
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 13

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 13

A few hours later*

Lawliet knew this would happen with Lucoa. It wasn't a question of if but when, honestly.

"Get out! Get I say!" Lawliet yelled with a red face as he kicked the last perverted out the door, locked it, and wiped the sweats off his forehead.

"Aw, and after, I wanted to help you get more business." Lucoa pouts.

"Lucoa." Lawliet's right eyebrow started to twitch. "You're forgetting how perverted people can be when seeing someone like you." He looks at Lucoa, who has yet to change out of her outfit for something that doesn't make her look so sexy. "And how you're dressed doesn't help draw in more unwanted attention."

"It's fine. They can look all they want. But they will never be able to touch me. Only you can, Lawliet." Lucoa winks at him, finding it entertaining how he reacts to everyone wanting to pounce on her while he stops them like her own bodyguard. In a way, it's flattering. "Besides, you're saying your not perverted yourself."

"Never said I wasn't." Lawliet let out a sigh. "It's more like I'm treating this as a method for training self-control, and I'm already failing with Lala. Having you in the picture is already pushing me closer to the line."

Lucoa's eyes light up, "Really now?"

"Stop trying to tempt Lala." Lawliet spoke up quickly, then thought about it for a second. "And me as well. I still have to continue training and dealing with new insane customers, thanks to Lala and you being here now."

Honestly, his life was much quiet and steady before Ranma's arrival. Everything changed because of Ranma. Even if this technically isn't Ranma's fault, he just has an inborn talent for drawing insane crazy things and people around him. Or maybe it's because of the plot that makes all the problems focus on Ranma more because he is the main character.

"What makes you say that?" Lucoa smiled cheerfully, with her eyes barely close.

Lawliet closes his eyes, mentally counting to ten before reopening his eyes to look at Lucoa with a deadpan.

"Please just don't make my life harder than it needed. I don't feel like having to go through a series of unwanted events in order to regain my peaceful life." Lawliet said to Lucoa, already thinking about how to deal with Ranma's magnet for chaos once he meets Lucoa for the first time.

"But isn't that what made your peaceful life better after experiencing all kinds of interesting events in life?" Lucoa can already tell that Lawliet is still in the early stage of his life journey. Funny enough, she could tell he would bring many changes, for the better or worse, depending on his actions.

Lawliet frowned as he read Lucoa's mind, not liking how she words it that way.

"Besides, I don't think you will have any peaceful moments with someone chaotic like Ranma in your life. You either make him stop coming here completely, which would make things less... interesting. Or continue your plan of helping him without him realizing it and make him become a better person once he becomes independent and free from his controllers." Lucoa continued, as she hoped Lawliet picked the latter since part of his life journey would be incomplete without being more involved with Ranma often. "Plus, I'm here to help you deal with Ranma and any problems related to him."

"Right..." Lawliet sweatdrops. He honestly couldn't say that Lucoa wasn't really the one he was aiming for when he made that wish a few hours ago. If anything, he has plenty of Charyeok that could match Lucoa in raw power alone.

"Anywho, do you need my help with anything?" Lucoa got up from her seat, then walk over to wrap her arms around Lawliet's neck. "And I mean anything."

Lawliet's right eyebrow starts twitching again.

"Hey, Lawliet. I got another version of my wish-granting wand." Lala walks to Lawliet to hand over her finished creation. "This one should be less powerful than the first one you used."

Thanks to Lala's interruption has made Lawliet stop whatever plan he had in store to deal with Lucoa, causing him to exhale slowly, then he takes the wish-granting wand from Lala's hand.

"I wish to know what would happen if Ranma's curse was removed by either me or someone in my group." Lawliet announced his wish, causing the wish-granting wand to crumble in his head, then a sharp headache causing him to grit his teeth for a few seconds as knowledge from an outside source was pouring into his brain due to his wish.

Okay, so Ranma has a higher chance of dying because he could use his cursed form as an advantage when needed in a fight. In fact, many times being in his cursed form has saved his life if he didn't have it. Furthermore, it's thanks to experiencing it personally as a girl is what made him know more about what a woman is, removing his father's influence on how to treat women in general while growing up.

Overall, it's more of a lesser evil for Ranma have to go through until he finally understands how women are compared to what his father told him.

Although, in his opinion. Having to deal with all those female characters throughout the series didn't really help him much, especially how canon Akane treated him as time went on during his stay at the Tendo household.

Lawliet pitied Ranma that he wouldn't be able to remove his curse anytime soon, but maybe after near the end of canon events, at least what's left, would be the right time for his curse to be removed. Of course, if Ranma wants to keep his curse form for whatever reason, he comes up by then.

