
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · Fantasie
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57 Chs

The grey face

Another few minutes had gone by and Jason had already cast two more Quake spells buying them emergency time. He looked more and more exhausted after each spell. Ares did wonder why Sky hadn't cast any spells but it wasn't the time to ask, they were all still running for their lives.

With the Spider gaining on them Ares realised that they were not going to be able to run for much longer. The only escape from the path were the many sealed doors either side. Whilst they were keeping ahead of the Spider it couldn't last long and the longer they delayed their stand the more exhausted they would be.

"Can you hold it off for any longer?" Ares said between breaths.

Jason nodded sombrely. He stopped and turned into a squatting position.

"Quake" He roared. The corridor once again blocked off rocks covering the path.

He stepped back before casting it again. He then stood back a last time and cast it for a third time. Ares thought that this would buy him another minute or so at least.

After casting the last Quake Jason staggered backwards almost falling. Sky grabbed him and helped him to a doorway where he collapsed.

"You better be able to find a way out of here. That wont hold for long." Sky said glancing at the already shaking pile of rock.

Ares nodded glancing at a nearby door. Like the others it was smooth and without blemish. Ares thought to cast Void again but if there was another monster, it would be the end of them. He traced the door with his palms hoping to find any way to get in. Without knowing a faint white glow emitted from the magic circle on his hand. The door in front sensing that flashed white once before a faint click was heard.

Ares suddenly felt the resistance in front of him disappear as the door vanished and he fell through into a large room. After immediately feeling a sense of relief he turned around. The other two were just outside and the Spider was quickly approaching. Ares poked his head out the doorway.

"IN HERE NOW!" He said shouting. Sky had almost given up hope and after hearing his shout found a burst of strength. He grabbed the exhausted Jason under his arms and lugged him backwards towards the door.

The two were barely through the doorway when Ares heard the crumbling and grinding of the Spider. He grabbed the white door and slammed it shut praying that whatever lock it had seal out the spider. As the door shut he flattened his back against it bracing for any potential impact.

The two others were in a pile In front of him both panting from exhaustion and fear as they tried to remain as quiet as possible.

The seconds slowly ticked by as the silence was cut by Jasons panting. When a minute or so had come Ares heard a very faint skittering behind the door. It sounded like the Spider was still outside.

"I don't think its coming in." Ares said speaking at a normal tone.

Sky was initially shocked at Ares speaking but after there was no response from the Spider he let out a breath of relief.

"Thank god for that. What the hell was that thing!" Sky said.

"I have no idea; the only thing I could think was that perhaps it was some sort of guardian or defence mechanism." Ares reasoned.

"Well that thing was scary as hell, did you see how easily it pierced through Jasons spells. You know that they are as strong as solid rock right!" Sky said almost hyperventilating.

Ares narrowed his eyes; he didn't know that was how strong that spell was but now Sky had told him it did make sense that it would take a lot out of Jason to cast them so recklessly.

"How did your spell set it off when ours didn't?" Sky then said. Whilst it wasn't completely clear; Ares could hear an undertone of accusation in his question.

"Your guess is as good as mine it was a low level space spell." Ares replied.

Even though he was still somewhat suspicious Sky didn't press the matter and moved on.

"Well since we cant go back the way we came I suppose we should go forward" Sky said.

"Sounds good" Jason wheezed only now getting a bit of his breath back.

Ares looked into the room. He hadn't examined it after first stepping in and now he got an opportunity to he was astounded. The area was a huge tall oval shaped room. In the centre was a huge glass case containing the largest crystal Ares had ever seen. Covering the walls were dense magic circles all rotating and emitting a pale ambient light. On the far side of the room was what looked like a staircase leading down into the floor and out of view.

Ares stepped forward towards the centre and as he did a grey face appeared on the crystal in front of him.

"Who are you and why are you here." Ares heard in his head. When he turned to face Sky and Jason they looked equally surprised. It was clear they heard it too.

Ares didn't know the best way to respond it looked like the face was sentient; they had no real reason to be here besides plundering and stealing.

"We are here to explore." Sky said stepping forward towards the face.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHH!" Sky said his face contorting in pain as he fell to his knees.

Jason had partially recovered at this time and seeing Sky scream out he stood and took a step towards the face.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jason said grabbing his head much like Sky. After a couple of seconds both of them fell forwards unconscious and foaming at the mouth.

Ares couldn't tell exactly but he thought they both may have had a strong mental attack hit them.

"We mean no harm elder." Ares explained hoping he too wouldn't suffer a mental attack. The grey face looked towards Ares sharply.

There was a moment of silence between them both. The grey face frowned.

"Why aren't you affected?" It asked Ares.

A drip of sweat rolled down Ares face; he hadn't known he too was targeted.

"I mean no harm" He said again raising his hands in surrender. This time as he did his hand glowed brightly and the mark on his hand flashed. Ares momentarily felt a stabbing pain in his hand. The grey face opposite him narrowed its eyes.

"Why are you holding a Saints token?" The face voice echoed in Ares head.

"A Saints token?" Ares asked back.