here and make sure not to break anything. Akane, you can do your homework on the counter, and if you need help, you can ask me when you encounter a difficult problem. I'll help you out when I'm free. Nabiki, resume taking notes as I introduce you to medical herbs and which one does what." Lawliet said to the three, not letting them continue with Lala.

A few hours later*

"Thanks for coming. Have a nice day." Lawliet bid his last customer farewell. "Alright, it's closing time, everyone." He called out to everyone in the clinic.

"Ugh, my back...!" Ranma groaned from the ground, where he got too bored and ended up getting smacked to the ground by Lala after trying to get a reaction out of her after not being able to do anything.

Yup, Ranma learned the hard way that Lala isn't someone to be messed with at all. Then again, Ranma has yet to develop further outside his father's teachings.

Although, the look on Nabiki and Akane's faces was priceless for a moment, unlike Ranma, who repeatedly failed to touch Lala, let alone defeat her. The two sisters immediately understood that only pain would happen if they dared try anything on Lala.

Overall, Lawliet can say that everyone is getting along just well. So long as Lala doesn't accidentally kill someone. He hasn't reached the point of perfect resurrection with his Charyeok or anytime soon.

"Ignoring Ranma for a moment. I need you to be here first thing in the morning, Nabiki. It's going to be a busy day." Lawliet glances over at Lala, who is no longer thinking up plans to marry him and is instead in the mood to create whatever is on her mind. "And like today, just direct all repair-related tasks over to Lala. Don't bother calculating her side of the money for her service. It's all hers."

Nabiki looked ready to argue the last part, but one look from Lala scared the shit out of her, and she wisely decided not to say another word other than a nod at her teacher before leaving with her sister and Ranma out the door. Of course, she needed Akane's help to drag Ranma out the door.

Lawliet watched the three leave, then at Lala, and chose to wait until she was done before closing the place completely.

So not much of a bad first day with Lala in his life. Maybe it won't be a bad thing to marry her, even if it's literally just a status than anything else.