
Voice of Supreme's Heart

Laveena_Sahni · Fantasie
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6 Chs

How she remembered?

The strong breeze continue to hit her pretty face while Cherry was recklessly driving her car and tears kept rolling out of her beautiful but unhappy eyes. What a bad day she thought.

It's been already 2 hours since she started driving. Ultimately she applied break and parked her car near the railing of the bridge over sea. Cherry opened gate of her car and moved out and walked towards the edge of the bridge and leaned over it's railing. She blankly stared at water flowing below the bridge and said to herself, how should I end this pain? I loved him so much but what did I got back is cheating.

Cherry took out ring from her finger and looked at it angrily. This was promise ring he gave me on last anniversary. I don't know what kind of promise is this she murmured as she dropped that ring in sea water.

Strong smell of cigarette hit her nostrils, she looked around and found an old men smoking next to her. People won't even let you die in peace Cherry thought to herself and started weeping.

She started walking over the bridge hopelessly looking around how people were happy and cheerful but how she was feeling like a clown. While she was in her deep thoughts she heard a child shouting and crying for help. She turned around and saw a street dog was attacking 5 year old girl. Child's grandmother was too old to help, all she can ask for help but no one dared to fight with that mad and wild dog.

Lady standing next to Cherry started praying to God in low voice, Please help this poor child. Have mercy on her.

Some young school girls on the other side of Cherry started recording the incident on their smartphones. This will make a good viral video, one of them said, as she laughed.

Crowd was busy shouting, praying and doing all other stuff but no one reached out for help. At last Cherry gathered some courage and decided to save little girl from dog. She was about to lift her leg to walk but was frozen as she saw a young men dressed in brown suit passed flying like an aeroplane in front of everyone's eyes. She was awestruck by seeing a men flying. His wings were folded backwards he flapped his wings as he was about to pick the child up in his arms. He lift the little girl and took her away from the dog but that wild dog chased that magical men. The men in suit landed finally on the ground and handed the little girl to her grandmother. The dog started barking at the men as his wings disappeared in thin air. That men rubbed his hand over dog's head and dog became calm immediately as if he has done some magic.


Waaaaaaahhhh a man with wings. Cherry murmured. She turned towards the lady at her left. Aunty did you see his wide wings? How a men can fly, I still can't believe my eyes.

The woman laughed and said, what are you saying dear? Who has wings? He Just came running and saved the child by beating dog. Stop daydreaming.

No no no you have seen something wrong. Cherry claimed.

She turned towards the young girls at her other side who were recording the whole incident. Hey can you show me the video you recorded now? Asked Cherry

Yaa sure said one of the girl as she handed her smartphone to Cherry. As she watched the video she was completely startled as the video was totally opposite of what she saw few minutes back. It was as same as the lady told her.

How can it be possible, Cherry uttered out of curiosity as she handed smartphone back to girl.

As she lifted her head she saw that men in brown suit walking towards her. She went running toward him and start walking along with him while gazing him with wide open eyes.

Didn't you just fly. Where are your wings can you show me again Sir?

Are you drunk? Men interrogated.

No absolutely not Sir. Cherry said

Are you hallucinating? Men interrogated again

No Sir. Cherry again said politely.

Then you might be so mesmerized by my handsome face that you started to imagine things in this broad daylight. Men said this and walked away swiftly as he lighted his cigarette.

Cherry stood there blankly.

Why is she able to remember everything even when other's forgot? He thought as he pushed smoked out his beautifully carved lips.