"Are you alright, Lawliet?" Lucoa frowned, releasing her arms around his neck and carefully checking if he was hurt.

"Do you want me to make another wish-granting wand to remove Ranma's curse? And are you alright, Lawliet?" Lala carefully wipes the cold sweats on Lawliet's forehead with her spare clean rag. "Do you need to lie down?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. No need to make another one, Lala. Just a slight headache that is already going away." Lawliet takes a few deep breaths. "Anyway, let's just prepare for the next wave of customers. Especially once the words about Lucoa begin to spread, and like Lala, horny people will do anything to get a glimpse of you, Lucoa."

Two hours later*

"How cow! What's going on here?!" Ranma shouted to everyone inside the clinic as he finally managed to get through the crowd and enter Dr. Lawliet's clinic through an open window. "Did something happen while I was at school, Dr. Lawliet—"

Ranma lost the ability to speak upon registering. There is someone other than Dr. Lawliet and Lala in the clinic other than maybe a customer.

"Hey, Ranma. Glad to see you came over." Lawliet said calmly while leaning against the front door and using his body weight to block the door from being open from the outside, seeing how the lock wouldn't be enough to stop the crowd outside. "But, I think it would have been the best if you didn't come. As you can see the crowd outside, I don't think I would be able to treat any customers without risking some of them breaking something inside the clinic while I'm treating someone in the back."

"Hello, Ranma. I'm Lucoa. I'm going be working here as well as an assistance." Lucoa greeted Ranma, who continued to stare at her in shock.

"Lala. Mind helping Ranma?" Lawliet asks the genius inventor.

Lala nods with a big grin, then walk over to Ranma and slaps him in the face with just enough force to only make Ranma's face turn only instead of being sent flying.

"Ow! That hurt!" Ranma rubbed his cheek that was slapped. "What was that for?"

"Because you didn't say anything after Lucoa greeted you." Lawliet answered. "Are you too stunned by Lucoa's beautiful looks?"

Well, beautiful might not be the exact term for someone like Lucoa. But it would have to do for now.

Lucoa's eyes open slightly, glancing at Lawliet, and her smile widens just a bit as she is delighted to hear Lawliet calling her beautiful.

"Um. Uh." Ranma started stuttering, unable to say a word, and his eyes crazily wandered all over the place, which moved even faster every time his eyes landed on Lucoa for just a second.


Ranma got slapped again but from the other cheek.

"OW!" Ranma frowns, not daring to glare at Lala as he learned his lesson the hard way when he did, and getting slapped twice, which is very painful, didn't make his fear of Lala weaken. Instead, the slaps made him fear Lala even more.

"Focus, Ranma. We got a problem we got to deal with." Lawliet didn't have to explain that the problem was due to Lucoa's appearance. If anything, it's his fault for not trying harder to make Lucoa change her outfit to be less sexy and cause many horny people to be driven mad with lust. Or better yet, make it so Lucoa would stay home and watch the house instead.

"Uh, what do you need me to do, Dr. Lawliet?" Ranma rubs both of his aching cheeks, and he can feel some of his teeth hurting, which makes it worse. But, for now, he must stop looking in... Lucoa's direction and keep his eyes on Dr. Lawliet.

"Making the crowd go away." Lawliet replied.

"Isn't that bad, though? If everyone left, you wouldn't have anyone to treat to make money." Lala pointed out before Ranma could say another word.

"At this point, it's fine. I got plenty of saving for us not to worry about money." Lawliet answered. "I rather have this die out, even if I need to close the clinic before reopening for business later."

"I mean if you want. I can do something about this. Since this is my fault." Lucoa glances outside from the window without showing herself to everyone outside.

Lawliet tries not to facepalm, but also relief that Lucoa understands how problematic things are because she didn't change out of her outfit. Honestly, she should know her present attire isn't something the people of this era are used to seeing.

"How are you going to do that?" Lala asks out of curiosity.

"Like this." Lucoa snaps her fingers. Then like magic, the crowd outside slowly walks away without making a sound.

"You couldn't do something like that in the beginning when I was kicking people out of my clinic?" Lawliet stare at Lucoa incredulously.

"I thought you had it handled." Lucoa couldn't say that she forgot she had the power to control people's minds and that this wasn't something she liked to do often. Plus, Lawliet had everything in control and could easily make the crowd leave once he put some effort into it. Honestly, she finds it weird he would use physical means when she knows he could make everyone leave without lifting a finger.

"Well, you're not wrong." Lawliet rolls his eyes as he listens to Lucoa's thoughts.

"What just happened?" Ranma asks out loud, his brain couldn't comprehend what had occurred before his eyes, and he still couldn't believe what he just saw.