
Visions of V

I like devil may cry a little too much and that is how this story gets started. (SI-oc)

Johnathan_Banks · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

When it rains

[Congratulations! Your first character progression scenario has been initiated!] 

I fought back a nervous gulp as this message appeared in front of my face. I wanted to cry, a lot of people before me had been in my exact position and died. I however was determined not to. I had an advantage over them, my pop culture knowledge from my previous world. Most cps [Character Progression Scenarios] that I have heard about all mentioned at least vaguely recognizable characters from my old world, however no one on this earth had ever heard of them. Which gives me an advantage if I am lucky enough to get a scenario that I have information about. 

[Inherited character B-rank V(V3rfe)]


Was my last thought before I was whisked away into my scenario. 

....no pov.....

Have you heard of it?

The legend of the dark knight sparda? 

A long time ago... Sparda a demon himself fought the demon king. 

He sealed the demon realm, staying behind in the human realm, taking a human woman as his wife. 

Born from them was the son of sparda half human half demon.

Dante? Ture enough, there isn't a devil hunter out there who hasn't heard of the name. 

But did you know? There were two sons of Sparda, twins. 

Dante the younger one, fought to protect humanity. 

The older one was different. 

He paid no heed to humanity, he sought nothing else then power.


Is this story about Vergil? 

Half right

Half wrong

The mn sought nothing but power

suffering defeat after defeat

his body was reaching its limits

breaking down

he didn't fear death

however he was not going to die, defeated by Dante with no conclusion to his life. 

and so he discarded his memories of enslavement

branding him with defeat

his Nightmares. 

Grasping the blade given to him by his father, he plunged it into his chest. 

I must discard them 

the feeble human flesh and heart that brand me a weakling. 


The blade tore through his chest

the Yamato, separating man from demon

unwanted memories

resulting in the formation of two separate beings

separating Power from Heart.

...V pov...

The first thing I felt was weakness, unending weakness. I felt frail worthless like a peace of wet cardboard. I had been discarded in search for power. I was little more than dregs "that man" had discarded to become a true demon. It did not feel good. It reminded me of my old life. I used to be someone with no purpose back then. I had one now. To go back to that life. That was why I empathized with the current state of "That Man's" human half. But I wasn't ready to give up not yet. After all.....I had a job to do. 

It was then I realised the truth of [Character Progression Scenarios]. The reason they were dreaded by many. They had the ability to reshape the way you think. Change who you are at a fundamental level. If I had not been ready for the emotional shock due to having similar feelings to the character the moment I took over I could have very well suffered the same fate. But now it was time to play ball. Shrugging off any last remaining feelings of hesitation, I prepared myself for what would happen next. I knew very well the story of devil may cry 5's V, and I knew that it would take a lot of effort to survive the rest of this CPS. Hopefully I was prepared. 

I opened my eyes to see a monstrous thing standing before me. Fear enveloped me. I knew I didn't have very much time left before that.... thing killed me. I felt my body ache in pain from the slightest bit of movement 

"*Coug* *wheezE* this g=is going to be harder than I thought... Hah hah *cough*" 

In the dimly lit ruins of the house of sparda, I struggled to stand up. If I remembered correctly, I needed to hold my body together with magic in order to stop myself from fading away. Using the surface level knowledge I had gained from "that man" before becoming V I was able to complete this task. 

"*hah* *coudgh* *wheeze* this isn't going to work I'm running out of time..." 

I knew that thing was almost complete, but I had to hurry and find the Book! I scrambled around, hurriedly searching for it before I fell to my knees and started crawling. I crawled across the floor in my birthday suit before stumbling upon the book. I grabbed it with my left hand and looked at it with a smile. 


[10 slots] 

[1st slot: Isildur's bane Item rating (Mythical) (Cursed)] 

[2nd slot: Book of V item rating (Rare)










Great with the book stored in my inventory I was ready to get the hell out of here. It was then I heard exactly what I wanted to hear. 

