
Void Great Emperor of Douluo

Yang Kai, The Main Character from Martial Peak universe, finds himself transmigrated to the Douluo Dalu Universe, after using his secret technique "Space time silhouette". He summoned his silhouettes to fight Mo, the Ancient Supreme of Black Ink. After fighting for endless times he managed to drag Mo down and destroy him after summoning eight of his silhouettes from the future. Later he informed his wives that he'll be gone for eight thousand years, as a price which he payed for summoning eight of his silhouettes before disappearing. Later he finds himself transmigrated to Douluo Continent, gains System. The Duo, one human and one system cultivates, shuttles various planes and universe, cultivating unique energies in the respective universes. Can he overcome his current self and return to the world of Martial peak to keep the promise made to his wives? Watch him creating myth, trampling the geniuses, killing the enemies, walking with beauties in left and right , cultivating from a mortal to God, from God to Great Emperor and from God to The Eternal Sovereign. N.B :- This is a fan fiction which involve the MC shuttling to various worlds like Douluo Dalu, Martial Peak, Returning From The World of Immortal,Supreme Rebirth,Dragon Marked War God , World defying dan god and many such novels..... Being a huge fan of Martial Peak. I was very Disappointed that the novel ended in Black Ink war arc, there were many mysteries that were left unsolved , like :- ↪ the world from where Giant Spiritual Race came ↪ how did Ah Da obtain the Azure Dragon gun ↪ There were also various worlds other than the 3000 world, mentioned at the end where the strong cultivators were trapped after touching certain taboos. So I'll try to solve these things for those curious and crazy fans of Martial Peak franchise and incorporate in this fan fiction. **********Thanks for your support********* P. S - ↪MC not bootlicking Tang San or Master and they are enemies, ↪there will be more than 600+ chapters may reach as high as 1K. ↪Chapters will be uploaded regularly ↪Support my work ↪ rate and recommend if you like ↪ comment to let me know your ideas and thoughts

ChaosDragon · Anime und Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 45 :- Yu Xiangong's Calculation

Yang Kai and Xiao Wu discussed their situation for a while. He did not try to take advantage of Xiao Wu seeing her hesitation.

He respects her choice. Nonetheless, the fault lies in him for behaving like a beast all of a sudden.

Thinking about it, he had a complicated expression.

Even after wrecking his brain, Yang Kai could not understand how he lost his restraint.

Being the Supreme Monarch and Ruler of 3000 worlds, his control over supernatural forces, Daos, as well as his resilience and mental power, touched an unprecedented level.

He was idolised and popular among women and girls. He has seen countless beauty but had never been unfazed, yet today he lost his cool under Xiao Wu's pomegranate skirt.

It was shameful for his dignified World Creation Realm expert. If people knew about such things he could not even show his face in front of the world. ( Is at least what Yang Kai thought ).

He knew his self-control and moreover, he had the rarest of the Heaven and Earth treasures like Soul Warming Lotus.

Even if he could no longer mobilize its power due to his cultivation, blood, bone age, and knowledge sea being sealed by the chains of Heavenly Dao, but manipulating its power to a certain extent is not impossible.

The more he thought about this issue, the more headache he had. Seeing no solution, he reluctantly choose to forget the issue.

Yang Kai and Xiao Wu didn't even notice the passage of time as they were engrossed in each other's past experiences.

The time passed like a fleeting shadow.

It was almost evening and time for the work and study students to return after completing their assigned tasks.

"Brother I should go to my bed now if others see us like this, they might misunderstand us." Xiao Wu replied shyly as her complexion was red with embracement while seating on Yang Kai's lap.

"So, What if others see us being so lovey-dovey. Who told Xiao Wu to be so cute and lovely. I already like you. If someone dares say anything just see how I beat them up!" Yang Kai replied.

Hearing Yang Kai's overbearing and arrogant statement she fell helpless toward this silly brother of her.

"Ah, brother you are so silly. Just let it be as it is. We are still in the Academy and there are so many students although it's slim but there's still a chance that the teachers might know about our affair, they may not say anything but that does not stop them from having differential views on us."

Yang Kai agreed with Xiao Wu's analysis. He felt it was necessary to have his courtyard but Notting Academy didn't have such facilities.

Thinking about it he decided to rent a house in the city for his convenience.

Why does he want to rent a house and not buy it? That's because he will not stay in such a small city like Notting for much longer. But then again it depends on his situation whether or not buy or rent a house.

"Xiao Wu, how about you sleep with me tonight?" asked Yang Kai as he felt uncomfortable whenever he thinks of Xiao Wu sleeping close to Tang San, sharing the same blanket.

Whether it was due to the system mission or his own arrogance as a man, Xiao Wu is destined to be his wife. How can he tolerate his wife being intimate with other males?

The more he thought about it the more he decided to teach Tang San a lesson. As for the Title Douluo protecting him in shadows, he didn't care. If he shows up he would directly use both the cards and beat him up.

Yang Kai was a decisive person, he was ruthless towards his enemies and never gave them any chance as for his friends he was very caring.

Seeing a somewhat reluctant expression on Xiao Wu's face he got the answer so he didn't press the issue much.

Xiao Wu returned to her bed. Yang Kai closed his eyes and started cultivating his soul force. Revolving the spirit power in his spirit channel in cycles. This helps the spirit power to become more condensed and pure.

After more than a month of practising in the wilderness and repetitive trial and error, Yang Kai found the more condensed the spirit power is, the more stabilised one's foundation becomes.

So he focused on condensing the spirit power more.

Unlike others who practised blindly. He knew the benefit of a stable foundation in the path of cultivation. So he tried stabilising his spirit power that increased rapidly in the past two months

1 cycle...5 cycles...10 cycles.....30 cycles.....60 cycles....61 cycles.....62 cycles.....63 cycles.....64 cycles.....65 cycles.

