

One day a young man named Lanka was wake up inside the game that he use to play a lot when he was still a child. But why is his dress similar like a witch? Wait a sec-!! it too revealing for such a cloth since a adult man like him to be wear. Elf? orc ? knight? Why can't he be at least wizard for a magic weilder! He a man!!! what happen here!!!. "Hello master! Im your assistant and right now you inside a game call as hero of fantasy!". "First of all! why my cloth were like this system!!!."

Liaymme · Fantasie
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6 Chs


Arriving at the new place where the village is bustling and hustle from the people. Lanka finally believe that this place was the same as in the game he had played. He looks around like a little kid that was his first time seeing a new thing. On the other side of a person's point of view, he has been looked at him since they were out from the forest. He can't stop looking at him, his eye always follows where his body moves. He look at him, he was a bit petite to him with his delicate face that was so beautiful.

"You have been looking at her since then...huh?" whisper Keith who seems to notice, his friend was googling his eye at Lanka. Ren face turn bright red and try to avoid his friend eye. He nudget him about it, he find it was amuse as well he has been holding the snickering sound from the laugh. To finds out this interesting outcome from his friend, that actually this!!! this particular person who has a stone-hard and handsome face had made many woman cry each time they try to approach him. Yet, nobody ever get the graps of his heart and gains interest from they, but this person!! who they just meet.... manage to make this stone wall to peek at him.


Spring must come early this year to this young man....


"Look Lanka...there have many weapon as well item store been sell and 'THEY' even sell magic book!! we have to check it later!!" said bun who excited as well to see many shop and other magical item been sold here. Even it a small village, it have lot of good quality weapon and item that was sold for beginners. The place really didn't change much from the game... then it easy for him to aim what he want to do next.

" Lanka, we going to the merchant to sell this goodies that we get from the spoil that we just hunt.... So this is goodbye." said Keith who hug him out of nowhere. He was going to miss her that what his heart said... He fine that, even this short journey this person might have potential to become more than that. He look at Lanka, and feel like they might see each other again.

Emilie seem about to cry, she was happy that she make a female friend for first time. She was a shy person so to able have a friend that was a girl is nice. She was in this group because Ren manage to convince her with a lot of effort. She so shy, she usually avoid party with other and just do F class quest. She was glad that, she meet Ren and now she can do more quest that higher with lot of bounty on it. Still, she wish that she can have more friend and that wish was came true. Lanka seem nice and easy to approach....

*She look at Lanka with sad look*

Owen who realise it just pat her head, without even said anything he try to make her happy. Emilie keep her head down and just put on smile that said she was alright. Owen who see that Emilie was same as him..... he was fine that Lanka was friendly but still not as talkative like Keith who always on his nerve. He find it quite nice, they did have conversations on their way here. Mostly Lanka ask about spell and spirit. So he teach Lanka what he know and find that it was lovely to have someone to talk about spell and mana, other than this idiot (He mean Ren and Keith who don't use magic).

Ren on the other hand find it hard to said goodbye to him.... he don't want to let him go yet.

"see you again!!! don't be a stranger" said Keith who waving both his hand and next to him Owen just nodded and smile at the word Keith said.

Emilie wave her hand too. " See you again..." she smiled at him.

Ren who smile wave his hand as well. " And make sure not to get hurt again!!" as he been drag by the other since they have lot to do.

"I see...then this is goodbye." he bow down as thankfully for their help. They wave each other and went separate way. Lanka who was alone with bun look at the place and find many interesting thing along their sight seeing.

"Now that we here let go find the adventure guild..."

After been walking for hour they finally arrive to the adventure guild by the art of 'asking help from the people at the street' he was lost on his way to here. Even if he remembers the world as the same as the game. It still have a few different than the game... He was walking in circle until he show that he should not feel ashame and ask for help.

He walk inside the busy bustling room fill with man and many adventures that was drinking looking for the job quest and even having fun. Then just as he take a step their, he feel that some of the people eye been glue on him. He try to avoid eye contact as much as he can and act natural.

Lanka was holding Bun tightly as they walk toward the counter where the Adventure guild registered were. People been looking at him with hearts shape eye that seem can be see on them. The notification ring was can be heard out loud his ear and it seem his skill alluring still working. " Umm...Bun why did this skill still active?" Lanka seem can't ignore it at all since he was arrive here the skill still active. Bun look at him in a question way and there can see a massive question mark float on his head.

Until he finally figure out why Lanka ask about it. "Well, it a passive skill so it more to your personal figure...plus you were a beautiful person even without the skill!!" Bun seem to be proud of him...

"Don't be ashame...for a Level 1 your charisma is way much higher that it manage to increase the skill more..."

"That even worst....but I hope it can help us in life..."

"I can stop the sound but for your information...the skill still active." he said it as then the sound no longer can be heard. Finally....

Lanka sight at himself 'Why do I had to have feminine facial structure body...' he was having a hard time to accept the fact he a gorgeous man....

At the counter a young woman spot a lovely lady approach her (that person is Lanka). She was a clerk that work in the adventure guild. She have seen many people that came there and this is her find time to see a beauty walk into the guild. This cause her eye to look directly at him without even betting her eye lid off. She for first time unable to expression, as she now lost her composed self.

" Welcome to the adventure guild!!! what can I help you?" said the clerk lady who seem sweating nervously talking to him. What more catch her antettion was...' There a cute bunny doll!!'. her eye look at Lanka from his toe till up his head. What first she saw was Bun who been held in his embrace.

"I'm here to joining the guild as a new member..." Lanka smile at her and he can see that see was nervous. Well, she absolutely shaken a lot....

'Did I scare her???' that was he was thinking....

In fact is far from that...She was smitten by his beauty.

"A..h..ah!! Sure... everyone is welcome to join!! There will no fee needed." she said it out loud.

" But~ there is a few condition to be in a guild... first we need to appraise your grade and class..." she give Lanka a proper introduction about the guild and what needed. She then bring out a appraisal stone to be use on him.

"This stone can see your class and other information related to you...with this it can determine your grade and which quest you can do with the grade you were...." she then put her hand onto the stone, it show her information and there seem to show age, gender and her class. She move her hand and the information disappear from the thin air.

"Now, you just have to put your hand like I just did... after we appraisal you, we can decide what your first job or what you can do after joining the guild." Lanka who been listening did what been ask. He put his hand onto the stone... what he didn't know is that the stone shine brightly that cause the other who have been doing their work. To look at his direction.... the clerk lady also was in shock by it.

"Wh...what!! this is miracle!!!!" she read the information that been show...

Lanka also was in shock state, other who see the commotion also decide to see what we're going on. some of them can belief what they saw and some has been gossip at what they have seen.



gender: male

class: witch

grade: SSS+







All the people were excited at the founding of his grade that was a rare since it took half of their age to upgrade their grade from where there were even if they manage to be in the same grade as him. Many people serounding him and congratulating him. Other then that they want to look at the beauty who was to be the first SSS+ Grade, so they can recruit him to their party.

"CONGRATULATIONS! WE WELCOME YOU TO THE ADVENTURE GUILD!!!" said the clerk lady and the other worker who was excited to see the promising new recruits they gain.

I been busy with work and my health been kinda down...This is kinda rush work that I done...I might re-read it back and re- correct it back.

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