
Voiceover system from Konoha

Uchiha Sora suddenly became Erzhuzi’s younger brother, salted fish all day long, doing nothing, and Nara Shikamaru, known as the two salted fish ninjas of Konoha. No one knows that there is a voice-over system in his mind. As long as he hears the emotional ups and downs of the ninja in the voice-over, he can get emotional points. Just looking at the strange things in the exchange space, Sora suddenly felt that this was an illegitimate system. Posting only starting few chapters if you like this fanfic check it out on MTL and if you want to read in fully translated version contact me if your willing to support me

Manish_Raj_0322 · Anime und Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 4: Ninjas should learn to be patient


Deep and quiet, Sasuke and Sora pushed in the door of an apartment building in Konoha.

This is their residence. The former Uchiha residence was sealed. I heard that there are new plans in the village.

The house is nearly 80 square meters, which is not comparable to the previous Uchiha mansion.

"Second, I'm going to bed first, don't call me tomorrow, I don't want to wake up at five o'clock and go to the training ground to wait for Kakashi-sensei."

After speaking, without waiting for Sasuke to speak, he quickly walked into the room and closed the bedroom door.

Sora Uchiha was lying on the bed, his consciousness focused on the system in his mind.

The Konoha narration system covers the entire Konoha Village and slowly spreads to other areas of the Land of Fire.

Uchiha Sora has a system-like space in his mind.

Only his consciousness can enter, and no other objects, including living beings, can enter, just like a piece of his consciousness.

Place a screen in the space that resembles a virtual imaging style.

From here, Uchiha Sora can check the current situation of anyone in the area covered by the system.

If Konoha installed a monitor, this is the center.


The black screen became dim, and a sitting figure was displayed on the screen.

One arm was bandaged and hung up, and one eye was also bandaged, like a half-crippled old man.

One eye exudes a sharp eagle-like gaze, and his face is serious. At first glance, he can tell that this is a ruthless person.

The screen is zoomed out, the three generations of Hokage, Mito Gate, and Koharu enter the screen.

A torch was lit in the corner of the wall, the flame swayed, and the shadows of the four people rose and fell with the change of the flame.

Sora unconsciously showed a sneer.

Sasuke thought of killing Itachi to avenge the Uchiha clan, which is understandable.

It was also the result that Itachi wanted. Sora was far less deep to the Uchiha clan than Sasuke did.

After all, he was an outsider, and he always looked at things as an outsider, and could not understand the pain in Sasuke's heart.

Now I can't find Itachi to make things clear, and he and Sasuke are not opponents when they join forces.

The four guys in the picture are in Konoha, and they should be mainly responsible for the demise of Uchiha.

In the dim image, a low voice came out.

"Nissan, the remnants of Uchiha and the Nine-Tails Jushi should be placed at the root, and they should be trained as fighting machines.

Otherwise, after the Nine-Tails Riot or Sasuke Uchiha becomes stronger, they will definitely become Konoha's scourge. "

[The power of the nine tails is too strong, only Danzo can be assured in his own hands, as long as the power of the nine tails is mastered, the position of Hokage can be replaced]

"Danzo, you actually coveted the position of Hokage. With the two of us here, you should die." Mito Menyan was full of anger and stood up directly, staring at Danzo.

"Men Yan is right. The matter of Jiu-Tai Ren Zhuli and Uchiha's orphan should still be arranged by Hi-Zhan." Xiaochun said.

[The two of them know Danzo well. Now the three of them are advisors together. There are three generations of pressure on them. They get along fairly well. ]

"Don't talk nonsense, the old man is the leader of the root and the consultant of Konoha, and everything he does is for Konoha."

[Danzo is furious, he didn't expect the narration to expose the secrets he has been hiding in his heart]

[In the first ninja war, Danzo felt that if he could ask himself to distract the pursuers a minute earlier, I'm afraid he would be Hokage now, not Hiizaki's turn]

Three generations of Hokage sighed and said, "Decades have passed, and you are still brooding over what happened back then.

I will train Naruto and Sasuke to be qualified Konoha ninjas, all four of us are old, I will choose the next Naruto from the younger generation.

Young people should be given more opportunities. "

[The three generations of Hokage are getting more and more powerless. He wants to support a ninja with a shallow foundation and continue to control Konoha through the next Hokage. The desire for power makes him lose himself]

The secret room became quiet, the strange atmosphere circulated, and the face of the third Hokage was extremely wonderful.

[Danzo's eyes are full of schadenfreude, Rizhan's appearance is sane, but his heart is so despicable and shameless, it's really eye-opening]

[Men Yan and Xiaochun were embarrassed. They chose to reprimand Danzo for their own rights, but they didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly]

Sandai's face quickly calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

"I think this is the enemy's intentional targeting of Konoha, trying to disrupt our internal peace, so as to achieve a certain purpose.

I can't believe the narrator's words, and the lines are full of conspiracies. "

[The three generations can't think of a way to deal with the narration, so they can only blame the narration on the hostile forces trying to disturb Konoha. In fact, the narration is not just for Konoha, but everywhere]

"Hiszan is right. This is because the hostile forces want to destroy the internal unity of Konoha. You can't believe a word of the narration." Danzo said righteously.

Men Yan said: "Yes, this is the conspiracy of the hostile forces."

"Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find the enemy." Xiaochun agreed.

[The four of them all know that the narration will not deceive people, and their statements are just to keep a bit of face for themselves]

"This is the end of today's meeting. I will notify you of the next meeting."

The four hurried away in the blink of an eye.

[After all, people want face]


In the early morning of Konoha, the sun hadn't risen yet, and the sky was dark.

"Clap clap clap." There was a hurried knock on the door.

Sasuke's cold voice sounded: "Uchiha Sora, get up and gather."

[Uchiha Sora was sleeping, he always thought that Kakashi was deliberately trying to scare people]

Sasuke snorted coldly and turned away. In the dark Konoha Village, Naruto and Sakura both yawned and walked towards the training ground in a daze.

Sora Uchiha opened his eyes in a daze, he was already awake when Sasuke knocked on the door.

A picture of Kakashi sleeping was being shown in the virtual space, and there was no sign of waking up.

Sora had long guessed that Kakashi would be late, but he was also worried that the other party would suddenly come up with a counter-tactic.

Sora Uchiha said it nicely, but in fact, he didn't want to go back to the ninja school. As the narrator said, people have shame after all.

It wasn't until Sunrise Sangan, eating and drinking on the streets of Konoha, that he walked towards the training ground.

As for the three companions, it is better to accept the test of hunger.

Ninjas have to learn to be patient.

The sun was scorching hot and the temperature was getting higher and higher. The three figures in the huge training ground had long since lost their energy, like three mollusks posing in various shapes.

Even the arrogant Sasuke became lethargic.

[Uchiha Sora came over full of food and drink, his eyes full of schadenfreude, the seafood and beef bento he ate in the morning made his memory fresh]

The three of them were able to hold on, but now they feel even more hungry when they hear the narrator's words.

Sasuke snorted coldly, turned his head and stood straight.

[The majesty of being an older brother cannot be lost, Sasuke will not let Sora see his embarrassed side]