
Virtual World Peerless White Emperor

Year 24XX. With several hundred years of improvements, virtual reality has become more mature. It had gradually become humanity’s second world. Socializing, working, studying and other everyday things could all be done while sleeping. Along with the rise in virtual reality systems, virtual games also developed successfully. Additionally, with the vigorous support of the government; every season, games continued to be born, be changed, competed with each other, and be reborn. Ye Cang is a black bellied, underachieving, 2nd year student at a city college. He appears to have been cured of his albinism yet his story is still full of mystery. In the game ‘New Age – Conviction’, he began walking the path of a professional gamer. An all-rounder ranger, dark cooking, with a nasty disposition, willing to do anything. He’s slowly creating his own legend. “Actually… instead of games, I prefer cooking and dramas” – The White Emperor Author(s) shifou keyi liuxia Original Publisher Qidian

charizard_9916 · sci-fi
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253 Chs

chapter 126 crystal embedding business

Shield Baptised by a Funeral Poem (Masterwork - Class)

Category: Coat of Arms

Requirements: 30 Wisdom, 20 Constitution, Holy Class that can use Shields

+10 Defence

+5 Constitution

+7 Wisdom

Coat of Arms Protection: Activate to give friendly units in range +5 defence, 10% damage resistance, and heal 2 health every second. Lasts 10 seconds. Cooldown: 3 hours.

FrozenCloud thought to herself. This shield is not bad. It synergizes well with Shaking Bear's holy text, and she can use it to save her teammates. It's good that this team finally has a good dedicated support. Moreover, when fighting undead or demons, she'll be exceptionally useful. She looked at Little Ye Tian who held the silver slime eye staff in one hand and a shield as large as herself in the other. So cute~ I want to reach out and pet her~ As long as she's not talking, she's super cute.

Ye Cang saw that everyone was about done. He added his own talent point into his heroic talent, which had finally become available, Azeroth's Magic Proficiency.

Azeroth's Magic Proficiency (Heroic - Intermediate Level): +12 Intelligence. Intelligence increased by 15% of all other attributes. Spell Power and Spell Focus increased by 40% of intelligence.

His spell power and intelligence received a huge increase. He even began to doubt himself. Just how should he build his character? Fighter? Mage? Or maybe Archer? In the end, he chose to ignore it and decided to just make it up as he goes.

Finally, they split all the loot from the treants they had killed in the instance, which included some superior quality equipment. Everyone's heart beat excitedly, especially NalanMoon who, just two days ago, didn't have a single piece of superior equipment. Now, she even had multiple masterwork quality ones. She was replacing her equipment so quickly while travelling with these guys. Everyone divided the loot evenly.

Ye Cang brought the party to the smithy in order to embed the crystals into their equipment. The nature crystal gave a certain chance on attack to restore 3 health. NalanMoon was curious about what the exact probability of triggering was. As for the corruption crystal, it was an active ability. Once activated, the next attack will cause it to drain power from the target over time, dealing 2 damage a second for 12 seconds.

In the end, NalanMoon spent 8 gold to get one of each, embedding a crystal in both her main and offhand weapon. Thinking of the price, she gnashed her teeth. Although I wasn't with you since the beginning, but I helped to procure many of these crystals, yet I still have to pay for both the materials and the labour. Just because you can gather and your brother can embed… Thinking these things reminded her of the 'loot' from the boss, and her chest felt tight. She then thought of something and asked. "Can these be used on defensive equipment?"

Ye Cang froze. They hadn't even thought to try. He looked towards Zhang ZhengXiong. Zhang ZhengXiong also didn't know. After testing it out, they discovered to their surprise that it was possible. They tried it out on each piece of equipment: hand, chest, head, weapons, shields. The others were no good. The super assistant Little Ye Tian then put together all the data they had obtained.

Minor Nature Crystal.

Hand: +2 Constitution, +1 Wisdom.

Chest: +2 Constitution, +1 Defence.

Head: +2 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom.

Melee Weapon: +2 Constitution, +1 Strength. Attacks have a chance to restore 3 health.

Staff: +1 Spell Power for Nature Spells. Activate to cast Regrowth on the target. Heal 4 health every 3 seconds for 12 seconds.

Ranged Weapon: +2 Penetration, +1 Dexterity.

Shield: +2 Defence, +1 Constitution. Has a chance to heal for 2 health when taking damage.

Corrupted Minor Nature Crystals.

Hands: +2 Attack, +1 Strength.

Chest: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity.

Head: -1 Wisdom, +2 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +1 Constitution.

Melee Weapon: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence. Activate to cause your next attack to deal 2 drain damage every second for 10 seconds.

Staff: +1 Spell Power for Corrosive Spells. Activate to corrode a target, dealing 2 damage a second for 12 seconds.

Ranged: +2 Dexterity. Arrows deal an additional 2 corrosive damage.

Shield: +2 Strength, +1 Defence. Taking damage has a chance to retaliate with 2 corrosive damage.

Everyone was extremely excited. If they embedded a crystal into all their equipment, the effects would not be small. But 4 gold a piece, even if it was a friends discount, was too much. 5 pieces would add up to 20 gold. There were probably not many people who could afford it. Even if they could, the price would still make them wary.

"We earned all these crystals together. Although you gathered them and only Shaking Bear can embed them, but it's still unreasonable for you to hog them all. How about this, we won't make you lose out. 50 silver a piece. You help us upgrade all our equipment, and you can have all the extras." ThornyRose said. SpyingBlade and NalanMoon approved and backed her up.

Ye Cang thought it over. Even after upgrading everyone's equipment, there would still be a lot of crystals left over. Moreover, for this quest and the black werewolf quest in the future, they would need to power everyone up anyways. Just receiving some money wasn't bad, it would be better to not haggle too much. He let Zhang ZhengXiong embed crystals into everyone's equipment.

"Earlier I gave you 8 gold. Since you already embedded my two weapons, there's still 7 gold left over, right…?" NalanMoon hurried to discuss.

Ye Cang blinked, and smiled indifferently. He then immediately turned and made a call. "Brother CloudDragon… A super rare strengthening item. One of a kind in Really New Village. Here are the effects, just 5 gold each. Too expensive!? We suffered so much to get these. Only bosses have a chance of dropping them. 5 gold is the best I can do, even for a friend. I even charged NalanMoon 6 gold! You want it or not! Now that's how it should be. Pay in real money? Let's do this, we'll do half federal dollars and half gold. What? You can only afford it for two people, the other two you have to pay in real money? Alright, alright. The customer is king. I'll have my little brother wait in the smithy…" Ye Cang ended the call, extremely satisfied. NalanMoon's gaze was full of disdain. This guy said the exact same thing when he scammed me before. Damn scum. Swindler. She then continued to ask. "My…"

She just started speaking when she was interrupted by ThornyRose.

"I'll recommend some customers in exchange for 2 gold per crystal. How about it?" ThornyRose really loved this business. She quickly came over and acted like a good teammate, pulling him away to whisper.

"You might as well rob me!" Ye Cang roared. ThornyRose glared at him. You're the one robbing others! Your whole family are robbers! What 5 gold, most people don't even have 50 silver, let alone 5 gold!

"1 gold, no higher." Ye Cang knew that ThornyRose had many contacts.

"Deal…" ThornyRose was originally planning to do it for one gold. She knew he would haggle with her for sure. If she said 1 gold, he would want even cheaper. But if she said 2 gold, then back down to 1 gold, he would accept. You think you can out-haggle this lady?