" Looks like this is my limit for now. Alas, the spirit power here is scarce in comparison to the Star Dou forest."

Yang Kai murmured.

It was almost midnight. Yang Kai stopped cultivating after revolving his spirit power in his spirit channel 65 times.

Unknowingly almost 6 hours have passed.

Yang Kai opened his eyes only to see moonlight entering through the windows.

It was a clear night with stars shining in the sky.

When he looked around he saw everyone in the dormitory was sleeping.

Yang Kai was not concerned about others. He looked toward Xiao Wu's bed only to see her sleeping alone.

"Tang San has not turned out in the Academy for an entire day, looks like he took leave. Anyway, that's none of my concern. The more he stays away from Xiao Wu the better otherwise humph....."

Yang Kai murmured to himself.

Yang Kai then focused on the night sky that was visible through the windows.

"The sky is full of stars today, it's ideal for practising the Heavenly Art of Cosmic Genesis." Yang Kai thought in his mind.

Without another thought, he quietly slipped out of the dormitory to avoid drawing attention, looking for a place where he could practise in peace without being disturbed by the prying gazes of people all around.

After searching for a while, he found a mountain at the back of Notting Academy. Due to the presence of some tens of years of aged soul beasts, this area was usually avoided by the teachers and students.

Yang Kai found the place quite satisfactory, so he started practising the Heavenly Art of Cosmic Genesis.

(Meanwhile, Somewhere in the Notting Academy),

A man of an average figure, somewhat thin-looking was going through a lot of documents and papers. It would seem, this person appears forty to fifty years old, with short black hair with three seven separations, very ordinary looks, both hands held several old books. His body possessed a kind of peculiar manner, with both eyes half-open he seemed a bit sluggish and dispirited.

This person's real name is Yu Xiangang but people mostly called him grandmaster, because of his profound theoretical knowledge regarding Soul Beasts and Martial Spirits.

Yu Xiaogang was born into the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. Due to mutation in his Martial Spirit, it was levelled into a weak spirit and he was cast off from the clan.

To prove himself he left the clan. Following his departure from the Blue Lightning Dragon Clan, he met Bibi Dong the disciple of the Supreme Pontiff and fell in mutual love with her.

However, he was eventually forced to give up on her because the Supreme Pontiff forced him to leave.

He then met Flander and Liu Erlong and formed the team Golden Iron Triangle. Later he fell in love with Liu Erlong and eventually marries her, only to find out that she is his cousin.

Dispirited he leaves the team. The shock he experienced caused his black hair to become grey and left a scar for a lifetime in his heart.

Later becomes well known as the Grandmaster and is considered the best theoretician and knowledge bank when it comes to Spirit Beasts.

He wished to one day make a disciple that would shock the entire continent.

When he found Tang San a talent with twin martial souls and innate full spirit power he decided to accept him as his disciple.

To which Tang San agreed since then his haggard expression disappeared replacing it with bright twinkling eyes and the whole person changed as a result becoming more affectionate and happy.

Though he had the most profound knowledge and was famous on the mainland, most people in Notting Academy usually held contempt for him because of his defective martial spirit which prevents him from breaking through rank 29.

If not for his relationship with the Dean, he would have been slapped in the face by the teachers and staff of the Academy.

Grandmaster's residence was in a room on the corner of the dormitory building's top floor. The room wasn't large, only thirty square meters or so. The things inside were also very simple, with only two bookshelves to one wall covered with books.

It would attract any book lovers.

Currently, he was going through various books and papers to find justification and probable causes for the Heaven and Earth vision that appeared two months ago.

But nothing could justify that abnormal natural phenomenon. He wrecked his head but got no solution to it.

Seeing no explanation for that issue he chose to take some time off from his research to relax. As it had been too tiring for him to research the matter of vision that brought turmoil to Douluo planet, without seeing any progress in it.

He was wondering what Tang San was doing right now. He had been such a sensible and understanding kid.

Yu Xiaogang could not become happier for his disciple.

He is already at level 15 at the age of 9. Looking at the entire mainland, his talent is absolutely top-notch and is an enchanting genius.

A few days ago he overheard some of the teachers discussing about a peerless evildoer joining the Academy. But he didn't pay attention to it because no genius can compare with Tang San's twin martial spirit.

Later when he heard the name of the genius being Yang Kai, he was astonished because the name of the person was similar to the person that had defeated his disciple. The only thing he was worried is whether both of them the same person?

Listening to the teachers talking, he went and asked some details about the boy named Yang Kai. Getting the details, he happily went out.

Last month when he was going through his research into the issues relating to the vision. His disciple Tang San came and reported that he was defeated by a boy, of the same age as him. He didn't believe it at first but after listening to Xiao Wu and Tang San about the battle he was astonished.

The more he listened the more interested he became in Yang Kai.

Someone, who could defeat Tang San in a single blow without even unfolding his Martial Spirit was definitely superior in talent to Tang San. Even his martial spirit may be top-notch.

If he could accept him as a disciple.....

Then together with Tang San and Yang Kai, they could dominate the entire mainland.

Thinking about it Yu Xiaogong's eyes were ablaze with heat.

What does those geniuses of Royal Academies, both the Empires, those top three sects and Spirit Hall count for, Tang San and Yang Kai will overshadow them all. By then his, Yu Xiaogong's name is bound to be famous.

Thinking about it Yu Xiaogang's face could not help but shine.

He decided to mhis Yang Kai in the morning and if he is the same person described by Tang San and Xiao Wu then he'll try making Yang Kai his disciple.

He couldn't wait for the night to pass. He had never been this impatient in his life.






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