
Spending Time With A Fit Bunny

(A.N. Yeeeeee bois. Now is the time for the best waifu.)

NIng'er and Marika followed Adam back to his room. They lied on each one of his arms. Both of them fell asleep almost instantly, the comfort and warmth that Adam emitted was too much for them to handle. Gradually, more and more of his women flooded into the room, not only to see his two fiancés latching onto him, but also to latch onto him themselves.

Adam awoke to the beautiful faces of all of his girls. Esdeath's sleeping expression was so innocent, especially considering how sadistic she truly is. He simply enjoyed the warmth for a while.

Soon, they all started to wake up, it was like watching domino's fall. After seeing their positions, none of them wanted to get up and start the day, instead staying in comfort. However, all good things must come to an end when the alarm clock went off. They all groggily got off of the bed, the 'school kids' got ready for their first day of internships, although Marika and Ning'er were too embarrassed to change in the same room. The rest simply got changed to start their hobbies of the day while they waited for Adam to get back.

On their way out, they found Vados and Anna leaving their rooms. Both of them only had one hobby. Anna would pray all day, and Vados would eat. It was astonishing how Vados was able to eat so much with her body being so thin and remaining that way.

Regardless, the day went on. The rest of the girls did their business while the 'school kids' left for their internships. Although Eve didn't have a great performance in the festival, some were perceptive enough to find that she never got hit with an attack and scouted her. Under the supervision of Mamako, she was able to find a good offer.

The rest didn't really to be mentioned other than Yumeko who although she didn't have any combat abilities, her lucky and cunning nature was enough to get scouted by a bunch of big companies, they flocked when they say that money could be made.

They all parted along the way. Mikasa was mad that she couldn't go with Adam but already knew, it was more of a complaint than actual annoyance.

He made his way through the small forest and found the cabin like last time. And just like last time, he was attacked without any words. Thick thighs slithered around his neck, with the intent of choking him out. Rather than fighting back, he simply enjoyed the moment. Because of the BS skill he got a day or two beforehand, his endurance was above 100, Mirko couldn't do much damage.

The thighs were extremely comfortable despite the fact that they were intent on KO'ing him. Mirko soon understood that she wasn't actually doing anything to him and jumped off his shoulders in annoyance.

"Why didn't you just dodge it if it was so inconsequential?" She asked. Adam's face grew a big smile.

"And miss that opportunity? No way." He replied in a tease. She also grew a smile.

"Then shall I try to kill you with my thighs throughout the day?" She joked. Unlike most of his girls, she was more or less immune to embarrassment by flirting and teasing.

"Absolutely." He replied. They finished their joke there and went inside. They had some tea for a while. The whole time Adam could see that Mirko's legs were shaking and he instantly understood why.

"You want to fight some more?" He asked. Being the battle junkie that she was, if she wasn't fighting someone, then the most intense boredom that she could feel would wash over her. Adam knew that she was only serving tea as a courtesy.

"Well, let's go." He finished his tea and walked outside. The millisecond he stepped out of the door, Mirko's leg shot at him. He dodged without looking and their fight began.

The fight between Mirko and Adam went on for a long time. Adam didn't use any attacks, only dodging and blocking while Mirko was forced to get more and more creative. All she wanted from this fight was one good and clean attack.

Adam blocked her kick and was launched into the ground, he took no damage of course. She followed up with a kick. But not to Adam, no, she kicked the tree, the bark and wood shot out everywhere at high speeds. The wood lodged into the ground, creating a wooden maze that was 4m tall. Mirko followed up with numerous more trees. The area of about 500m was covered in wood, to finish this off, she kicked one more tree in the center. Rather than it breaking into a millions pieces, it cleanly slid off.

She held the tree trunk like a club. She saw that Adam was still on the ground. Using the trunk as a weapons, Mirko put all of her weight and strength into this one attack. The tree trunk exploded and so did the ground. All that was left was a 20m radius crater, devoid of Adam. Mirko didn't want to believe that he had been killed by that attack but she was certain that he wouldn't be able to avoid that attack.

The more time passed, the more worried she became. Even if she was a battle junkie, it wasn't like she was a bloodthirsty killer. All of a sudden, an arm popped up in the middle of the crater. Out came Adam, his clothes were destroyed from the explosion but he was completely fine. He had small scratches on his arms, obviously where he blocked the attack but other than that, he was completely fine.

Mirko jumped on him in joy, forgetting an important detail.

"I thought you died! Thank god you're fine." She said. Although she didn't have any romantic feelings yet, Adam knew that she cared for him regardless. Some time passed with her in his chest before she realized something. Sweat dropped down her forehead and she slowly backed away from Adam and looked down.

Her rabbit instincts immediately kicked in. Seeing his large penis, her mouth began to drool and her body began to squirm in excitement.


Mirko's Affection Increased!

Neutral ---> Developing Feelings


(A.N. Like I said before, I intend for this relationship to take a while, but getting to this point didn't take long.)

Adam understood that this was a completely instinctual response and didn't feel right exploiting it. He grabbed a leaf and covered his crotch with it. Mirko immediately woke up from her lust and composed herself. Although a beating in her heart began to disrupt her thinking.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Mirko apologized. However, a part of her wanted to show even more of it. She instantly knew that she'd get a headache dealing with herself from now on.

"It's fine." Adam replied. This was something that happened surprisingly often, it wasn't something he worried about much.

"However, I'd like a favor." He said in a seductive tone. Mirko immediately tensed up. She lightly nodded her head.

"I want-" He continued. Mirko could feel her body jump in anticipation.

"To call you Rumi from now on." He finished his sentence. Rumi was both disappointed and relieved. She knew how powerful her rabbit instincts were and had a pretty good idea of her limitations. After seeing Adam, her instincts that she had been ignoring came through at full force and is directed straight towards him.

Rumi nodded in response to his request. Adam knew what she was thinking but didn't comment on it. The rest of the day went swimmingly, Rumi and Adam trained each other while stopping for some tea breaks every now and then. Usually, Rumi was eating carrots with her tea, an odd combination but Adam had never seen such a blissful expression from such a modest food.

(A.N. My anxiety went to 100000% again today. I finished 90% of this chapter at school and then came home and went to finish it about an hour ago. I found that my tab for my drafts had been overtaken by an old save. After about 45mins of wrestling with it, I managed to retrieve it and finish it. Enjoy.)