"For crying out loud! You gotta say that shit loud and clear!" 

A bird demon flew threw the window facing opposite of where "that man" discarded me, and grabbed ahold of my right arm flying me through a different window, for some odd reason. This was Griffon, bird demon and the computer crasher 500. 

After he flew me out the window he dropped me from a height of about 20 feet and I landed in a pile of trash, the book still in my left hand. 

"*cough* *cough* Jesus what the hell....?" I muttered in an surprised tone, the demon bird snapping back just as quickly. 

"Excuse me princess, what would you have liked me to drop you on, a pile of feathers perhaps?" 

Already feeling annoyed with the bird, I mumbled a curse out loud.

"Fuck you.." 

"What was that? Thanks for saving me? No no you don't have to. ..... Say what? you won't be able to forgive yourself if you don't repay me? You simply must? How gallant! Well if you insist on it...

Lets make a contract!" 

The demon bird went on a schizophrenic rampage before spreading it's wings out before me and stating those goofy words. The bird was about the size of a falcon, and had red teardrop shaped markings surrounding it's eyes, which were yellow, finishing off the look with a black beak. 

"What?" I asked feigning surprise. 

"That's right, A contract! If your a demon you gotta have a contract right, but don't worry I won't take your soul like they do in the stories, instead it'll be free! and...*mphm*" 

I grabbed the bird by the beak and decided to take control of the situation. 

"Shut up for a bit.. I'll be asking the questions. got it?" The bird nodded its head so I let go of it and it flew in front of me waiting for my questions. 

"What are you? Why did you save me?" To be honest I was just following the original V's dialogue for now, it seemed to work for him so it should work for me to. 

"Ohh what? Not familiar with any talking birds? Makes sense, because I'm your....no his discarded memories..." The bird responded in a snarky tone that made me want to strangle it. 

"Memories?" I asked.

" You're not the only thing he cut away with the yamato, he chopped off everything he considered unneeded. Including memories that had been torturing him for a long time... his Nightmares."

As he finished I felt pain shoot through my head as an vision of "That man's" time as Nelo Angelo appeared in my mind. 

"Well it's not like I care much about being discarded, its not like we were friends or anything, nobody wants to have nightmares after all..... But dreams need to be seen to be dreams, after all, which is why I need you! Become my host, because otherwise I would disappear, and its not like you have any other options right now either...." The bird trailed off before continuing in a serious tone. 

"Your body is like paper you could disappear at any moment, how would you avoid that? Return to your original body? There is no way that THING would accept that.... you have to defeat him... but that's impossible you lost all your power... you can't do this by yourself the way you are now..." the bird continued before it's voice became deadly and it moved extremely close to my face

"This isn't a suggestion, you see the way we are now we don't have a plan b we either work together or we die." The bird finished in a deadly tone.

I knew what had to happen next, so I decided to follow the original V's story. 

...No one's pov....



a man dressed in punk clothing was currently kicking the shit out of another man who was lying on the side of the street in front of a 5-story building made of brick, with windows on every floor above the first. 

"Really dude? You barely put up a fight at all...*Sigh* next time just give me the cash and I wouldn't have to do this ya know?" 

The punk dressed man after saying a classic mob villian line, proceeded to continue kicking the shit out of the other man lying on the ground. 

"If you ain't got shit say so! Piece of trash wasting my time like that..." The punk dressed man looked over his shoulder to see the silhouette of another man looking at them. 

"The fuck you looking at? This isn't a show ya know." The punk dressed man yelled at the other man in an attempt to intimidate them. 

As the man continued approaching him, he entered the street light causing his figure to be illuminated. 

"What the hell...?" the punk man said as he saw the man's form, completely butt naked, clutching a book with his right hand, and creep white hair that covered half his face. 

"You some kinda freak or something.... *Ehh* gross!" exclaimed the punk dressed man as he sat down next to the other man he had been kicking. 

