


I run out into the snow. My feet plow through as I hurry, as my eyes stare up at the thing. I drop my backpack to the ground once I reach it. My hands touch the bark to make sure the tree is really here, and when I don't go tumbling through it like a hologram, I know that it's actually in front of me.

The orange tree stands tall and sturdy. It's many branches splay out with smaller limbs sprouting in every direction. The greenest leaves coat the branches, and amongst the thousands of them are bright fruits. My eyes bounce from fruit to fruit in disbelief. I reach up and pluck a low-hanging one. I run my fingers over its skin and roll it between my hands. Lifting it to my nose, I smell the thing but it doesn't emit the scent of an orange, nor does it look like one.

/"Careful there./"

My eyes shoot forward. My father walks from behind the tree, appearing out of thin air. I squeeze the fruit in my hand and take steps back.