
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 14

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 14

A few hours later*

Lawliet ignores Lucoa, who is trying to seduce him by always being in his line of sight no matter how he tries to look away. She always entered his line of sight, barely at the corner of his vision, which would bug him more than it should. Given how it kind of gave him the blue balls. But, he can only blame this on himself for torturing himself in not wanting to fuck Lucoa anytime soon.

Bad enough he has to deal with Lala too, but at least she is more tame and isn't so damn horny. Nevertheless, he can only just tough it up and continue training his Charyeok whenever he can and develop his willpower. He got to prepare for the future when he leaves this world for another; who knows if he will end up in a world that isn't as dangerous as in Ranma 1/2.

"Hey, Dr. Lawliet. I need your help." Akane entered through the front door with Ranma and Nabiki right behind her. "Do you know Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics?"

Lawliet stares blankly at Akane, causing the latter to become nervous as she shifts her center of balance slightly from leaning on her right foot to her left foot without realizing it as the seconds go on.

"I think you're asking the wrong person here." Lucoa spoke up, causing everyone to look in her direction and like before in the afternoon. Ranma blushes madly, quickly looking everywhere but at Lucoa.

Luckily, Lucoa made it so that she is now passively influencing all the ordinary people and a few selective people to ignore her appearance and treat her as normal unless she wants them to notice.

"Wow, you got a foreigner to work at your clinic, Dr. Lawliet?" Nabiki's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets upon seeing Lucoa. Especially the massive boobs that make her question whether they are real.

Akane frowns, "What do you mean I'm asking the wrong person?"

"Exactly as I just said. He isn't trained in anything like that. Do you truly see him as someone that trains in something like Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics?" Lucoa points out, making sure everyone understands what she means once they look at Lawliet again and think about it really hard.

"I-I mean, he must have some knowledge of it, right? I have seen him practicing in many forms of martial arts that I have lost count over time." Akane spoke with more confidence in the end.

"Akane, are you asking if I know it and would teach it to you?" Lawliet asks Akane, who nods quickly. "Hate to say it. I have some knowledge of it, but I don't practice it."

And just like that, Akane is now looking very embarrassed and frustrated.

"I know it and how to teach it, though." Lucoa grins, causing Akane to scowl. "But I won't do it for free."

That stops Akane from rejecting Lucoa because if it's like this, she won't feel too negative about it if she pays to be taught in the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics.

"How much are we talking about?" Nabiki quickly takes over in Akane's place. "Depending on how much you're charging my little sister. We'll have to decline your offer."

Akane would have argued Nabiki for butting in. However, even she knows her older sister has more knowledge whenever it's money-related. So, her sister should speak with this foreigner that may or may not become her teacher in Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics.

"Before I name you my price. How about you ask Doctor over here if I'm good enough to teach your little sister." Lucoa continues to grin as she walks over and stands before Nabiki. "After all, it would be a waste of my time if I had to persuade you how good I am."

"Weren't you supposed to be a pacifist?" Lawliet looks at Lucoa with confusion in his eyes. Also, he recalls she only knows karate and wrestling in the series. It seems like she knows more than that, or maybe she just used her power as a goddess to download the knowledge and experience in Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics.

"I am." Lucoa answered, "However, that doesn't mean I wouldn't offer a helping hand if needed and if they're paying for my service. Then, I can't do anything about the after-results since it's out of my hands."

"Wait, so she is good or not?" Nabiki stares at the two with suspicion.

"If you know what she could do. You wouldn't be talking to her with that tone." Lawliet recalls how Lucoa easily manipulates the minds of so many, including making it so Ranma forgets about what happened a few hours ago. Even now, it's only him and Lala that know what Lucoa can do and so much more.

"Will Akane be safe if she learns under this person?" Nabiki became highly nervous. She has already figured out that important people she knew would cost her life if she messed with them have slowly begun to appear around Dr. Lawliet. She wondered why she was still alive after what she had done to get some dirt on him, and the consistency of failures had made her lose more money—something she hates to this day. At least she is learning under Dr. Lawliet.

"Oh, she would be fine. Lucoa here can beat Ranma up with barely any effort. And before you argue, Ranma. She can beat Lala in a fight. Do you think you can beat Lucoa, let alone be unable to do anything to Lala?" Lawliet noticed how Ranma was about to speak without thinking, so it was better to stop him before he did something stupid.

Lala getting looks from almost everyone, made her roll her eyes at them and ignore them as she resumed focusing on her invention.