"Get lost pervert." were the last words out of his mouth before the street light cut out and the only thing visible in the dark was the form of a demonic bird encasing the man.


...V's pov...

I stood over the form of my fallen foe as I dressed myself in the punk clothes that guy was wearing. It was a black jacket along with black pants, both of which barely fit me, but worked due to the corset-ish design of the jacket as well as the belt the pants had which wrapped around my waist. I...didn't want to put on the fingerless gloves, I hadn't known where they had been after all, but I did have to put on the sandas unfortunately my feet were already hurting with the short amount of walking I had done to get to the current city anyway. 

Looking down at my new attire I only had one comment "You can barely call this clothing....." I trailed off before looking at the demonic bird with a stink eye. The guy was a little more than knocked out after that scene from a horror movie, most likely concussed. Not to mention choosing the absolute worst target if I was trying to steal clothes, I would have stolen some with a little more style than this. I didn't want people thinking I wanted to hurt them after all. That might sound contradictory, knowing what I did in the bar, but I was confident my sibling and big ol boris would protect them.... Probably. 

"GAH! I go ahead and provide him and not only does he not thank me, he nitpicks! What a shameless bastard you are." The demon bird replies. Before continuing in a more serious voice. 

"I am glad you are well enough to say selfish stuff like that now, had me in cold sweat when you looked like you were about to die." 

I nodded understanding that it wasn't exactly talking about me but the brief moment V had overtaken my personality back at the manor when I had first inhabited this body.

"Alright! Glad you're liking your new dress milady, now that I have given you gifts, its time for you to repay me!" The bird annoyingly squaked. 



" I understand that you need me but that doesn't somehow mean that I need you." 

Starting to "borrow" the remaining items of value off of the assholes body, I continued my little tirade. 

"All you've done so far is throw me into a garbage dump and attack a human from behind." 

The bird looked shocked before opening its mouth. 

"HuH! You... That's the thanks I get for saving you!"

Ignoring its loud screeching I replied.

"I never asked you to." 

"YOU! After I even offered to help yo...." I cut him off following my imaginary script. standing up and dusting myself off I turned around to the bird. ".....Offered to help me?"

"Don't get so cocky!" I gave the bird the hardest glare I could muster, and it seemed to do the trick as I heard an audible *gulp* noise. I then continued on. Starting to walk away from my crime scene. 

"I'm going to use you... that is, if you're even worth using at all."

"Jeez why do you have to act so stubborn and arrogant? Have you ever heard the word "gratitude"? Do I look like I'm made out of freetime? Argh.. shit fine how do I skip to the point where you admit you need me?" The bird who seemed annoyed with my antics asked me a question. 

The answer was very simple my aerial friend! Never! So far my acting skills were working perfectly, most likely due to the lingering vestiges of the actual V, which is good for me. My current plan is to follow everything that the og V did as it seemed to work out decently in the end for him. Which means I was aware of the Empusa forming behind me as well. There would just be one major difference at the end of the story, instead of reuniting with that thing I would absorb its power, I didn't want to become "That man" after all this is over, after all the character I inherited was not "him" but V. 

"Who knows?" was my simple response as I continued my slow paced walk away from the crime scene. 

"look, I'm this close to snapping right now..." the bird responded. 

"Okay I have an idea." I replied 

"This will be a perfect test..."

"Kill it."

The demon behind me prepared to swing at me, but before that happened the bird followed my command. 

"Ah!" the bird exclaimed surprisingly as it flew above the demon's head quickly following it up with a

"That's it?" 

A millisecond later, a large red lighting bolt enveloped the poor demon as it was turned into a demon nugget. Now that was pretty fucking cool, not that I would let the bird know it, and I knew what happened next so I wasn't exactly impressed. I turned around to face the bird and the burned demon, and heard the demon speak as the smoke cleared. 

