
Vodka Night (BL)

He truly didn't decide to become a prostitute rather his father pushed him, seized all his money, and kept doing so until his terrible death which was caused by one of the bets his father was playing. Nevertheless, it was all in the past now, Kian was now a 17-year-old with an unfortunate life. although his friend is still with him and even works with him Kian's life is still worthless just like when he was just a child. As for the newly transferred student who reminded him a lot of somebody.

LuluBeom · realistisch
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4 Chs

The struggle (Chapter 3)

His feet quivered, they were tightly pushed together as the breeze blew strongly. The bus had been coming late these past couple of days.

He stood at the rim of the sidewalk, where no one seemed to be sitting, on the seats where the bus stop was. The cold breeze swept harshly on his black dark hair. His slender yet small body was pale as snow, and his cheeks and nose were light red as if rouge had been softly blended into his flawless white skin.

With his gray uniform, he looked like any ordinary student; he had on black baggy pants and a black-colored Tote bag. He was looking to his left as he gently lumbered his feet on the ground as if he was impatiently waiting and bored to death.

His eyes suddenly widened as he saw the approaching bus coming his way,

He quickly hopped on and sat down with a sigh, he closely and quickly scanned the bus before turning to his window to look outside, the noise of the passing cars made sleepiness dive into his head. As his eyes were shutting, he abruptly felt something heavy on his right foot.

His eyes opened and he drifted towards his foot. Someone had put their bag on it. He slowly adjusted his glasses and looked up at the figure near the bag. It was a middle-aged man probably around his 40s that was looking straight at him with a smirk.

All of a sudden the man harshly grabbed both of Kian's hands and pushed them together,

Kian was startled by his actions and attempted to pull away but he was as weak as a twig, so he simply wouldn't budge. As he was struggling, the man whispered


As he heard the words come out of the man's mouth, he became flustered and used all his force to shove the man away. He couldn't believe that the words the man had uttered in public

was the motto for the whorehouse he worked at.

With the movement of the bus, his head became dizzy, the man that was standing right in front of him began to crack up and looked him straight in the eyes as he whispered

"Is it true…keke.. you're that slut from the whorehouse. Have you already forgotten about me? how many males have you slept with since you last saw me…keke.. you wouldn't want me to expose your secret to the whole bus.. so how about a quick fuck at my house later and i'll let you off the hook-"

Before he could finish his sentence Kian slapped the middle-aged man in the face and got up from his seat, his hands trembling from fear. There were too many eyes watching so the weird man couldn't do anything to him.

Thank goodness the people from his school were not on the bus yet.


They came to a stop where his school classmates got on. The doors flung open and Kian ran out and started to sprint so the weird man wouldn't catch up to him. He arrived at the small mart that was near his school.

The coldness from the outside had made his nose and cheeks red, and the fact that he had run made them even redder. He grabbed a coffee and sat down.

He didn't like getting coffee from the mart since they were always cold and not to his liking. He sighed and reached to his side to grab his phone out from his tote bag. He freaked out as he had forgotten his bag on the bus.

What an idiot.

He must've looked like a total freak running out the bus and even forgetting his bag.

He had no choice but to pay for his coffee with the coins he had in his pocket, he would probably get to school late by the way his day was beginning, and besides he felt a bit nervous because he got recognized by one of his past clients when he was off work.

He started to slowly walk towards his school, the sound of his shoes stepping into rocks as he walked was loud, he felt his whole body shaking from the cool wind, and his ears felt hot.

He had been walking for some time when he finally reached his school.

His school was well-known for the intelligent students that attended, almost all of them being very well mannered and more mature than the average high schooler.

This school was only for those who deserved a good education.

The halls were cleared of kids. It was so quiet that he can even hear his footsteps, as he strolled down the hall and up to the 3rd floor.

There's only 10 minutes left of class. I'll just wait out here until the bell rings.

As he turned to head back downstairs, he accidentally tripped with a thud.

Kian tripped on the 5th step as is head hit the floor


He groaned in pain as he felt his body feel light and lightheaded, he tried getting back up but his leg was in pain.

Bell rings

Students started to go up and down the stairs as he was still laying there with his hands supporting his upper body, yet none of the students bothered to help him. They all acted as if they didn't see him

Well mannered my ass

They were all smart brats with no manners.

As they were stepping all over him not even letting him get up because it was so crowded, he heard a voice that called out his name.


As soon as he heard the voice, he lifted his head to see who called out his name.

As he was looking around, someone grabbed his shoulder tightly, Kian flinched as he felt the touch. He was oddly sensitive to touch due to the trauma he had when he was a child.

He looked behind his shoulder and felt relieved when he saw Yunseo, who looked worried.

"Kian, where were you?! I was waiting for you" Yunseo said in an irritated yet fussy voice,

"Hmph, I ran into some trouble today," Kian said anxiously, as Yunseo helped him up from the floor.

"What happened?-oh yeah, look what I found on the bus." waving Kian's tote bag in his face. " How can you leave it so carelessly?"

"Ah! Thank you..I thought it would be gone forever" Kian laughed as he snatched his bag from Yunseo's hand, checking to see if anything was missing.

"Mhm..so?" Yunseo questioned as Kian started walking down the stairs,

"So what?.. Ah yes-on my way here I bumped into a pervert who recognized me, it was pretty sudden tha-"

Before Kian could finish his sentence Yunseo turned his head towards his and let out a loud


Kian was startled by his sudden reaction and tilted his head down as he spoke

"Is it that serious?…I didn't think anything of it…"

Yunseo scoffs

"Hey, Kian what if..what if you get recognized by more people?"

