
Waifu Catalog: Searching A Way Home

I will do anything to save my sister, even when I need to sign a contract with a sketchy company. My only regret is that they killed me, and my sister will be sad when she knows that I died. Don't worry, my sister. I will return. No matter how many Gods, Devils, and Angels I need to kill to meet you. === World: Campione!

Ryusenka · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

|3rd POV|

"Balls! We are in this world!"

Campione Reinhard says as he looks around the room. He remembers this event in his memory after taking over the body of Reinhard van Astrea. He remember how fuck up this world is and how he did not want to visit this world even once. Sadly, fate is laughing at him, and now he appears in this world after thinking of a world he once visited.

He thought that he would appear on Earth, but his authority made him visit this world instead.

"Eh? May I ask the reason why you know this world, Your Highness?"

Liliana asks Reinhard with a confused expression. Campione Reinhard shakes his head and says.

"I will tell you later. For now, we need to return."

"Wait a minute, Reinhard. Is that a version of you?"

Campione Reinhard does a facepalm and can only sigh.

"Yes, Doni. That is another Reinhard."

"Is he as good as you in swordsmanship?"

"He is the best in this world. He is the strongest man in this world. If he and the strongest woman, the Witch of Envy, will continue to fight for eternity and destroy this world."

At those words, the people gasp and look at Reinhard and Campione Reinhard in shock. They know that Reinhard is strong, but they do not know that Reinhard can fight the Witch of Envy toe-to-toe.

"That's great! That means I did not need to hold back!"

Before anyone can blink, Doni appears in front of Reinhard and kicks him. However, his kick did not connect as Reinhard took out Reid from its sheath, shocking many and blocking Doni's first attack. Reinhard then pushed him and thrust his sword. Sadly for him, Doni dodges, takes out his sword, and then swings it at Reinhard. Reinhard managed to dodge but barely, resulting in his right cheek getting cut.

Reinhard looks at the blood that appears on his right cheek, shocked for the first time in a while that he has someone who manages to make him bleed.

As for Doni…

"You Reinhard! Are you lying to me?!"

Campion Reinhard shakes his head and says.

"Nope! He is just shocked that someone managed to land a hit on him. Go all out and give him a good fight."

"Sure do!"

The entire palace shakes as Doni releases his divine energy into the air, and his sword shines silver.

"O arm of Nuada, grant me the sword of victory!"

His right hand shines silver, and its light gets into his sword. With a grin on his face, Doni appears in front of Rainhard once again.


"Aaah~ Doni is going overboard once again."

I shouldn't have mentioned Reinhard as the most powerful person in this world to Doni. Now he's going all out instead of just sparring with swords.

Doni might be a moron, but he's still Tier-9, according to the Company guidelines. He might not be able to crack the planet in a single attack, but he could given enough time. Not only that, but his authority can make the entire world full of mages unstable, rendering any magic item or magic itself unusable.

"Should we stop him, Your Highness?"

"Nah. Let Doni have his fun. If we stop his fight now, he'll make a mess back home. I'd rather he be in this world than ours."

I can see Sir Andrea release a sigh before saying, "Thank you, Your Highness. Doni will create a mess if we interrupt his fight when we return."

"Think nothing of it. Anyway! Who wants to eat something? I still have some sandwiches from yesterday."

Liliana and Andrea drool at the mention of sandwiches.

"I shall bring chairs and a table from the mansion, Your Highness!"

While Andrea and Lilian return with chairs and tables, I see a familiar young man walking toward me. I smile at him and say, "It's nice to see you, Subaru."

"Ah! You know me!"

"Of course. This place is an alternate version of my previous world."

"Previous world… You mean…"


While waiting for the New Moon to arrive back home, I read a lot of things. Among them is a fantasy novel I can use to get some ideas for my magic and attack.

"I see."

"I know your origin after experiencing it myself."

I look him directly in the eyes and say, "Do you want to come with me? I can return you to your home. It might not be now, but I will make sure to return you back home. Your life will be safer in my world than in this hellhole. This world is about to die, be destroyed, and eaten."

Subaru looks at me for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"Thank you for your offer, Other Reinhard. However, I've decided to stay here."

"What a shame. Tell me if you change your mind the next time I visit."

"Of course. However, can I ask a few questions?"

"Sure. Ask away."

"What kind of monster is that man?!"

He points at Doni while he fights Reinhard outside the palace. I cringe a little when I see him destroy a section of the palace. When I see Andrea and Liliana return with the table and chairs, I look at Andrea and say, "Can you fix the palace?"

"Yes, Your Highness. Because of Doni's tendency for destruction, I have a high aptitude for construction magic."


I look at Subaru and say, "Doni and I are Campione. As for Campione…" I look at Liliana and say, "Do you want to explain this one, Liliana?"

"Of course, Your Highness!"

She looks at Subaru and says, 

"A Campione – a Godslayer – is a supreme ruler. Since he can kill a celestial being, he can, therefore, call on the sacrosanct, divine powers wielded by the gods.

A Campione – a Godslayer – is a lord. Since the power to kill a deity is in his hands, he, therefore, looms over all mortals on Earth.

A Campione – a Godslayer – is a devil. Since of all mortals who live in the world, none can assume a power to match his!"

Subaru looks at me and then at Doni.

"You guys managed to kill a god!"

"Gods, plural, for Lord Salvatore."

I can see the people around us looking confused. I remember that this world didn't have the concept of Gods; instead, they worshiped Dragons, Nature, and Spirit. However, Subaru looks at me in shock. From his name alone, I know he's from Japan, something that Reinhard didn't know.

"Holy moly! What kind of God have you killed, Other Reinhard?"

"Hmm? Hecate."

Subaru frowns for a second before saying.

"Isn't that Goddess of Magic from Greece?"

"Bingo! She holds more titles, but they are not important."


Seeing Subaru done talking, I can see the King's Candidates want to ask me something but get interrupted by Doni, who lands next to Subaru. I can see Doni's body full of cuts, stabs, and blunt injuries. However, his grin is even more massive than ever.

"Are you done, Doni?"

"Yup~ That bastard has the same weird power as you! The longer I fight him, the more powerful he gets! Even my authority gets weaker as I continue to cut him."

"That is our unique power."

After saying that, I can see Reinhard slowly walk back to the throne room, and he looks like he has been going through hell. His entire body was leaking blood, but for some reason, he did not look pale from the lack of blood. He must get new Divine Protection that prevents him from dying of blood loss.

"Even the ability to resurrect?"

"Huh? You manage to kill him?"

"Yes! It was a glorious fight."

"It has only been what? Ten minutes. We fight for hours."

"Bwahahaha! Don't get disappointed, Reinhard! Your other self fights me at full power. I did not use all my authority, but it is me going all out."

"Right. Are you satisfied now?"

"For now. I still want to hunt something in this world, but by the look on your face, I see that you did not want to stay here longer than necessary."

"Yup! Let's go. I thought you would fight longer, but it looked like we did not have enough time to eat the sandwich."

I look at the people in the throne room and say.

"I am sorry for disturbing the ceremony. Please continue whatever you guys are doing."


I ignore the familiar voice behind me, walk through the portal, and close it. I need to gather more power to return back to earth. At the moment, there is an infinite possibility of me getting into the wrong world.

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