
VR Anime Tycoon

This is the story of a man who created a movie and virtual reality game based on anime from our past lives: Akame ga Kill, Fate, High School DxD, Shield Hero, A Certain Magical Index, Angel Beats, DanMachi, Steins;Gate, and Code Geass are created and directed by him. He is Lelouch, he is Aizen, and he is also Gilgamesh. He is not only a tycoon; he is also an actor, director, and the greatest game developer ever alive. Watch him as he makes masterpieces in our world, blooming in this anime world fusion.

Great_Darkness · Anime und Comics
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Hello everyone, this premise was what it takes when someone from our world is reincarnated into an anime world fusion. There are no supernatural takes or any of that bullshit; this is a purely ordinary world anime fusion. However, I will not take the novelist or mangaka route like any others, but I will take the tycoon and mogul route by beginning to make MC a director, movie maker, game developer, and actor. Just imagine bringing anime into VR games and movies. Goblin Slayer brought into cinema and FGO winning an Oscar award. Epic, isn't it? Just imagine how cool MC will be when he acts as Lelouch and people bask in his glory. The protagonists and heroines in this world would become his stars in the show. Of course, I will not forget the VR game. MC will create FGO in the future plus Akame ga Kill that could be played online. Yeah, let's make anime great again and bring this world our culture. Of course, they will not be manga or novels but become TV shows, movies, and VR games. Like, imagine a freaking Goblin Slayer VR experience – that would be epic!

Thus, let this epic story begin indeed.


"I love you..."

"I love you too, baby."

Thus, with that, two lovers kissed, and the end of the movie was welcomed by audiences. Everyone was happy with the ending and left respectively with their partners from their seats.

Only one person, who was sitting in the box office with a confused look on his face, was an anomaly among them. He wasn't happy, nor did he have a lover beside him like them.

His expression was full of confusion, and he questioned himself why he was here. He remembered that he was taking a nap after having a blast and a party with his friends and slept with a Chinese woman in the process.

The sex was amazing, and when he thought he was going to enjoy a blowjob from the Chinese chick in the morning, he found himself in this shitty place watching a shitty movie that didn't make any sense to him.

He stood up from his seat, determined to leave first to sort out his chaotic thoughts.

He found the male bathroom in the mall, as he saw himself in the mirror, the man had blonde hair and blue eyes, and he sighed in relief, seeing his face hadn't changed.

Because he didn't know why he was here, he wandered aimlessly around the mall and found out that many people had colorful hair. He wanted to go home but found the place was different than he had thought. He didn't know where the hell he was.

Full of confusion, he wandered aimlessly in the street. He asked a pedestrian about the location and was rightfully confused when they said he was in Chiba, a prefecture in Japan. What bewildered him was why the Japanese could speak English. When he asked them, they said they were speaking in Japanese, not English.

Moreover, every sign language that he reads isn't suggested Japanese but English in his eyes. Whether reading or speaking, everything is already translated and seen in English in his perspective, not Japanese.

Not wanting to be seen as a weirdo, he decisively left and didn't know where to go, as he was suddenly stuffed in Japan without any knowledge or awareness of it. It was like God was trolling him and playing a joke on him by dumping him in this place without money or knowledge of who he was. He sat on a park bench in depression.

"Hmm... Why are you here, John?" The blonde-haired woman with emerald eyes asked him in concern. Of course, she was concerned; he looked like a lost puppy, full of confusion, sweat, and exhaustion after wandering around for who knows how long. Everything was without purpose; everyone could see he was not in the right state at all. However, no one was willing to approach him or help him except this chick in front of him.

"Nero Claudius?" John subconsciously asked as he saw the girl before him resembled Nero Claudius. His eyes brimmed with confusion and fear as if he were seeing a ghost, and rightfully so, because this woman was from the Nasuverse. Did it mean he was stuck in the Fate world?

"UmU, it's me." Nero Claudius nodded boldly at his question, then said,

"It's rude, you know, to see your own fiancée as if you were seeing a ghost?" She pouted when she saw John's pale complexion upon seeing her.

"Fiancée? What do you mean by that?" John had no memory of the fact he had such a hot waifu as his fiancée.

"Of course we are, have you developed a fever, John?" She touched his head in concern. "Hmm... Indeed, your head seems hot. Do you need me to help you?"

"I don't know, honestly, I don't remember much. I feel I forgot many things." John shrugged, then asked, "Was our relationship that close in the past?"

"We barely knew each other, UmU... You seemed very resistant to our engagement in the past and didn't want to meet me," Nero answered.

"How about you, do you find it repulsive too?" John asked.

"I just wanted to wait and see before deciding whether our engagement would work or not. If so, then I didn't mind it. If not, we could still be friends."

Unlike Rias Gremory, who acted like a brat, dishing out and badmouthing her fiancée in front of strangers and her circle of friends when being engaged, Nero Claudius was surprisingly open-minded with the idea and wanted to see for herself what kind of person her fiancée was. If he was highly compatible with her, then so be it. If he wasn't, then she didn't mind becoming his friend.

After all, no matter how much Rias hated her engagement, it's rude to insult her own fiancée and badmouth him in public, isn't it? Unlike Rias, who threw tantrums and openly said that her fiancée was a douchebag in front of many people, Nero wasn't like that. She was the best girl, after all.

