
Chapter 20

Even tho Fire Magic would be useless for directly attacking the Golem, Attacking is not the only thing you can use Fire Magic for.

As I get ready to charge in again, I pull back my fist, concentrating on external mana manipulation to create bursts of flame, just like the ones the Golem is using. but unlike the pure mana the Golem uses for bursts of speed, I can concentrate small pulses of fire, turning it blue and transparent.

as candle sized flames appear on all of my limbs, I start to pick up speed. The Golem, seeing me retaliate with its own technique, starts to exude a red aura. It's eye slits turn red and both it's power and speed increase, It has gone Berserk. when monsters or humans turn Berserk, they lose all sense of right and wrong, they can't differentiate friend from foe. Berserkers gain extreme power and speed boost, they are no longer impeded by injuries, but their health gets halved.

The Berserk Golem starts accelerating towards me with the hammer in hand, It's speed has gone through the roof, but it's nothing in front of my flame thrusters.

When I am around 2 metres away from the Golem, I leave the ground and gave my body a good spin. The Golem with it's incredible speed swings the hammer at my head.

[It's time to put my shoes to good use] I say to myself, and whilst spinning at nauseating speeds, I swing out my foot, on a crash course towards the underside of the hammer head.

My kick lands on the connection point of the hammer head and handle, letting me break the hammer and momentarily use it as a step to give my body one final boost towards the Golem's body.

My fist reaches the scratches that my first attack made, and as my fist lands on the slash marks, I use the ManaFocus option that I also had on my previous pair of gauntlets. Fire Mana gets absorbed by my gauntlets and from my knuckles that have dug themselves in the slash marks, unleashes an explosion of condensed Fire Mana inside of the Golem's body.

The force of the explosion makes me fly back, making me go through few ruined walls, until I finally lay there in the midst of all the rubble. The Golem has suffered way more than I did, Its body blew up from the inside, launching all of its bits and pieces all over the ruins.

As I lay in the rubble, presumably knocked out, I secretly use my 「Inventory」skill to pick up some of the pieces of the Golem for later use.

Whilst I lay unconscious, the Guild's spies slowly escape from their cover and check the situation.

there were three in total, two of them come and check my body out, which at this point is still covered in cracked obsidian. they check my condition, and then decide to drag me to a safer place. the third one seemed to observe the body of the Golem, what remains of it at least.

he quickly turns to the other two, "I don't see the core anywhere, did it get broken in the explosion?" he asks.

The others don't seem to bothered by it and continue to drag my body. the Core, that the spy spoke of is the heart of all Constructs and Golems, after removing or destroying the core, the construct loses most of its power and soon dies, but if the body is not destroyed it can be brought back to life with another core. I had researched about Golems whilst working at the Candrin's blacksmith's , I also thought that if I ate the core I would get the most amount of abilities, thus before I was flung away I put the Core in my 「inventory」 but just in case I still grabbed few pieces of the body.

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