
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · Fantasie
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57 Chs

The Dark Guild

As Ares stared at the approaching men with trepidation, both men looked to be far more skilled then the prior street thugs he had fought with. Blake now stood behind Ares a smile on his face and his arms crossed as they approached.

"Screw this" Ares muttered to himself. He felt he had been far to placid of late and decided that nothing was going to slow him down today. He charged push into his palm. He already regretted that he hadn't brought the gauntlets today; initially he hadn't expected any issues. What a stupid thought he realised.

The first of the two guards approached spear pointed at Ares. The second looked lax behind him leant slightly on his spear as he watched the confrontation.

As he approached the guard stopped around a half meter away from Ares the tip of the point dangerously pointed at his neck. The spear was clearly deadly and it glinted in the light.

"Calm down kid, you're going to be coming with us." The guard hadn't received any specific orders but Blake was his direct supervisor. He knew if he was annoyed it wouldn't spell anything good for this kid. He had already had to solve several issues for Blake and more then one person had disappeared.

Ares had a sly look in his face as he put his hands up in the air.

Blake seemed very pleased that Ares had already given up. He walked past Ares and the guard standing behind him.

"You were acting pretty haughty a second ago and now look at you. Scum" he said spitting in the direction of Ares.

Ares flashed him a cold look keeping his hands in the air. The guard walked lifted the spear point up and stepped forwards going to grab Ares by his wrist. At this point Ares grinned as he exploded into action. His charged spell hit the right shoulder of the guard who was mid reach. The power of Push exploded out causing the guard to literally fly off spinning, his body a blur as he made contact with a nearby wall and crumpled into a heap on the floor.

Blake screamed in both surprise and fear and he ran back into the Slave pens and fled Ares who was now advancing. The second guard had lifted his spear and also begun to advance on Ares a wary look now in his eyes. Unfortunately push would not be very effective without the surprise aspect so Ares decided to use Void to solve this issue. He ran the spell over his hands and forearms as he stalked forwards.

Not wasting time, the second guard thrust his shiny spear directly at Ares's chest. Ares crossed his forearms infront of the point as it approached. The guard was grinning as if he could already see the spear plunging deep into Ares chest. Instead what happened left him dumbstruck as the blade literally disappeared as it made contact with his forearms. All that was left in his hand was a half pole with a clearly blunted end. He stared at it shocked for a second before realising a clenched fist was already centimetres away from his face. Before a second had passed he was unconscious in a heap on the floor.

Ares rubbed his fist for a second as he looked at the crumbed second guard he had just knocked out. He hadn't had to use his fighting skills this way before and regretted not being more prepared when it came to fighting. He would not forget his gauntlets again.

Looking up he saw where abouts Blake had disappeared to and walked towards him. The bystanders in the area had been surprised but none of them wanted to get involved and quickly went about there normal businesses.

As he stepped into an area banked by slave pens Ares saw Blake ahead. Blake was clambering to get onto a carriage which looked like it was already prepped to leave; there were several large lizard like animals tied to its front. A huge gap in the building meant it had a clear escape path.

Ares could also see the carriage had several slaves tied up in a large cage on the rear. Ares could make out a small figure in the rear. Somehow, he knew it was Jessica, her eyes were downcast and her expression completely blank. She looked like she was under as spell of sorts.

I'm going to kill him Ares thought to himself as he made his way towards the carriage. There were only a few meters between him and the carriage as he ran towards Blake. Blake was shaking as he constantly tried to whip the lizard animals to get them moving faster.

As Ares got close to Blake he stretched his arm out. A threat of death resounded in Ares mind. He instinctively covered his arm with force as he punched to the left. A pitch-black shadow materialised out of nowhere and smashed into his fist. The world flashed for a second as Ares went flying backwards smashing into the back of a slave cage, he spit up blood feeling like he had been hit by a sledgehammer.

"Good reactions". A voice said as a black shadow materialised and a man in a dark hood stepped out into the room. Ares pupils dilated as he recognised him as the unknown man who was with Mr. Cleaves.

"Who are you?" Ares said a tinge of fear. The man infront of him was clearly a magic user perhaps ever as strong as a spellcaster.

"It doesn't matter, I've been waiting for you to leave that carriage for days. You have already messed up one plan and I can't have you interfering with another." The man became more demonic in Ares eyes. His silhouette become darker and darker like he was staring at pitch black.

The man appeared to be charging a spell as the light bled from the room and a feeling of suffocating pressure came over Ares. Behind the man Ares could just about make out the carriage disappearing out the building with Blake waving, a smile on his face at him.

Ares knew he stood no chance against the man and felt his fate was unfair. The spell looked to be complete as a black ball came flying towards him and he shut his eyes to accept his fate. A huge bang deafening in its intensity resounded and Ares felt a wave of energy pass by him. As he opened his eyes he met the back of Mars who was facing the man arms outstretched.