
Chapter 8: A Promise/Senju Curse

Unknown voice 'remember this hashirama, do not be swallowed by the darkness that lurks in all senju hearts, there is also something more that lurks' hearing the voice again.

The last thing I heard, before walking away from the dead women, going to untie mikasa and eren as she latched on to me.

Mikasa "Rama" crying, trying to get closer.

Eren "w...we...we have to tell someone, I'm sur ...sure they will understand" before I smacked him.

Mikasa "stop it Rama" pulling my arm.

Eren "what the hell was that for Rama!" Looking at my eyes.

"We can not, they would say the monster killed them, and that I made you do it, or take us away and lock us up because they wouldn't believing our words, listen to me eren, Mikasa, what happened here stays here" looking at both of them.

Eren "....tch" looking down.

Mikasa "Rama I will do as you asked, can we go home please?" Looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Yes but we need to promise, come on eren, they were going to kill us, they didn't fight Titans they choose to kill people, while the humans die more and more" my eyes glowing.

Eren "ahhhh!...ok!" Running up and kicking the man with his face stomped in.

"It's a promise then, I will always come to protect you Mikasa, I hope you will do the same eren" wiping her tears.

Mikasa "promise?" Looking up at me.

Mc/eren "we promise" smiling at her.

Taking off my cloak that had been covered in blood. Telling them to do the same, after a while leaving.

A figure walked in the room after we left.

Unknown "well...well...well, ain't that a sight to see hahaha" before walking out.

Going back to eren home, being reprimanded by Carla, then being hugged because she was worried, me and mikasa went to our room, she was still shaken up so she slept with me.

(A.N chill out)

Grisha "there isn't much time left, a year maybe, eren I hope you are ready" looking at eren sleep.

Touching the key around his neck, before leaving to go down stairs, giving Carla a hug and kiss with a heavy heart.

[small time skip]

Marika "Rama, mikasa come eat!" Calling out to us.

Mikasa "ok mama!" running to the kitchen, me following.

"*yawn hey mama is dad back yet?" Smiling and stretching.

Marika "yes he's out side, he says get ready after you eat" rubbing my cheek, picking up mikasa.

Mikasa "can I go again?! Hehe" giggling as mom spins her.

Marika "not this time I have something special for you hehe" giggling at her smiling face.

"Have to show the old man, how it's done again" walking to the table.

Paul "what did you say brat haha" from behind me, picking me up.

"Old man haha" smiling at him.

Paul "I'll show you a old man haha" spinning me.

We all played and laughed, sat down and ate, flicking food at Mikasa who ran up to me smashing food in my face, cleaning up I get up from the table, looking out side, seeing storm clouds.

- Quote

"Like how fire, burns everything, destroying anything in its path, like how a storm disrupts a sunny day, ripping and tearing, it also brings with it the rain, to help life start anew"

"It is in this we find our flaws, whatever humans touches, it does not bring life, everything along the land we consume it, killing, deleting, ruin"

-quotes of humanity

Paul "you ready son?, my love grisha and eren will be coming by." Putting the rifle on his back.

Marika "I know love you told me, go Rama" smiling.

"Yeah let's go papa" putting a cloak and boots on.

Marika "you guys be careful, I love you" smiling at us.

Mikasa "I..I..I love you Rama" turning red.

*dumdum as she said it something weird happpened in my heart.

Paul "what about your papa, mikasa" feeling hurt, as mikasa ran away.

Marika "haha go" coming up to kiss him and kiss my forehead.

"Let's go old man, I love you to mikasa" smiling at her as I see her hiding.

Going into the forest with papa, walking and talking.

Paul "I know it's not the easiest, dealing with the people of the city, but I'm proud of you" rubbing my head.

"As long as they don't hurt mikasa or anyone I love, they can hate me" smiling.

Paul "good, always protect her, like we always protect the both of you" smiling as he looks forward.

Seeing a deer, taking out my bow as Iook at my father. Lining up the shot as the storm clouds drop the ran.

God 'have you forgotten?, this world, you may be here but not from here *sigh this will be the only time I speak to you' hearing a small voice, as it disappears.

*dumdum my heart beats hard.

'No no no, I was to caught up with these good times losing myself' missing the deer.

Paul "you ok Rama you never..." looking at me.

