
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Getting stronger

Solis was sat behind a desk as he arrived. As Ares entered he looked up towards him.

"Are you here to fulfil your agreement?" Solis asked.

"I can provide you the spell, but I wanted to make a request." Ares said.

"Go ahead Solis asked." His voice notably a little colder.

"I don't want to change the agreement, I will provide the Spell but I want to get stronger quickly." Ares said a hopeful expression flashing past his face.

"Provide me the spell first and we will discuss more afterwards." Solis said in return.

Ares didn't know how to give void over and was about to ask how he could help when Solis removed a blank parchment from his desk and asked Ares to cast Void at it.

"This is magic parchment, it's a low level sheet so it cant absorb strong spells but it should do to record Void." Solis said.

Ares immediately cast void shooting it at the parchment. The spell was swallowed into the paper and after a couple of seconds the familiar spell ring appeared on the front.

Solis inhaled sharply.

"I had no idea. This will elevate the whole guild." Solis said happily.

"The contest begins in two days. If you are serious about getting stronger come here in the morning. I will evaluate you and teach you something." Solis said ending the conversation.

Ares left making his way back to the dormitory. He had lots to think about and he didn't doubt the future was going to be busy. He recounted in his head the numerous things that he now needed to do. He needed to be stronger now.

Early the next morning Ares made his way to Solis office. When he got there the door to the room was pulsing slowly a feeling of pressure seeping out from within the room. Ares knocked at the door and the pressure retreated.

"Come in." Ares heard Solis say.

He stepped inside and looked at Solis. He was still seated at the desk but a heavier pressure emitted from him then the day before.

"I have been learning Void and now thanks to you I advanced to high Warlock." Solis said a clear contentment in his tone.

Ares sighed he knew he was a long way away from being that strong. Solis glanced at him.

"Now tomorrow we set off for exploration. The five of you and one protector will be leaving. We do not have enough time to make you much stronger so I need you to tell me your progress." Solis said.

Ares knew it wasn't the right time to hide anything so he started listing out what he considered Solis wanted to know.

"I can use the spell push around 20 times, Void whenever I want. I can also charge both spells into my weapons but only for around ten minutes before I run out of mana. Im average at fighting and use gauntlets as my weapons. I haven't learnt gust or slash yet." Ares summarised.

"You can already imbue weapons? For so long!" Solis said momentarily losing composure.

"Let me test your strength." He said leaning over and grabbing Ares by his arm. Ares felt an alien power pulse into his arm and circulate around his body. It felt uncomfortable but was far to powerful for him to resist.

"You're already the level of a high Novice!" Solis said looking shocked. Whilst this wasn't an official classification it meant that Ares had already moved out of the Apprentice area and was already close to the Adept class. Ares was shocked he didn't think he was that powerful. Ares thought perhaps the magic circle the Reverent King had given him had been the reason for his quick ascension.

Solis sat back in contemplation. This child was growing so very quickly. It was clear he didn't have a good handle on his strength and was very untrained or else he would be far more powerful at his rank.

Ares also knew he was lacking in several areas, he wasn't strong enough and he certainly wasn't knowledgeable enough. He could barely use two spells for gods sake. Anyone else listening to Ares thoughts would have wanted to beat him up; after all he hadn't been using magic for 6 months yet.

"Oh, I keep thinking I am close to learning the second Space spell too" Ares told Solis. He had felt on the edge of a epiphany several times and yet it eluded him. Solis's red fire eyes pulsed as he almost flared up and shouted out.

"The second spell… you mean the one on the second page of the guild book?" He asked looking at Ares.

Ares was confused, what were they all learning here?

"Yes that one, I haven't deciphered it completely but I feel close." Ares added.

Solis nodded and decided to explain some of the differences which Ares had clearly not known.

"Ares I know you are new to the guild so you don't fully understand the gravity of what you are providing to the guild. Our guild magic is Space magic but the book is so incomplete even I as the guild master can barely use two or three Space magic spells. These are all high level spells so whilst I can cast them I don't fully understand how they work; and even I can only use a weakened version of them. Most of my spells come from my secondary attributes which are not as strong as my Space magic. I am lucky in the fact that my magic was furthered by the hall of Entity but that only means that my overall strength is weaker then an average Warlock. You re-discovering the guild spells not only means that my strength can solidify it means that we will all understand Space magic further and become stronger." He let out a long breath as he finished speaking.

Ares sat a little dumbstruck. He had no idea how important his spells were. What if he managed to figure out the second spell. Would this mean that the whole guild could get stronger?

Solis opened the drawer in his desk and pulled out a small red pill of sorts.

"I want you to take this, I have been saving it for years but I think that you may have use for it now. This is known as a comprehension pill." He winced a little as he placed it Infront of Ares, it was so expensive even he had never used it.

"What does it do?" Ares said looking inquisitively at the pill.

"You will enter a trance like state in which learning and using spells becomes more easy. It does not last for long but it is very useful to address bottlenecks. Luckily due to the purity this one has little to no side effects." Solis explained.

Ares glanced at it and thought this would help him understand the second spell.

"If you wish to use it, take it here. You are vulnerable whilst in any trance state and I can better protect you here." Solis said accommodatingly.

Ares nodded, he didn't want to delay anymore knowing how important this may be and after grabbing the pill he swallowed it whole.