
Voiceover system from Konoha

Uchiha Sora suddenly became Erzhuzi’s younger brother, salted fish all day long, doing nothing, and Nara Shikamaru, known as the two salted fish ninjas of Konoha. No one knows that there is a voice-over system in his mind. As long as he hears the emotional ups and downs of the ninja in the voice-over, he can get emotional points. Just looking at the strange things in the exchange space, Sora suddenly felt that this was an illegitimate system. Posting only starting few chapters if you like this fanfic check it out on MTL and if you want to read in fully translated version contact me if your willing to support me

Manish_Raj_0322 · Anime und Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 12: empty plan

At the end of the day's mission, Sora and Sasuke came to the training ground and began to learn from each other again.

Sora used his spare time to create a wooden dummy and marked all the key parts.

Sasuke soon made a dummy too.

"I'll use these dummies for training in the future, and I'll kill you with one hit, and I won't be dragging my feet."

[Sasuke looks at the key point of Sora, his heart is cold, and he doesn't know what his younger brother is studying all day]

"Haha, shouldn't ninjas be like this? What's the difference between a regular ninja fighting a large army and an ancient samurai, that is, they can master ninjutsu, and the rest is no different.

Ninjas should not endure what ordinary people can't bear, wait for the best opportunity to kill them with one blow, and then travel thousands of miles, this should be a real ninja.

Instead of relying on the strength to be reckless, of course, if there is a strength far beyond ordinary people, there is nothing wrong with it. The most important thing for ordinary ninjas like us to train is the ability to kill with one hit.

Abandon all redundant actions and hit the key points. "

[The theory of the sky is not new in Konoha, the ninjas at the root of Konoha always follow this principle and never slack off]

Sasuke wondered: "What is the root, I have never heard of it, Konoha still has this kind of organization."

Sora looked at the surrounding environment, and saw no one on the flat training ground.

However, he didn't let his guard down. Danzo always wanted to bring Uchiha's orphans into the root for surveillance and brainwashing. If it wasn't for the third generation to stop him, Erzhuzi would have already brainwashed the root.

"Where there is sunshine, there is darkness, and the root is the darkness of Konoha. This kind of issue can only be discussed when the two of us are brothers. Don't talk about it in front of anyone."

[Sasuke is even more puzzled. Sora lives with him every day, how did he know this information? He didn't even hear the wind, and even Anbu listened to the narrator's interpretation]

"Intelligence, intelligence, intelligence, important things are said three times, a qualified ninja must always pay attention to collecting intelligence around him, analyze intelligence, and obtain useful information from it.

Instead of thinking about how to take revenge, how to talk about love.

Second child, although you have graduated, you still have a long way to go before becoming a qualified ninja. "

[Hmph, Erzhuzi is dismissive on the surface. No matter what, he is also a brother. When he learns this trick, he must beat Kong up to show him that his brother cannot be humiliated.]

[rolled his eyes, too lazy to talk to Sasuke]

A kunai appeared in his hand and stabbed straight from below, directly from the lower **** into the wooden man's legs.

[Sasuke suddenly felt a chill under his crotch and quietly pulled away]

He took out Kunai in the air, and quickly wiped it on the throat, leaving a deep trace.

The second kunai appeared in his hand and pierced the wooden man's temple.

Sora's entire body was constantly dancing, two kunai interspersed left and right, each attack never leaving the wooden man's vitals.

Either the lower body, the eyes, the throat, the temples, the heart, or even the kidneys on the back.

Every hit in these positions will greatly weaken the opponent's strength, and even kill the opponent.

[Sasuke's heart goes cold when he sees it, he actually lives with this kind of person every day, what kind of salted fish is this, he is completely a cold-blooded guy]

"Second brother, I'm your younger brother, your own younger brother. How can you say that your younger brother is cold-blooded."

[Originally, Sasuke saw the smile like a salted fish, but looking at it now, it's a little terrifying]

Sora was speechless, it seemed that he had completely changed in Sasuke's mind.

"Okay, don't think about it."

Sasuke nodded and quickly plunged into the hard training.

Hatred is the driving force behind Sasuke's hard training, and Sasuke's efforts are the driving force behind empty training. Otherwise, he would have been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

As a beautiful young man in today's society, the hardest job is to clean up the house during Chinese New Year.

Until the moon was in the middle of the sky, Sora reminded Sasuke, made countless streaks on other parts of the dummy, and finally smashed it to pieces before leaving completely.

Sora had to be careful, maybe there were ninjas from Anbu or Gen who were following them and monitoring them.

Seeing that Kong didn't mean to say anything, Sasuke was very cooperative and didn't ask.

Silent all night, the next morning.

The five people walked in together at the task receiving office.

"Grandpa Hokage, can you give us a difficult task this time, and do several in a row, either weeding or finding pets."

[Naruto is someone who wants to be Hokage in the future. How can he do this kind of small task every day? The old man is a lecher.

The third generation coughed loudly and awkwardly, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, the seventh class has only been established for a few days, and we need to do some simple tasks to break in.

Hokage is not doing many difficult tasks, but to get the approval of the villagers. Now you don't even have the approval of the people in your team. "

[Actually, the third generation just wanted to find a reason to cover up his old lecherous nature and achieve the purpose of changing the topic]

"Don't listen to the narrator's nonsense. The three generations are Konoha Hokage and are highly respected. How can they be old perverts."

[Kakashi still defended the three generations. Although UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not reimburse him for dinner, the two had similar smells and shared a lot of topics. One likes to read unhealthy novels, and the other likes to peep.]

Kakashi said embarrassedly: "Actually, my purpose is to hone your mood, and use my reading actions to stimulate you to train hard, yes, that's it."

[What an embarrassing scene, Kakashi felt that the narrator was against him, always exposing his shortcomings]

[As a disciple of the fourth Hokage, Kakashi should have the determination to face all embarrassment. As long as he is not embarrassed, the embarrassment will be others]

"I can thank you."

[Kakashi finally figured out that when a person is shameless, he has already surpassed 99% of the people in this world]

"How do you surpass the remaining one percent?" Naruto hurriedly asked.

[Since he found out that he is the son of the fourth Hokage, Naruto's dream of becoming Hokage has become more firm, even a little impatient]

[The remaining one percent requires absolute strength and special shamelessness. As long as you do it, you will be the king of this world]

[Naruto doesn't understand, but Sasuke's eyes lit up, how can he be shameless]

"Don't think about Erzhuzi, there is no shortcut to improve your strength.

Kakashi-sensei is a copy ninja who can know more than a thousand ninjutsu, so please ask him for more advice.

But don't imitate him. He's 30 years old. He doesn't even have a girlfriend. Every day, he can only read indecent publications to relieve loneliness. "

[Sora has already made plans for Sasuke in his heart, he will get married at sixteen or seventeen, have his first child at eighteen, and then one a year, and strive to reach ten before the age of thirty]

[Ten children marry wives and have children, or recruit a son-in-law into Uchiha, within thirty years, Uchiha will have hundreds of clansmen]