
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · Fantasie
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57 Chs


It had been months since he was here. Seeing the familiar train yard after being away for so long was bizarre. He had wanted to return for so long yet now months later he was here. He wanted to speak to Alex first and then speak with Carl.

Ares had thought about Alex often during his training having finally saved enough money through the competition he could now allow here to move away from the horrible area of the Railway. She wasn't going to have to suffer such a poor life anymore.

Alex! Alex!" he shouted as he arrived outside her carriage.

The door opened and her father came out, Ares had always referred to him as Mr. Cleaves possibly because of the cold demeanour he had. Not once had he spoken to Ares with any warmth in the many years, they had been neighbours. Ares had the feeling he treated his children the same.

"She doesn't want to see you." Mr Cleaves's face was like stone, no expression.

"Where is she?" Ares asked he was still small compared to Mr Cleaves but the magic he now knew more than made up for this size disadvantage.

"She is here, but she doesn't want to see you." His face was still devoid of any kind of expression.

Ares thought to himself that this man wouldn't listen to listen to reason, the man was hardened without any kind of emotion. Ares understood he would have to find a way to see Alex, on his own.

"Oh, I will call again in a few days" he said having no intention to wait. He jogged back towards his carriage in the distance. Mr Cleaves stared coldly at his back until he disappeared behind an overturned carriage; he then turned and walked back into his own carriage.

Instead of heading all the way home Ares doubled back around the railway lines. It was early still only 7pm or so, the sky shone with different colours. After covering himself in a little bit of the rock dust and covering his head with a hood Ares crept back the ground towards Alex`s carriage. As he got to the back of it he stood and slowly peered through one of the many windows.

He had positioned himself near to where Alex's bed was but he could not see her in view. Mr. Cleaves was sat further into the carriage looking into a fire in the hearth in silent contemplation. On the far seats playing some sort of card game were Alex's four brothers

As Ares kept scanning the carriage it became clear to him Alex was not among them. Where could she be? He thought to himself and why would Mr Cleaves lie about her whereabouts. Silently he cursed himself for not trying harder to see Alex earlier. He prayed that nothing sinister had happened.

An errant thought occurred to Ares as he walked towards Carls carriage perhaps he should try the auxiliary magic he had learnt. Location magic seemed useless but perhaps it would help him find Alex. He had not practiced much but he thought he would give it a go. After closing his eyes and focusing on the spell he whispered.

"Locate." A pale circle enveloped Ares as he concentrated on Alex. The circle went out after a couple of seconds and Ares felt a faint pull towards the slums of the third city.

Ares remembered that before moving to the Railway, the three original families shared a group of shacks in the south district of the slums. Gangs ruled the streets and houses were always being burnt down in turf wars, the move to the Railway warranted more safety and a better lifestyle all together.

Even with the danger of the area the Cleaves kept their old shack in case of an evacuation from the railway. Ares knew this all from what Carl had told him. Ares wanted to speak to Carl first and discuss what might have happened so made his way home. As soon as he entered the carriage he was faced with Carl. He sat in a chair starting at Ares as he come through the door.

"Ares you're back from training?" Carl said lumbering over and pulling Ares into a tight hug. Ares hugged him back before releasing him and allowing him to sit back down. Carl sat stroking his beard his eyes penetrating Ares thoughts. It was likely Carl knew if anything happened to Alex, there was not much that Carl didn't hear about in the Railway.

"What happened Carl? where is Alex?" Ares said meeting his gaze with his own. Carl would never be waiting like this if he didn't have something to say.

"There is nothing to be done Ares; the contract of her life has been sold already." He looked sad, but he seemed resigned to the fact it was over already.

"What do you mean, sold? My god… has her family sold her!" His voice had deepened and Ares became more and more angry as the information came out. Faint flickers of black made their way out the corners of his eyes.

Carl looked back blankly his look somewhat in awe and also in shock. He remained in this state for a few seconds or so before he said.

"I can't change your mind, can I?" He was grinning wearily to himself. Despite nothing being said it was clear that Carl already knew Ares planned on getting involved.

Ares was stunned; it was rare that Carl ever gave up on an argument that didn't involve his wife. It was even rarer that he would let Ares win an argument. As if reading his mind, he commented.

"You sound just like your father; the daft bugger never knew when to give up either. I'll tell you what I know." His face making a mild smile as he reminisced of the arguments he used to share with Jerri.

"What can I do Dad? She doesn't deserve to be a slave. I can't let them take her." Despite being angry a feeling of being powerless was cutting into Ares. What was the point in becoming a magician. He had got no closer to finding out what the magic circle was and now his best friend was missing.

Carl looked contemplative for a second.

"Sometimes the best thing to do is wait and plan, but since you lack the patience and the brains for that; I suggest you follow your own judgment." He hesitated slightly before adding

"She's being held in the old Shack; the Slavers will come in the next few days to take her. I don't know when; but they are coming." He then told Ares where in the slums the shack was.

Ares felt aggrieved, instead of having a celebration he would be heading to one of the most dangerous areas of the city. The location spell had worked he was right that she was close.

"You are different now Son, there are no words I can offer to advise you of what will occur. I can only wish you good luck." He then retreated to talk to his wife, leaving Ares in contemplation.