
Special reward

His brow creased as he quickly got up only to find Rui Fei lying there with his robe torn and blood seeping from the corner of his mouth with bruises on his face. For a moment he forgot what had just happened and the place they were currently in. All he knew was that Rui Fei was hurt.

Rui Fei had his eyes closed catching his breath so he didn't see Ji Yao's changed expression. With his hand on his face, Rui Fei said, "Don't you trust me? Those things aren't your parents..... I, I did it to bring you back."

Ji Yao couldn't understand what Rui Fei was saying at first but his memory soon returned to him and slapped him hard across the face. He had been overtaken by his desire to have a complete family that he didn't realise he bad been absorbed into the illusion playing right into the enemy's hands.

He opened his mouth wanting to apologize but looking at Ji Yao's sorry state right now he couldn't even utter a single word. What use was an apology now?