"Papa we need to go back home now!" Breathing heavy.

Paul "what's wrong talk..." but looking at my. Face he felt something.

"Now papa!" Looking at him.

Paul "ok let's go" looking at me.


Paul "ahhhh!?" Being shot in the shoulder.

"What?" Being caught up in my emotions, not sensing it.

Watching as two men, came from behind a tree.

"Papa, I will..." looking at him.

Paul "no Rama run now!" As two more shots hit him, still a strong man, turning and firing back.

"Ahhhh!" Letting angry take over, pulling my bow in a blur, firing hitting one in the head.

Looking down at my father, who was bleeding out, hitting the butt if his rifle, as it pops up catching it and firing, not looking hitting the second one in the leg.

Running up and dropping my knee in his chest.

Kidnapper "ahhhh! Fuck you get off!" Seeing it was a kid, but I was much stronger then him.

"How many are there!" Looking in his eyes.

Kidnapper "monst.." getting punched in the face.

"How many!" The marks growing.

Kidnapper" six there's one the ...uhh" getting his neck snapped.

(A.N this is mc mistake, listening instead of being angry)

Rushing to my father, picking him up, rushing home with great speed, the rain falling.

'Why are there so many, wasn't it 3 before?!' Yelling in my mind.

As the ran fell getting to the house, I saw as the door had been broken down.

Putting my father beside the door, standing in the door way, I saw my mother.

[flash back]

Marika "no don't do this, mikasa run!" looking at mikasa frozen.

Kidnapper "shut up bitch, you'll be happy in a few minutes haha" slapping her, about to take her.

Marika "you need to run mikasa, remember mama will always....love you" in a blur taking the Scissors, cutting her own neck, instead of being taking in front of her daughter.

Mikasa "mama!" As it hit her, then getting smacked to the floor.

Kidnapper "bitch took her own life haha" pushing her body to the floor.

Kidnapper 2 "so all we got was a kid out of this, not even a decent fuck" kicking my mother's body.

Kidnapper "you fucking idiots, take her she will still sell, after a use one or two haha" walking to mikasa.

[end flashback]

"What have you done to my mother" looking at them as lighting flashed.

Kidnapper "looks like they didn't get the kid fucking idiots" before getting a arrow in the neck.

Kidnapper 2 "fucking hell, grab the fucking kid!" Looking at the 2 as they ran to me.

Grabbing ones neck crushing it, as the other tried using the axe, parrying his arm, hitting him in the knee, breaking it, dropping him grabbing his arm and turning him as my eyes glowed, look at the last one, as I used the guys arm, to heck off his own head, blood spraying on my clothes.

Kidnapper "your a monster!, stay away from me or she's dead!" Grabbing the frozen mikasa.

Looking at him with no care, speaking to mikasa.

"Listen to me mikasa, I will say this once, they killed our father made our mother kill herself, you need to close your heart, to the sadness feel it later, close your heart to the guys I killed, they deserved it, close your heart to the pain that will come later, fight!, fight for your right to live, as all things must!" And like that the words hit her heart, her dead eyes finding new light.

Kidnapper "listen to me kid....ahhhh" as a grip crushed his hand, she grabbing the knife breaking it.

Mikasa "ahhhhhh!!!!" Breaking the ground as she thrust the knife in his neck, as I smile and his body dropped, she pushes him over running to me.

*bang *bang

The corner of my eyes seeing a tall man scared fire twice at her back, running forward catching her.

Mikasa "*cough.....you promised..you came to protect me" put her bloody hand on my face, smiling and closing her eyes.

"No...nononono, Mikasa, please, noo please don't!" grabbing her small unmoving hand.

*dumdum as my heart slowed.

Unknown voice 'this is the curse of all senju...when we love it is forever.....we give our everything...they become our everything....but we seem to be cursed to watch them die...when we do all other emotions are sealed....except for one...'

As the ground cracked below my knees, the my marks finally becoming full, as the half circle turned full, a dot appeared in the middle, my eyes shinning more then ever as blood tears felll from them, the veins at the sides of my eyes bulging as cracks, appeared in the black part of my eyes, my hair moving like there was wind.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" Looking up at the roof, as a cry that sounded like it came from my soul, shook the room.

Unknown voice 'all except for one.....'