" So? still don't need me?" the demon remarked cockily. 

"A demon.... is it because of that "thing'?" I remarked as I looked at the demons charred form. It was one ugly son of a bitch. 

"Of course it is what other reason would a demon be in the human realm?" the bird replied as it surveyed the demon's "corpse". 

"You felt it too right? That was no half baked demon, and it has the yamato to boot! It wouldn't be surprising if this whole city was overcome by the demon realm anytime soon." The bird remarked answering its own question. 

"Right now you can't even protect yourself, we can both agree that right now isn't the time to be acting all high and mighty, isn't that right my indecisive lady~" the bird said this in a voice that made me want to vomit, but I understood that I needed help, I just had to act like I didn't as to not look like a pushover. 

I took the Book of V out of my jacket causing the bird to yap away like it always does. 

"What's that? planning to clobber demons with that book well that's impress...*KYAK*." To shut the dumb bird up I smacked it with my book causing it to yelp due to shock. 

"Well.. you pass we'll work together for the time being, as little as I like it." I spoke to the bird confirming my intentions of teaming up with it. 

"As little as you like it? I'll have you know I am the greatest bird you'll ever meet! I guess your attitude is what I get for being humble..." the bird replied

"Humble how? You just bragged a second ago?" letting my acting slip a bit due to the audacity of this bitch. I got ready for the next event of my CPS, ignoring the stupid fucking bird.

"BLAH BLAH BLAH BLEH BLAH" the bird replied.

"Do you have some sort of sickness that kills you if you rely on someone else?" the bird finally finished its yapping session while I finished preparing myself for the next battle.

"Sorry can you repeat that I wasn't listening." I replied. 

"ARGH fucK! Whatever lets just get to the contract...."


The bird demon had ignored the charred form of the demon and missed the fact it was regenerating the damage caused by its lightning. Then the demon struck as it barreled towards us. The bird reacted just in time lifting my ass out of the way, leaving the demon barreling through the building I was standing in front of. 

"That was close!" exclaimed the panicked bird demon as it flew in the air while holding me up by my left arm. 

"Bird why is the demon still alive? More of a simmer than a deep fry.....perhaps I thought too much of you." I responded as I dangled in the air grasping on to the birds foot.

"Shut up or I'll drop you!" Thee bird replied angrily. 

"Everyone today is pissing me off!" stated the bird sounding pissed off as hell. 

The bird then proceeded to drop another big ass lighting bolt onto a demon before speaking up again.

"Did I get him?" 

I replied quickly "Nah you jinxed it."

The demon stood back up, faster this time and continued running towards us. 

"Goddammit you piece of shit weakling! Die already!" The bird screamed before dematerializing flickering in and out of existence. 

"Fuck!" the bird yelled as we soon started falling from the sky. That summed up my current thoughts as well, eventually we landed on top of one of those bazar platforms made of cloth, before crashing into the ground.


"I got too excited, I'm out of demonic power, we need to hide I can't fight like this!" As I recovered from ou quick descent I noticed that the bird could not move anymore due to its low demonic power so I picked it up and carried it into the store we had landed in front of. 

"An antique shop huh? The owner certainly has some bad taste." I remarked as I observed the insid eof the shop. In the small shop there were many items that stood out to be odd or a little out of place.... skulls, creepy dolls, etc. but there was one item in particular that I had my eyes out for. 

"You got that right, now hurry and hide!" the bird responded. as I searched the shop for the item I was looking for. 

Ahh there it is! with the bird in my left hand, I rushed to the glass cabinet full of stuff setting my eyes on a certain cane. Using the bird as a bat "Hey hey hey what are you doing we can tal..*SQAWK* *crash* I broke open the glass case and pulled out the royal cane. Dropping the bird on the ground I walked over to the front door of the store and prepared to stab the demon with the cane. 


The demon burst through the door, and using the [Royal Cane] I stabbed it straight through the chest.


...........end of chapter................