"In that case, do you mind if I go to your house first, Nero Claudius? As I said from the beginning, I forgot many things without reason or knowledge of why. I just lost it," John sighed.

"UmU... Let me help you then, fiancée." Nero nodded as she escorted him to the red sports car, and he dived in, knowing this was just the beginning of everything in this world.

Hopefully, Nero could really help him with this.

When they arrived at the villa, Nero wasn't in a hurry to explain things to him. Instead, she allowed him to adapt first by letting him take a shower in her home, then use the guest bedroom and access her internet before they talked. She offered him to rest first before they had a deep conversation, which was a very nice point of her.

He opened the pink laptop before him, which probably belonged to Nero, and saw it wasn't locked with a password and only had the basic installation apps, which were still helpful to him. He opened Google Chrome and wanted to figure out what kind of world it was. He saw that Nero wasn't a Heroic Spirit, nor was this the Nasuverse as he thought. So, the internet maybe could help him, and it did.

This world seemed like an anime fusion world. He saw the trending idols on the internet were Hoshino Ai and Hatsune Miku. There were even female leading actresses from Magical Girl Serafall named Serafall Leviathan and many other waifus from anime of his past life entering the entertainment industry. The VR in this world was more advanced than in his previous life. It was invented by Akaba Akihiko from Sword Art Online and Yuki Nagato from Suzumiya Haruhi.

There was even news about Makise Kurisu, who invented the Advanced Intelligence that could translate any language in the form of earphones. So, people from all walks of life could enjoy the convenience of talking in different languages without barriers. The price itself was very cheap and convenient for the masses.

The more he clicked, the more he found out the business opportunity from VR. With this, he could make movies from his past life or create games with the help of VR. He was managing his parents' business in his past life, after all, and knew how it worked. Finally, he found his spirit and confidence back.

After thinking for a while, he decided to adopt the anime from his past life into TV series first before making high-budget movies like Goblin Slayer or Akame ga Kill. Instead, he wanted to shoot a rom-com drama like My Youth Comedy Is Wrong as I Expected. The actresses and actors would use the protagonist and heroine from his past life anime. As for how he would find them, he already did, as he found Sobu High School and the Yukino Family on the internet. What he needed to do was figure out how to convince them to act in his TV show. To convince Hachiman was easy as the guy's parents could be bribed with money. How to earn the money? Yeah, just convince Nero to invest first. He believed that she had the same passion as him in the art, just like her counterpart in the Nasuverse. If it didn't work, just ask who his parents were from her, and he would convince his parents from this world to borrow money for his TV show. He was confident that they were rich by the fact they could find him a fiancée like Nero, who was an equally rich woman.

For now, he wanted to sleep first. He slammed himself into the bed and closed his eyes in exhaustion. He needed to get his stamina and spirit back before writing the script and handing it over to Nero to convince her to invest in his TV show.



When John was fully freshened up and wide awake, he took a shower first and changed into the clothes from Nero's gift that she bought online for him. He looked at himself in the mirror. Well, as expected, his face was still as handsome as in the past. Of course, he was handsome without needing to change himself into another look like a webnovel MC. His face was full of originality and manliness; he didn't have a feminine face like a webnovel MC. Instead, his face was like someone that shouldn't be messed with, which made him very satisfied with his own face. It can be said his face is similar to Lucifer Morningstar from DC Comics.

After sorting out his thoughts, he opened the door of the guest bedroom and then went to the breakfast table to meet Nero.

"Hmm... You seem already back on your own feet, John. UmU..." Nero looked at him up and down and nodded in satisfaction when she saw John had found his own confidence and didn't look lost as in the past.

"Have you remembered your own past, perhaps?"

"No, I didn't, but I found something better, Nero Claudius. Moreover, it's thanks to you that I found my own bearings." John shrugged as he sat down in his chair, grabbed the milk on the table, and drank it.

After relieving his thirst, Nero then said,

"You don't need to, we are fiancées, after all. Moreover, I have contacted your family to know your circumstances better. They said that you're missing for a month. However, I didn't say your location yet—not yet. If you want to meet them, you can tell me now, and I will tell them where you are immediately." Nero explained, meaning that she didn't fully tell his family where he was or inform them that she had found their missing son before she had his permission. Since John was so tired yesterday and couldn't be woken up, she didn't say anything and fully explained his circumstances in the morning before she made the decision.

"Tell them that I am fine, but don't tell them where I am. Just tell them that I have something to take care of and they will see the result in the future." John said. He would meet them after he directed his first TV show. For now, he wanted to fully set his focus on his own movie-making. He wanted to start the business immediately without any distraction.

Moreover, he wanted to remember who he was in this world first before meeting his family in this world. He had gained a bit of the memory of it. He knew what his name was in this world: John Spencer. The last thing he remembered before missing for a month was witnessing the murder of Makise Kurisu at the seminar by her own father. Yet, he saw her still alive, which made him confused and bewildered.

He saw Kurisu was still alive, even inventing artificial intelligence technology on the internet. Why did his memory suggest that she was murdered?

Does this have to do with why his alternate self in this world lost his memory and went missing for a month?

For now, he buried this doubt inside and focused on setting his own foundation in this world first.

"Okay... I will tell them then." Nero nodded as they began to eat their breakfast before starting the conversation further.