Her silence alone is enough for everyone to understand what Lawliet said is true. Almost everyone is going by the lost look on Ranma's face. This made Nabiki sigh in frustration, and she began explaining to Ranma so he could understand what was happening rather than allowing him to come up with a misunderstanding if left alone to his thoughts.

"Anyway, Akane. If you want to learn under Lucoa. Then be prepared for whatever training she would put you under. I have no knowledge of the level of skills she could, but I know plenty enough to understand you won't get a better teacher than her." Lawliet knew this would be great as this would make Lucoa leave him alone for a while.

Akane looks unsure, but at the same time, she knows Dr. Lawliet wouldn't want to harm her when she asks him for help. So she will give Lucoa the benefit of the doubt.

So, she signaled Nabiki that she agreed to learn under Lucoa, which started the negotiation between her older sister and her future teacher.

Hours later*

Lawliet let out a blissful sigh as the new automatic massage chair Lala built on his request was doing great on his back. Although he can just use the Cube to do the same and much better, but he would still be straining his body in the process, which defeats the purpose of having a massage to relax.

"Hey, Lawliet. Are you sure you don't want me to make any more wish-granting devices?" Lala asks from the side, where she is also enjoying her own automatic massage chair as she has years of relaxing to make up.

"Yup. Unless you have a wish or two you want to make yourself, Lala?" Lawliet raises an eyebrow, glancing at the corner of his eyes to see Lala's reaction.

"No, I've already made all the wishes I needed." Lala shakes her head slightly.

"Alright. Also, unless it's required in a situation, it is normally impossible to solve without one. Do not make one at all. The ones you have made already are enough. We don't need any more wish-granting devices. Take your time and relax, Lala. You're no longer under the pressure of your father's influence." Lawliet said to Lala calmly.

Lala smiles joyfully, "Oh yeah since Lucoa will live with us. Is she going to stay in the same bedroom as us? There is only one bedroom, after all."

Lawliet blanks out for a second. Then he mentally curses his past self for not getting a new house after earning enough money to get a larger house. But, he was too comfortable with this small house that was cheap. A single bedroom, bathroom, and a large backyard is a significant factor in purchasing this place.

Now, it's getting a bit crowded.

"How long would it take to create the device to make a space distortion to make more space?" Lawliet recalls how Lala has so much space thanks to this, especially when she built her own house and lab, which is roughly the same size as Yuuki's house yet actually exists within the household through space distortion.

"It shouldn't take me too long. Maybe an hour or two since I have better tools to work with now, and having near-infinite materials you provide helps a lot too." Lala answered, with her eyes lit up once as she remembered how often she carried all the inventions without having to pack everything up to move to another location consistently.

"Alright, it should be plenty of time before Lucoa returns from teaching Akane." Lawliet didn't get up from his automatic massage chair. "Right, let's get to it. I rather have this done now than later, where problems can occur."

Lawliet sighed, then got up from his massage chair, stretching a bit before yawning.

"Do you want me to do the same to your bedroom?" Lala asked carefully, as Lawliet's bedroom was among the area she wasn't allowed to touch at all costs; however, she hope he trust her enough to do this since the bedroom wasn't that large, to begin with.

"Sure, why not." Lawliet agreed, causing Lala to smile happily, and quickly got to work.

An hour later*

"I swear, this is getting annoying now." Lawliet watches a mind-controlled Kodachi leaving via roof hopping back to wherever she came from.

"What annoying is having to deal with her trying to knock me out on the way here." Lucoa yawned as she finished changing into her pajama, which was just an oversized oversize white shirt and nothing else.

"Couldn't you just make her go away as I did?" Lawliet is starting to wonder if maybe Lucoa is just damn lazy or if it has been too long since she used most of her powers and possibly forgot what she could do as a goddess.

"I was too much in a hurry to get back here after teaching Akane all the basics." Lucoa slowly walked over to the side of the room and lay in bed. "Anyway, I'm tired from everything that has been happening today."

"You know there is another bedroom made just for you, right?" Lawliet blankly stares at Lucoa lying in his bed instead of the one that has already been made and placed in Lucoa's bedroom, which is among the many new rooms thanks to Lala's invention uses space distortion.

"But, I want to sleep with you tonight." Lucoa smiled, not bothered by the way she was being pushy. After all, if she stays passively, there's a meager chance of having any relationship with Lawliet beyond just being a friend.

"Fine. Whatever." Lawliet is just happy that he made the bed bigger in the case of something like this, and Lala is already in the bed before Lucoa did, sleeping without a care in the world. May as well as give Lucoa the benefit of the doubt not to make any moves on her first night here and in this world.