

A game called "W" was the most virtual dive popular game for 3years! The game was popular due to the game as "play to earn" that attracted alot of teens and unemployed. But the world change after 1yr. A big wave of mana descent to the planet made the humans fall to slumber to anyone who has a weak heart. Next day a solar eclipse paint the whole world sky to red and camouflaged a red portal that spawn a lot of monster. But to everyone surprise the Players found them self having system panel on their eye vision. "Mission-skills-items". W:(Phase2)But twist happened the people who were in coma their soul was transferred to the other world. W:(Phase3) 2nd life-Merge-Chaos W:(Phase4) Last life- From the beginning. AN: Forgive me my english is bad. I don't upload often. I write if I could remember. Just want to share my imagination

TheFooL · Aktion
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3 Chs


"Hey Clint come here quickly! Do the dishes first before you play!"

-Later mom, I can't pause the game mom just give me more 10min it's almost dead right now.

"Clint if you don't clean the dishes after 10minutes you will be the one who's dying! Do you understand?!

-Yes Mom...

Inside in his humble room where only a bed and a old first helmet virtual dive. ( The old helmet virtual can still hear the outside noise and feel it) Clint lying on bed wearing his old device.Right now inside the game he's on combat with the dungeon boss a Orc Warlord. The battle was intense. After 8min the boss was defeated his hp clinging to 5hp. He proceed to his reward a treasure chest brimming with red golden light as he opened it shows:

Orc totem(Abyss Rank)- a totem grants you some of his power of an Orc Warlod- Warlord Aura(passive), regeneration(passive), mana burst(active), berserk(active) permanently.

Key- Unknown Information

Gold-10,000 gold

After checking the rewards he immediately logout as he dash downstairs to the kitchen as he don't want to die yet.

"Mom? I'm cleaning the dishes now. But mom where is big sister she is supposed to do the dishes for today."

- she went to her school, she said something about group project.

- mom can I go out after this?

-Sure, but what are you gonna do outside? There is only full of scraps and trash to see.

-I just want to test my luck again mom and maybe I be able to found a new device. Hehehe.

-Okay just be carefull okay and don't stay outside for longer dogs are dangerous in evening.

- Yes mom, Okay bye I love you!

Then after saying that he dashed outside withour placing back the dishes he cleaned to the right place. Seeing this his mother sigh.