
Vow of the oath-bound soul

The world was small. Insignificant. One of many worlds in its own little universe. However, knowledge from far beyond the edges of existence was drawn towards the gravitational pulls of this world. It would have been impossible- but this tiny planet was a center point. A world of imagination. One that had…untapped potential. Potential that was accelerated by the supposedly hijacked knowledge. But even so, it was still a baby planet. Barely even 4 billion years old. Intelligent species- in this case, humans, were just starting out- having yet to even leave the safety of their solar system. The knowledge stolen having only been translated into fantasy and fiction- a means for entertainment instead of the far off reality that it was. And yet- even in ignorance- it was a beautiful and ugly society. So contradictory, like a broken pot turned into kintsugi. The cracks appearing in this world just adding to the charm of such a planet. And the name? Well- it was known to all as a world called…Earth. As for the story of such a world? Well, it starts off with a young man who almost destroyed the world- and is now duty bound to fix his mistakes.

Alice_Soleil · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Chap 4

'Hey system, do you have anything in the store that can increase intellect?'

[enhanced intelligence berry bowl]

'How much?'

[it costs 2 points-it's a consumable item. It will only last for a small duration of this life]

Hesitating briefly- you finally nod. 'purchase it'

[The 'berry bowl' has been added to your inventory]

Taking out the item, you quickly eat it- feeling a tingly sensation spread through your brain as you swallow the last berry.

Nodding, you make your way out of your room and towards the clans library. If you want to beat Sakura in knowledge you'll need to put the work in.

Before eating the enhancer, you were in no way dumb. Eating it simply sped up your thought process- letting you consume knowledge at a much faster rate.

In between books, you also planned out how to gain the attention of your future teammates as well as the full weight of their want.

The easiest would be naruto. Show him a little affection- on and off. He's so deprived of it, that even just a kind word and he'll start to crave positive attention from you.

It's a delicate balance though. If he gets use to or expects affection from you- the meter may not fill all the way.

As for Sasuke, he's too use to fake pleasantries and artificial people. Show him any kind of positive attention and he'll become suspicious. If anything- you should show complete indifference towards him and kindness to everyone else to awaken his curiosity.

But he also craves positive attention- and he's most likely touch starved. So showing reluctance towards him but helping him if he's injured is a good strategy towards increasing want.

It's a start at least. Looking at the clock- you realize it's almost time for dinner with your family.

Packing up all your stuff, you dump it back in your room before making your way towards the dining hall.

Feeling the comfortable weight of both your mother and sisters chakra, tension you hadn't even realized was there seeps out of your shoulders.

Entering the hall, you spend the rest of your night basking in the easy affection of your clan. Chatting about everything and nothing.

POV: Unknown

Something odd had happened. He wasn't sure of the exact nature of the change, only really knowing it came from the direction of the Inuzuka compound. it was bound to be interesting though.

He was rather pleased with the change in routine- not exactly caring about the exact development- only that it happened.

His life had been rather boring the past few years after all. So hopefully whatever it was, would spice things up a bit.

If not, well… he'll just have to make it interesting.