You'd be titled as the sensational porn star if your secret gets out-"

Kian covers Yunseo's mouth before he could say anything else

"Hey, Hyung don't..think like that.. you might jinx it" Kian whispers. "and keep your voice down will you? It sounds as if you're giving a speech to the whole school right now"

Kian rolled his eyes and started walking faster down the hall that was crowded with people.

"Whatever Kian. Don't come crying to me if word gets out-"

Kian glared at him and let out a whisper

"Shut up bastard and go to class"

Kian pushed Yunseo by his back into his classroom

"See you later dummy"

Yunseo let out a smirk as he parted ways with Kian,

Kian scoffed and continued to walk straight until he reached the front office.

"I'm here to pick up documents, " he tells the lady at the front desk.

A middle-aged woman appears from the back office door

"Kian! You've made it! Wait just a second, let me get them for you"

Kian leaned against the doorway. He glanced around the room as he waited. He sees a boy standing and chatting with a teacher. Kian's face abruptly became flustered, as he knew where he had seen that face before. His eyes widened, but suddenly the boy looked up as they locked eyes for a second, before the office lady blocked their eye contact and said

"Here are the documents"

Kian was startled

"Ah, t-thanks aha"

Kian rushed out, his face still flustered of embarrassment. He speed walked to his homeroom while looking down at his feet.

As he slid the door open, he was hugged tightly by a boy who had run towards him from behind.


Kian let out a soft ah as he was hugged tightly. The young male who had embraced him then looked up at Kian's confused face that seemed like he was looking at him in disgust. He gasped in shock.

"O-oh.. I'm so sorry I-um..I thought you were someone else, my mistake", the young boy said as he bowed and ran down the hall. Kian stayed completely still and stood there with a blank expression on his pale face.

As he looked towards his classmates that were looking at him, one shouted

"Hey Kian, no way you haven't realized that Doyun likes you keke, he clearly did that on purpose! do you perhaps like Doyun too~"

A male student looked up at Kian from his seat and smiled as he said those words.

Kian was confused deep down but yet his face showed no expression, he had a blank face and blinked a couple of times at the student before looking away and walking towards his seat.

Before he sat down, the boy who had spoken earlier got up from his seat and put both of his hands on Kian's desk

"You're just going to hurt poor, cute Doyun's heart like that? Haha hey, Kain..you think you're so special just cause you got a pretty face? Maybe I should humble you a bit"

The male student let out an annoyed scoff. He was rejected multiple times by Doyun because Doyun has a crush on Kian.

Kian looked up at the boy's face and locked eyes with him, glaring at him with his beautiful blue eyes that can make anyone in awe. "Who even are you..?"

Its true Kian barely communicated with anyone at school, no one seemed to care since Kian was probably invisible to them, but when he heard Kian's calming yet sexy voice for the first time and stared at his galaxy-like eyes, he thought to himself,

He's fucking hot.

He snapped out of his trance and pulled Kian by the collar, pulling him up from his seat, and shoving him against the wall.

Kian struggled as the boy was choking him up against the wall as the class just stared. He slowly wrapped his leg around the boy's leg and tightened it. As the boy felt that, he smirked and grabbed Kian by the back of his neck and slammed his head on a desk nearby. Kian was weak so he couldn't stop him from doing so.

As he felt his head being slammed on the hard surface, his mind went blank; the yelling in the room made it seem like they had all gone underwater. His vision began to fade away as he got dizzier by the second. The boy who had slammed his head on the desk let go of him and let out a laugh,

As he let go of Kian, Kian used his last bits of force to lift himself from the desk but ended up tumbling down to the ground head-first.

The boy that had laughed a couple of seconds ago then began to suddenly panic,

"Hey, Kian you're not dying, are you..? Kian? HEY. Stop putting on an act and get the hell up you fucking attention-seeking bastard"

Kian felt his eyes slowly and his body losing conscious.


When he woke up, he saw Yunseo beside him. He realized he was in the nurses' office,

"Kian, you're up..! I'm glad..hah.."

Yunseo looked worried and grabbed Kain's hand, cuffing it in his hands.

Kian looked down at their hands and looked back up at Yunseo. In his eyes, he could tell that Yunseo was worried for him,

"Kian you've become so sensitive lately, you should seriously take a break from work right now no joke"

He looks away sighing deeply. Kian looked down

"I know…but I can't…If I do I-"

Before Kain could finish what he was saying Yunseo immediately cut him off and shouted

"Will you stop worrying about it and think about yourself?!.. You're here struggling because of how worried you are for someone who never even loved you, I'm trying to keep you safe Kian but you just..you just keep putting yourself at risk, what if they get you and kill you as they did to Iseul…what do you…what will I do...do you want to die and risk it all..?"

Yunseo looked mad and annoyed at Kian, he had every right to do so.

Kian was left with nothing to say, as he looked up at the ceiling with a depressed expression

"Call me when you're feeling better. I better get going or I will be late for class. You stay here and rest. I brought you snacks for you to eat, don't get out of bed until you're feeling better, ok?"

Kian looked up at Yunseo as he was talking and let out a sigh, as he nodded his head and laid back and covered himself with the white thick sheets.

As he heard the door close, he let out tears from his eyes.

He cried. He cried until his pale white skin around his eyes turned red. His eyes shut and he tensed his fists with tears

falling onto the pillow as he continued to cry.


LuluBeomcreators' thoughts