


Hopefully over time I'll grow more and more comfortable. The rogue must have stayed far away as there's been no trouble since then—at least that I know of. Adam makes me feel safe. I know he'll protect me, but there are so many things out of his control. It's hard to imagine being in this house without him.

I fill a glass with water and it immediately turns ice cold against my fingers. Footsteps descend the stairs and near me as I drink. I place the glass down on the counter and turn to the kitchen entrance just as Adam appears.

/"I came down for water,/" I say, feeling as if I need an explanation for my being anywhere in this house.

Adam nods and comes over. /"You aren't cold?/"

I peer down at my camisole and sleeping shorts, both seeming unusual for December. /"Oh, you're always so warm. I don't really need to layer up when we sleep next to each other./"

/"Right,/" he says.

/"Is something wrong?/"