
Corpse Controller

[Then we're already dead.]

Arthur and Emmanuel arrived at the 100 feet no orc zone that Sarah is talking about. After entering the area, the orcs had stopped bothering them and ran away, they seemed to be terrified of something.

The place is like a special area within the deadly battlefield, it was completely isolated, except for them there is only a single monster there.

Arthur and Emmanuel are surprised to see the savage Lieutenant Jeffrey frozen in fear.

"What is that?" Emmanuel exclaimed.

Arthur stared at the one arm monster sitting outside the archer tower, so terrified to even answer.

[Lucy, get us the f*ck out here] He screams frantically at Lucy's head urging the other party to hurry up.

[Sorry, Arthur I can't] Lucy said shaking, her eyes are crying blood for continuously trying to activate her skill.

[F*ck!] Arthur screams in frustration.

At this moment the one armed monster opens its eyes.

"You worked so hard just to get here, wouldn't you at least try?" It said casually as it stretched its one arm.

Every word that comes out of its mouth is like a drum hitting Arthur and the other's heart

"It can talk?" Everyone said in alarm.

The one arm monster smirk "What is it with you humans, always thinking that you're the smartest species in the world eventhough you're clearly so ignorant."

[Everyone go ahead and finish the mission, I'll stall the monster with lieutenant Jeffrey] Lieutenant Victor said with a hurried voice.

Arthur ignore him and looked at Lucy [Lucy please get as the f*ck out of here now!]

[I'm trying]

Lucy started to break down, feeling guilty that they were all going to die because of her.

[What are you lot doing? get the f*ck going or I'll kill you myself] Lieutenant Victor said in fury, even Lieutenant Jeffrey is looking at them with his black eyes filled with killing intent..

[What are we going to do Arthur? Can we just run back] Emmanuel asked.

Arthur clenches his fist [No we can't that monster's eyes is already lock on us, the moment we step out of this circle were dead]

"I don't like being ignored, I guess I need to give you guys some incentive" The one arm monster said casually picking a pebble in the ground.

It then flick the pebble towards Arthur and the others.

With the increase in their status, dodging a bullet is but an easy task for everyone present so everyone hearts stops when they realized they didn't even see the pebble moves

Everyone remains on high alert when suddenly Ran, one of Sergeant Jessie's squad members, falls to the ground. In his head there is hole the size of a pebble.

All looked in fear at the one arm monster in front of them.

"So what is going to be?" the one arm monster said.

Instinctively everyone touches their head, checking if they are still alive.

[The f*ck are you still doing here? Do you want all us to die for nothing!] Lieutenant Victor roared.

Grinning his teeth Arthur said [We had no choice, Let's go]

The one arm monster didn't stop Arthur and the other from entering the tower.

It looked at Lieutenant Victor and said. "So why did you really come here, human?"

Seeing that Arthur and the others are gone, Lieutenant Victor's bow.

"Greetings, Great Mongul. I hope you like my gifts" He said with a smile.

"My apprentice will become a Gobakji sooner or later. I don't like pleasantries, state your purpose?"

Lieutenant Victor's never changed expression, he was calm and collected.

"Very well, I would not waste anymore of your time, great one. My superior in Valhalla would like to discuss a cooperation with you, are you interested?"

"Haha" Mongul lightly chuckled, "Why would I need to cooperate with livestock like you, for us orcs your kind is nothing more than experience point. Enlighten me, one can you give?"

Hearing this Lieutenant Victor didn't get angry at all. "If you cooperate with us we can provide you with a steady stream of experience, you would not have to risk your life anymore, with our help the orcs will enter a new age, all we hope in return is for you and your race to spare Valhalla. Asgard and the rest is for you and your race to enjoy"

Mongul touches his chin "It's tempting but why make such a discussion with me? Why not approach the king?"

Lieutenant Victor didn't lie and tell the truth "The current king is rather inflexible for our taste and cannot look further in the future. As my superior sees it, the orcs would be better off if a new king such as yourself is handling the reign"

"Hahahahaha!" Mongul expression suddenly changed and his body started to ooze with suffocating killing intent. "Do you think the great orc race is as despicable as you humans!"

His body suddenly vanished in the vision of Lieutenant Victor and arrived in front of Lieutenant Jeffrey, the latter hadn't even time to react before his head got blown to bits by the former punch.

Mongul looked Lieutenant Victor in the eyes and roared. "We are the sons of Ares, the God of war, we walk and breath to fight. If we want something, we would take it over the other's head."

Seeing such an immidateting show of might Lieutenant Victor only shook his head in disappointment. "It's too bad, I thought you have atleast a sensible amount of brain to have a proper conversation"

"I guess an animal would always be an animal" Lieutenant Victor said raising his hand.

The headless body of Lieutenant Jeffrey started to move. It raised its sword and swung it at Mongul's head.

Mongul is surprised but that's about it. Lieutenant Jeffrey's sword wasn't able to cut off his head. The muscle on his neck is so thick that the sword immediately broke as soon as it made contact.

Lieutenant Victor's confident look suddenly changed into terror.

"A corpse controller, so what?" Mongul said, blowing Lieutenant Jeffrey's body into pieces with a casual punch.

He then slowly made his way to Lieutenant Victor's shaking body.

"You humans truly are a despicable race"

1/4 of the TGIF thing

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