
Waifu Support

Catalog fic go brrr. Getting into some shady deal is never a good idea, more so when it involves beings beyond our imagination. So how did I get a job from the company? I have no idea. Fun for the whole family, especially when the smut rolls in. Cover Photo isn't mine btw. Support me on pa treon: pa tre on.com/balls1124

balls_1124 · Videospiele
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13 Chs

I've been kidnapped!


I watched the Conception distort the world outside, with a stunned Chiaki in my arms. The laws of physics bent over backward and let some higher dimensional being take it from behind, molding it like clay in its strong hands.

Several moments later, and a nearly captured Yuko, a bright flash of blue light blinded my vision and took me to another plane. A glowing spherical object stood in the middle, staying in a state of incomprehension. Basically, God was telling me I was too weak.

"You, who would enter my world, reveal your heart to me..." The being's voice bellowed and rumbled, what seemed to be the core within my soul shook, and my vision grew blurry.

"What? Your mind is… You dare close yourself to me?" Ah! information defense, nice to see you working, just not at the right time.

"Well mister invisible man, I don't have a reason… not yet at least. Though, I should be able to find myself if you let me venture out and learn myself through the interaction and bonds I obtain with different people. That should be a suitable substitute, right?" Covert Talent, never thought I'd need this, but lying proves to be useful.

"Hm, I shall accept this. Very well then, you will venture into the new world and find yourself, and once finished, I shall recreate the world in your image. Farewell Messiah."

My vision grew blurry again, and a bright light blinded me for but a second before I was sent to another separate plane of reality (Why do I keep getting kidnapped?). And there stood a pair of powerful demons, Lucifer and the old lady/hot secretary caretaker.

The child whispered something into the hag's ear and a moment later, she spoke. "Do not be afraid, my little master has taken an interest in you. A dragon stuck within a human flesh suit. Fufufu. He wishes to grant you a gift. It is vital that you receive it, after all, you picked that specific vessel to restrict yourself in." Huh, figured they knew of my replacement, but I guess they also assumed that I was a very powerful dragon, probably because of "inexhaustible".

In a flash, they teleported right beside me, flaking both of my sides. "Try not to struggle, it will only hurt for an instant." Grabbing a hold of my mouth, she pried it open with her gloved hand and dropped a small worm-like creature into it. Burrowing itself into my body, it dug into my flesh around the throat area.

"Enjoy your last moments as a human, a little dragon-like you needs to spread his wings." The child's soft voice told me as my eyes grew heavy, and my body rested, no longer human.

Waking up, I found myself laid on a cold metal table, topless might I add, and a device hovering just above me. Slowly getting up, I found both Chiaki and Yuko sitting shoulder to shoulder against the wall. How they found out where I was, we will never know, but with my movement, both of them began to stir.

Something that was very apparent was the immediate stat sheet that appeared in my vision. Hot damn, both of them are at least above level 15 and have no weaknesses… Besides maybe "Almighty", but everyone was weak to that. Still, this should be a massive boost to the early game. And with the buffs? Shit, this is going to take me all the way to Lucifer, then again, I do have infinite buff stacking capabilities.

As for attacks, Chiaki focused more on summoning, though she did only have one skill available in that department, while having a phys almight modifier. On the other hand, Takao had all the basic elemental magics, both single and multi-target variants.

Getting off my temporary bed, I approached them. "So, were you also taken to the blue place or was I the only one?" They both looked at me confused, probably wondering what I was talking about. Rubbing their eyes, Yuko was just about to ask something, when the Chiaki groggily interrupted. "Why do you have tattoos all over your body?"

"Some old guy shoved his pet worm down my throat and now I look like this. But besides that, how did both of you manage to find me?" Questionable wording aside, how did they do it? I don't remember Helel dragging my body across the floor all the way here, or I at least didn't feel it.

"Something just sort of moved us in a direction and we followed it's instructions. But, Sora, are you sure you aren't on drugs?" Turning to me, the suspicious Yuko questioned me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No, no, no. Those are way too expensive anyway, I'd rather spend money on lotion than that." Denying it would be the best way out of it without digging a hole deeper for myself, though I did burrow myself into another direction.

"Pfff-! While it would be funny, that should be a story for another day. It'd be best to find a way out of here. Something tells me that it's not going to be safe here soon." Surprisingly Chiaki's to say this, but it's not like we didn't agree with that statement.

Walking into the hallway, we were back in the basement, but this time, an unnatural light was filling up the space, making everything visible. Walking towards the exit, the other two were a bit surprised when they heard a sound coming from one of the rooms.

Investigating it revealed our good old friend Hijiri, and right now, he was inspecting the weird rotary device from early. With my deep (shallow) understanding of the lore, this should be a gateway into amala or something close to that.

"Hey, old man! How ya doing in this fine apocalypse?" This startled the guy way more than I was expecting. Then again, violent flashes of light aren't supposed to bring people into hospitals.

"Wahg-!? Oh, it's just you. And you seemed to have brought your friends with you." Pausing suddenly, he turned towards keeping close to the device while doing so. Holding his fedora close to him, he clutched it before continuing. "I was just about to make my way to the medical center when a bright light knocked me out. When I woke up, this place just felt oddly familiar to me… Enough about me, what the hell happened to you kid. Walked out of some weird dissecting room?"

"That wouldn't be far from the truth actually. Ah, these two are… friends of mine. Yes, good, good friends of mine. The one in denim is-"

A tap from behind signaled me to stop talking for a bit. Turning my head, I looked a bit puzzled, before Yuko moved slightly forward and proclaimed. "We can do it on our own, it's not like we're kids in the first place."

Dragging Chiaki into the forefront, the older woman showed a calm smile while she introduced herself. "I'm Takao Yuko, it is nice to meet you. And here is," She paused, waiting for her student to follow suit.

"Ah yes, as for me, my name is Tachibana Chiaki. A pleasure to meet you, sir."

Nodding her head subtly, the other woman continued what she was saying. "Pleasure to meet you. Though, there is something I find weird about your story, Hijiri-san. If you are to be believed, then from what you just said, you shou-" Spoilers!

"Come on now Yuko, we can't go around asking people personal questions. Shouldn't you know this already?" Talking down to her made the woman a bit annoyed, but she back down anyway, bowing in an apologetic manner before retreating slightly behind me.

"The conception, huh. So I wasn't hallucinating… Hey, have you encountered any of 'them' yet?" He asked vaguely, it sounded like he wanted to avoid the topic, but not really at the same time.

"Who, in the context of this conversation, is 'them' anyway. Kinda confusing with the lack of clues."

"Demons, this place is crawling with them. Never thought I'd actually live to see one, but here we are." He said in an exasperated tone, swinging his arms wide before returning to his previous position. "Well, I'd rather not believe what's before me, but no one can really deny the truth. Now, I need your help in gathering information, or at least, clear a path out of here. You look demony enough to pass, perhaps you could sneak out and find another exit, leaning more of the outside should help immensely in figuring out how to reverse it. For now, I'll study this thing over here. Something tells me it's going to be very important for the future of this wretched place." And with that, he entered his own world, staring far deeper at the device than his surroundings.

"Well, you heard him, operation: get out with all limbs and organs intact, is a go!" I told my companions, who just responded by lazily nodding


[Shameless Pat re on Plug: Pat reon . com/balls1124