
Void System for Husband

Thrown into the void he found himself in despair, from despair came acceptance, from acceptance came love. Now i'm married and i need to get stronger to stay with my wife. Traveling through the anime world to kill enemies and get stronger. . One or two chapters a week. . English is not my first language. Please be patient with my grammatical errors. . I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters, contents, or the cover.

Dedao · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs


Hi guys, I'm still alive! Sorry for the lack of updates in this story but life is jumping with both feet on my face.

I have been dedicating my time to give emotional support to my family. My niece's father committed suicide and this made my family very sad, especially my mother and my niece.

Now I have to dedicate myself to finding a new job. My emergency reserve is running out and you know how life is in this world we live in. Anyway, I am not abandoning this story, I will write a chapter next week (if God helps me).